Wednesday, October 01, 2008

NY TIMES WHORES David Brooks, Bob Herbert pour SCORN on taxpayers for WALL STREET's FAILURES...

NY TIMES WHORES David Brooks, Bob Herbert pour SCORN on taxpayers and voters for WALL STREET's FAILURES...
#1. "Revolt of the Nihilists" - NY Times' David Brooks whines "GIVE US New York Wall St. con-men MORE OF YOUR consumer/taxpayer money - or else!"

#2. Bob Herbert echoes his nyt op-ed stablemate Brook's scorn and derision for American taxpayers, homeowners, and consumers (the "little people") and their congressmen - they are all -
"MADMEN!" shouts Herbert, IF THEY DON'T HAND OVER ONE TRILLION taxoayer DOLLARS (put on our national credit card, at daily compounding interest at that) to our Wall St. banker friends!

Mr. Herbert and Mr. Brooks - just two more of the UNPRINCIPLED LYING HACKS at Arthur Sulzberger's NY LYIN' TIMES, the organization that PRETENDS it is looking out for American consumers, taxpayers, and citizens, but is really in bed with the kleptocratic oligarchs of Diebold, Wall St. the murderous War Industry, and the Bush administration shell-game, FLIM-FLAM, ENRON ACCOUNTING, TRILLION-DOLLAR DEFICITS, WARS, LIES, & frauds con men.

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