Sunday, April 13, 2008

More on the Washington Post's INVETERATE LYING to prop up the Bush-Cheney narative of endless war and tax cuts for billionaires...

The face of INCOMPETENCE in Bush administration Washington - aided and abetted by the WASHINGTON POST's REFUSAL to ask EVEN BASIC QUESTIONS of minimal journalistic competence!
Mr. Stephen J. Hadley, President Bush's current National Security Advisor, was DEPUTY NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR when the CIA informed him, before 9-11, that AL QAIDA WAS PLANNING ON HIJACKING US AIRLINERS
(official WH biography)
yet he did NOTHING - , even though, during that summer of 2001, Al Qaida had NOT BEEN PUNISHED by the Bush administration for the SUICIDE BOMB ATTACK on the USS Cole in a Yemen harbor just 8 months earlier in October of 2000.

For more details in the Washington Post's shameless complicity with the lies and incompetence of the Bush administration, INCLUDING A NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR who DOES NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TIBET and NEPAL,
read on.

For more on the Washington Post's INVETERATE, WRONG on EVERYTHING LYING to prop up the Bush-Cheney narrative on the Iraq war (and their LIES TO WAR, STOLEN ELECTION, and WHITE WASH of GROSS DERELICTION OF DUTY leading up to 9-11-2001 in the first place) see ROBERT PARRY's "The Very Annoying Washington Post"
For the inside story of how DICK CHENEY URGED his Iraqi puppet strong man (also known as "Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki") to WIPE OUT the increasingly popular main Shiite OPPOSITION PARTY in advance of "free and fair elections" scheduled for Iraq this coming October (obviously, a propaganda move to give Republicans something to brag about in America's November 2008 presidential elections) see Ramzy Baroud, "The Other Half of the Basra Battles story" at
For the GROSS IGNORANCE (twin sister to GROSS CORRUPTION) that infests the Bush-Cheney White House -

- the people who ALLOWED Al Qaida to plot 9-11, unmolested and unhindered, in the weeks before the 9-11 attack;
- the people who ALLOWED bin Laden to ESCAPE Tora Bora;
- the people who USED bin LADEN AS AN EXCUSE to ATTACK IRAQ... but profess not to care about bin Laden on the Afghan-Pakistan border (!!)
(President Bush declares "I'M NOT THAT CONCERNED ABOUT HIM [bin Laden] ANYMORE" - despite using a theoretical bin Laden-Saddam link as AN EXCUSE to ATTACK ANOTHER NATION! Mar. 2002 official WH press transcript, of WH press conference
Bush "he doesn't concern me that much anymore" comment 1/3rd way down)
or video -

- the people who pledged that the Iraq war and post-war occupation would only need 115,000 troops, cost American taxpayers only $6 billion dollars, and that the insurgency would last only 6 weeks...

(Hint: One nation is OCCUPIED by the COMMUNIST CHINESE ARMY; the other nation is not!)
Speaking of "GROSS INCOMPETENCE" (bordering on GROSS DERELICTION OF DUTY) before 9-11, here is a link to the official bio of Bush's current NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR, STEPHEN J. HADLEY, who the official White House biography informs us was the DEPUTY ASSISTANT NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT, _before_ 9-11!

A senior, experienced official (bio states that he was who was an Assistant Secretary of Defense under President Bush Sr., 1989-1993) who was undoubtedly "IN THE LOOP" the day those urgent CIA warnings came to the White House, "Al QAEDA HAS NOT BEEN PUNISHED for the October 2000 attack on the USS Cole, HERE IT IS JULY 2001, and they are PLANNING NEW, MORE SPECTACULAR ATTACKS on American targets, this time PROBABLY IN THE UNITED STATES, possibly involving attacks on airlines or passengers, or possibly a REPEAT ATTACK on the WORLD TRADE TOWERS, which Arab terrorists tried to destroy with a previous truck-bomb attack in 1993."

Don't take OUR word for it! Here's the New York Times David Sanger, writing in May of 2002 that BEFORE 9-11:
<< The White House said tonight that President Bush had been warned by American intelligence agencies in early August that Osama bin Laden was seeking to hijack aircraft but that the warnings did not contemplate the possibility that the hijackers would turn the planes into guided missiles for a terrorist attack. >>
As we all know, then NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR Condoleeza Rice was a POLITICAL APPOINTEE to that position with no, ZERO prior National Security experience. (Her sole qualifying item was her Ph.D. at Stanford University, with concentration on Russian Cold War era political-military affairs.)
BUT HER DEPUTY, Stephen J. Hadley, HAD BEEN IN THE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT as an Assistant Secretary of Defense! He undoubtedly received that "AL QAIDA PLANS TO HIJACK AIRLINERS IN AMERICA" briefing.. and did NOTHING about it????
THE WASHINGTON POST, which PURPORTS to be the nation's paper of excellence dealing with NATIONAL SECURITY issues, is nothing more than a PROPAGANDA PARTY RAG, covering up and glossing over GROSS INCOMPETENCE (if not abject corruption) AT EVERY LEVEL of the Bush-Cheney administration and US government!


The Very Annoying Washington Post

By Robert Parry
April 11, 2008
One of the many annoyances about living in George W. Bush’s Washington is to read the commentaries about the Iraq War on the editorial pages of the Washington Post. Possibly never in modern times has a major newspaper been more wrong, more consistently with more arrogance than has the Post on this vital issue.
(continued: detailing the Washington Post's ABJECT LIES, JOURNALSTIC INCOMPETENCE, and EDITORIAL CORRUPTION would take an encyclopedia.)

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