Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Peasants with Pitch-forks: REPUBLICAN peasants! - STORM Rupert Murdoch's evil castle of 'news' Propaganda with Blazing Torches!

OK, please excuse our small foray into dramatic hyperbole... the Peasants didn't actually storm the evil castle of Rupert Murdoch's treacherous, traitorous media-empire with blazing torches and pitchforks.... it was merely REPUBLICAN Ron Paul primary supporters HOUNDING Murdoch's demagogue minion SEAN HANNITY, through the streets of New Hampshire! For Murdoch's FOX 'news' TRYING TO EXCLUDE Republican CANDIDATES Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter, FROM the REPUBLICAN PRIMARY DEBATE held by Fox anchor Chris Wallace.

Crooks and Liars has a short take on the AMERICA PEASANTS STORMING EVIL MEDIA LORD Rupert Murdoch's evil castle, ummm.... outraged Republican campaign activists CHASING FOX 'news' PERSONALITY SEAN HANNITY through the streets of Manchester, New Hampshire!

Here's FOX's own take, notice Duncan Hunter and Ron Paul are absent from Chris Wallace's interviews:

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