Monday, January 14, 2008

MyDD does a great expose on the Right-Wing Corporate Media SMEAR JOB against John Edwards' campaign....

And this second YouTube video, captures NBC 'news' anchor Brian Williams GETTING Edwards FINISH AHEAD OF HILLARY in Iowa polls WRONG... the only mention it gives of Edwards in Williams' entire NBC newscast that night..
John Edwards is pi$$ing off all the right people.
by jedreport at
Sat Jan 12, 2008

"...if anyone's in doubt: yes, Edwards is pissing off the right people." -- grannyhelen

As the primary process continues, amidst the daily barrage of broadsides fired from one campaign onto another, it's worth remembering that John Edwards is still talking about real issues.

John Edwards' campaign isn't about him. It's about us. It's about taking back power from the wealthy elites who want to run this country and putting it in our hands. It's about finally taking on the corporations that dominate more and more of the American economy. It's about challenging the system.

And it's pissing off the all right people
(line-by-line expose of Right-Wing bloviators against Edwards, click here to continue...

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