Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tony Snow, former Bush WH press spokesman, joins CNN; "Democrat" Speaker Pelosi makes nice with Repub Demagogue Newt Gingrich...

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the nominal "leader" of the Democrat Party, joined with former Republican Speaker of the House NEWT GINGRICH to make a short ad urging viewers to take part in efforts to reduce global warming. But the TV ad probably did more to legitimize the Radical Right Republican agenda than it did to urge environmental action in America, because the same week that Pelosi cut her ad with Gingrich, Gingrich told Fox 'news' host Sean Hannity:
"the left wing of the Democratic Party, frankly, kind of admires American terrorists."
Video at:

Well, that is TYPICAL of the 'Democratic' "leadership" of this past decade: DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to LEGITIMIZE and/or support the speakers who advocate the Radical Right-Wing agenda!

Speaking of, Tony Snow, the White House press spokesman who helped Bush and Cheney dodge so many scandals - (torture, lies-to-war, outing of CIA agents as part of a White House vendetta against a prominent war critic; and the perjury and obstruction of justice to cover up that scandal past the 2004 election, to name just a few)- is now a new CNN news talking head.
<< Tony Snow is joining CNN as a conservative commentator, the network announced today. Snow, who spent 10 years at Fox News, left his job as White House Press Secretary in September, saying he needed to make more money to support his family. >>

Hat tip to Arianna Huffington, who caught the "Speaker Pelosi LEGITIMIZING demagogue Newt Gingrich 'Democrats love terrorists'" juxtaposition, and who sums it up perfectly here:
<< As it happened, I first saw the Pelosi-Gingrich ad on the same night that I caught Gingrich telling Sean Hannity that "the left wing of the Democratic Party, frankly, kind of admires American terrorists." A more outrageous statement would be hard to find. But instead of consigning Gingrich to the slagheap reserved for the likes of Rep. Steve "al Qaeda Will Be Dancing in the Streets if Obama Wins" King, Pelosi -- who according to Gingrich is enamored of home-grown terrorists -- scooches in next to him, smiles for the camera, and enhances his legitimacy as a statesman and champion of reasoned compromise. >>

IF Speaker Pelosi had a GENUINE COMMITTMENT to reversing Global Warming, SHE COULD HAUL THE EXECUTIVES of CHEVRON corporation before Congress, and ask them "WHY DID YOU SUE Toyota and Panisonic companies to FORCE THEM TO QUIT PRODUCING NiMH batteries - that were working in a PRODUCTION Toyota SUV, the RAV4-EV, which got THREE TIMES BETTER mileage-per-energy-dollar than its identical looking gas-powered siblings?

The Solution to America's ENERGY GLUTTONY is staring us in the face: SOLAR PANELS do NOT require a Manhatten Project, Apollo program, Cold War, much less WWII level of committment, investment, sacrifice, or research in unproven science: the TECHNOLOGY IS HERE, NOW, but any NATIONAL committment to creating huge solar farms is COMPLETELY CORRUPTED BY CONGRESS' DEPENDENCE on big corporate donors.

Google corporation is currently producing almost 30% of its "Googleplex" research complex energy needs... from SOLAR PANELS installed on the office building roofs.
Imagine how much power could be produced if the United States spent $500 billion - a fraction of the cost our our exporting war to the Mideast - on installing similar solar panels all over the country, and making the design, production, installation, and integration of those solar farms more efficient in terms of relentless improvements that large-scale research and production would bring?

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