Tuesday, October 14, 2008

US press/media IS IN THE PAID PROFESSIONAL LIARS business.....

Robert Parry - the great investigative reporter who became CENSORED from the American corporate media before his "IRAN-CONTRA" reports were VINDICATED despite an OFFICIAL, authoritarian, power-hungry WASHINGTON that PRETENDED that the United States under President Reagan and Vice President George H.W. Bush WAS NOT running a secret and illegal series of small wars and genocidal "ethnic cleansing" campaigns in Central- and South America during the 1980s...

Robert Parry hits the head of the nail about the DC/New York/Chicago/LA corporate media - the press/media THAT IS CONSTANTLY and CONTINUALLY trying to sell the American public A BILL OF GOODS, to BLACK IN TO WHITE, to turn night in to day and day in to night; to make Up seem "down" and Down seem up.... almost across the board, on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE OF IMPORTANCE TO THE AMERICA PEOPLE, the CORPORATE WHORE MASTERS of the US Media - in the office suites of the WASHINGTON COWARDLY POST and the NEW YORK LYING TIMES, and almost every "major" media outlet downstream of those two quasi-governmental titans, are CHRONICALLY and CONTINUALLY LYING to the American people.

(Today's example: THOM HARTMANN points out that, even thought today's 'news' headlines read "SOCIALIZATION OF US BANKS", all that Bush, Paulson, and Bernake are doing is PILING MORE _TAXPAYER DEBT_ on the very bankers who LED AMERICA INTO THIS CREDIT EXPANSION/CONTRACTION NIGHTMARE...

Paul Waldman: AMERICA's MEDIA WHORES _ENABLE_ Right-Wing vast destruction of popular programs, and Treasury looting corruption, by propagating the Republican Party's PERMANENT SMEAR CAMPAIGN....

Robert Parry: Media WHORES COMPLICITY in Right-Wing ATTACK campaigns and SMEAR-MONGERING have CONTRIBUTED TO THE DECLINE of the American economy....
<< The story doesn’t explain all that’s gone wrong in the past eight years, but it reveals how aggressive right-wing operatives, aided and abetted by a lazy or complicit news media, can create an impression for millions of voters that is nearly the opposite of the truth. >>

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