Sunday, December 14, 2008
Frank Rich's editorial masterpiece: A swift review of the MASSIVE government & business accounting FRAUDS which have led to this Economic Nightmare...
Frank Rich, former "lifestyle" columnist and now editor of the New York Times, lays out an editorial MASTERPIECE: a swift review of the past decade, how government and business 'leaders', both Democrat and Republican, paved the way for America's current TRILLIONS-of-dollars economic meltdown, with BILLIONS OF DOLLARS of FRAUDULENT ACCOUNTING, vastly overstated assets, suppression of open reporting and transparency - with DOZENS of banks, business executives, and government officials ECHOING and REPEATING the basic template of ENRON massive ACCOUNTING FRAUD, and Bush-Cheney co's. LIES-to-WAR.
IN particular, Rich details FORMER CLINTON/Democrat TREASURY SECRETARY ROBERT RUBIN as being in on the Wall Street con game:
Two Cheers for Rod Blagojevich
[i.e. a small-time, comparatively honest hoodlum compared to the predatory sharks, parasitic bankers, and massive fraudsters of Wall St., Washington, and corporate America.]
Published: December 13, 2008
<< Regulators had failed to see the iceberg in Enron’s path and so had Enron’s own accountants at Arthur Andersen, a corporate giant whose parallel implosion had its own casualty list of some 80,000 jobs. Despite Bush’s post-Enron call for “a new ethic of personal responsibility in the business community,” the exact opposite has happened in the six years since. Warren Buffett’s warning in 2003 that derivatives were “financial weapons of mass destruction” was politely ignored. Much larger companies than Enron figured out how to place even bigger and more impenetrable gambles on derivatives, all the while piling up unseen debt. They built castles of air on a far grander scale than Kenny Boy could have imagined, doing so with sheer stupidity and cavalier, greed-fueled carelessness rather than fraud. >>
<< The most stupendous example as measured in dollars is Citigroup, now the recipient of potentially the biggest taxpayer bailout to date. The price tag could be some $300 billion — 20 times the proposed first installment of the scuttled Detroit bailout. Citigroup’s toxic derivatives, often tied to subprime mortgages, metastasized without appearing on the balance sheet. Both the company’s former chief executive, Charles O. Prince III, and his senior adviser, Robert Rubin, the former Clinton Treasury secretary, have said they didn’t know the size of the worthless holdings until they’d spiraled into the tens of billions of dollars. >>
<< It’s a sad snapshot of our century’s establishment that Rubin has been an economic adviser to Barack Obama and [Phil] Gramm to John McCain. And that both captains of finance remain unapologetic, unaccountable and still at their banks, which have each lost more than 70 percent of their shareholders’ value this year and have collectively announced more than 90,000 layoffs so far. >>
THE STUPID, media-sedated American public TOLERATES MASSIVE THEFT of both the US taxpayer Treasury AND THEIR OWN SAVINGS, INVESTMENTS, (home-values, etc.) and PENSION funds!!
(note: ONe thing that Frank Rich doesn't quite get to in this information packed commentary, is the role his own employer, the SULZBERGER OWNED New York Times, played in all this massive, gigantic, titanic accounting fraud and economic meltdown.
That is, in the early-mid 1990s the new Clinton administration was only just starting to drag America out of the BUSH-1 RECESSION, brought about by the Phil Gramm led DEREGULATION of the entire US Savings & Loan financial industry, when the New York Times started perpetrating journalistic fraud with their shoddy, misleading, and often times outright LYING reporting about the hapless Jim McDougal's role in "WHITEWATER", i.e. the routine real-estate flops of McDougal's Madison Guarantee Savings & Loan in Little Rock, Arksansas. The Times' RELENTLESSLY BAD reporting on "WHITEWATER" led millions of American "news" consumers to believe that McDougal's rural Arkansas "Whitewater" real-estate flop was THE CENTER of the nation's entire $500 billion (in 1980s money) S&L debacle; when, even by the Times' most hysterical accounts, McDougal's Madison Guarantee was bailed out by government/taxpayers for no more than $22 million. By comparison, Neil Bush's Colorado-based SILVERADO S&L cost taxpayers $1 BILLION in losses; and President Bush Sr., in FIRING the fed criminal banking auditor fo CHARLES KEATING's "LINCOLN Savings & Loan", allowed Keating to dodge a criminal audit, and continue Lincoln's operations for another year.... Costing taxpayers ANOTHER BILLION DOLLARS in losses, for TWO BILLION DOLLARS in losses for Keating's Lincoln S&L, ALONE!
In relentlessly putting McDougal's hapless "WHITEWATER!" flop on the front pages of the NY Times for five or more years in a row, the TIMES publisher and editors HELPED AMERICANS FORGET about the far larger, far more systematic S&L debacle - thereby paving the way for good ol' PHIL GRAMM and his Democrat/Republican financial fraud enablers to REPEAT the ECONOMIC "DEREGULATION" tsunami all over again in the late 1990s!
(Authors Lyons & Conasons document the Times' relentlessly atrocious "Whitewater" reporting in their encylcopedic accounting of "THE HUNTING of the PRESIDENT"
(The contents, index, and several hundred of the authors' _25 pages_ of citations are included in the free GoogleBooks preview of the book.)
IN particular, Rich details FORMER CLINTON/Democrat TREASURY SECRETARY ROBERT RUBIN as being in on the Wall Street con game:
Two Cheers for Rod Blagojevich
[i.e. a small-time, comparatively honest hoodlum compared to the predatory sharks, parasitic bankers, and massive fraudsters of Wall St., Washington, and corporate America.]
Published: December 13, 2008
<< Regulators had failed to see the iceberg in Enron’s path and so had Enron’s own accountants at Arthur Andersen, a corporate giant whose parallel implosion had its own casualty list of some 80,000 jobs. Despite Bush’s post-Enron call for “a new ethic of personal responsibility in the business community,” the exact opposite has happened in the six years since. Warren Buffett’s warning in 2003 that derivatives were “financial weapons of mass destruction” was politely ignored. Much larger companies than Enron figured out how to place even bigger and more impenetrable gambles on derivatives, all the while piling up unseen debt. They built castles of air on a far grander scale than Kenny Boy could have imagined, doing so with sheer stupidity and cavalier, greed-fueled carelessness rather than fraud. >>
<< The most stupendous example as measured in dollars is Citigroup, now the recipient of potentially the biggest taxpayer bailout to date. The price tag could be some $300 billion — 20 times the proposed first installment of the scuttled Detroit bailout. Citigroup’s toxic derivatives, often tied to subprime mortgages, metastasized without appearing on the balance sheet. Both the company’s former chief executive, Charles O. Prince III, and his senior adviser, Robert Rubin, the former Clinton Treasury secretary, have said they didn’t know the size of the worthless holdings until they’d spiraled into the tens of billions of dollars. >>
<< It’s a sad snapshot of our century’s establishment that Rubin has been an economic adviser to Barack Obama and [Phil] Gramm to John McCain. And that both captains of finance remain unapologetic, unaccountable and still at their banks, which have each lost more than 70 percent of their shareholders’ value this year and have collectively announced more than 90,000 layoffs so far. >>
THE STUPID, media-sedated American public TOLERATES MASSIVE THEFT of both the US taxpayer Treasury AND THEIR OWN SAVINGS, INVESTMENTS, (home-values, etc.) and PENSION funds!!
(note: ONe thing that Frank Rich doesn't quite get to in this information packed commentary, is the role his own employer, the SULZBERGER OWNED New York Times, played in all this massive, gigantic, titanic accounting fraud and economic meltdown.
That is, in the early-mid 1990s the new Clinton administration was only just starting to drag America out of the BUSH-1 RECESSION, brought about by the Phil Gramm led DEREGULATION of the entire US Savings & Loan financial industry, when the New York Times started perpetrating journalistic fraud with their shoddy, misleading, and often times outright LYING reporting about the hapless Jim McDougal's role in "WHITEWATER", i.e. the routine real-estate flops of McDougal's Madison Guarantee Savings & Loan in Little Rock, Arksansas. The Times' RELENTLESSLY BAD reporting on "WHITEWATER" led millions of American "news" consumers to believe that McDougal's rural Arkansas "Whitewater" real-estate flop was THE CENTER of the nation's entire $500 billion (in 1980s money) S&L debacle; when, even by the Times' most hysterical accounts, McDougal's Madison Guarantee was bailed out by government/taxpayers for no more than $22 million. By comparison, Neil Bush's Colorado-based SILVERADO S&L cost taxpayers $1 BILLION in losses; and President Bush Sr., in FIRING the fed criminal banking auditor fo CHARLES KEATING's "LINCOLN Savings & Loan", allowed Keating to dodge a criminal audit, and continue Lincoln's operations for another year.... Costing taxpayers ANOTHER BILLION DOLLARS in losses, for TWO BILLION DOLLARS in losses for Keating's Lincoln S&L, ALONE!
In relentlessly putting McDougal's hapless "WHITEWATER!" flop on the front pages of the NY Times for five or more years in a row, the TIMES publisher and editors HELPED AMERICANS FORGET about the far larger, far more systematic S&L debacle - thereby paving the way for good ol' PHIL GRAMM and his Democrat/Republican financial fraud enablers to REPEAT the ECONOMIC "DEREGULATION" tsunami all over again in the late 1990s!
(Authors Lyons & Conasons document the Times' relentlessly atrocious "Whitewater" reporting in their encylcopedic accounting of "THE HUNTING of the PRESIDENT"
(The contents, index, and several hundred of the authors' _25 pages_ of citations are included in the free GoogleBooks preview of the book.)
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Christ Mathews TALKS OVER HIS GUESTS - what constitutes "journalism" in America's whorrific media...
Fortunately MSNBC now has both Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow to provide a SANE discussion of the issues, but this comedic clip by "" video (a play on "news 24/7") captures what Mathews critics have known ever since he came to America's attention (along with Tim Russert) - spouting off "MONICA!" "MONICA!" MONICA!" 24/7 during the Republican impeachment of Bill Clinton for __"lying"__ about his affair with Monica: THAT CHRIS MATHEWS TALKS OVER ALL Of his guests, usually so much that there is nothing intelligible on his show!"
Monday, December 08, 2008
New York (whore) Times follows Tribune co. in CASH CRISIS....
NY Times Co. follows Tribune co. in cash crisis: forced to borrow $225-million against its New York office building to stave off an immediate "cash flow squeeze."
We must note here teh delicious irony of the New York Times ATROCIOUS "reporting" standards (not to say "journalistic" standards) coming home to roost; for NO ONE in America is MORE RESPONSIBLE for the NIGHTMARE of this nation's current economic crisis than the LYING New York Whore Times, and the Cowardly, lying Washington Post.
AS an example, this NY Times own report, where the Times' editors, writers, and publisher (Mr. Arthur Sulzberger and family) practically JOINED Wall Street bank executives at GOLDMAN SACHS co., in PRACTICALLY GLOATING about the G-S __BILLION DOLLAR CHRISTMAS BONUS__...... in December of ___2006____, EVEN AS THOUSANDS of American families were BEING FORCED FROM THEIR HOMES, by the building FORECLOSURE CRISIS, the EXACT SAME CRISIS that would send FORMER GOLDAMN-SACHS _CHAIRMAN & CEO._ HANK PAULSON - currently President Bush's SECRETARY OF TREASURY - litterally BEGGING to Congress for $700 billion (ONE TRILLION DOLLARS+ in real costs!) in SOCIALIZED TAXPAYER BAILOUTS of the very banks and brokerage houses that less than two-dozen months previously had been GLOATING about their ill-gotten BONUSES, even as families were being EVICTED from their homes due to PREDATORY loans, credit cards, and health-care tragedy bankruptcies!
AND AT NO TIME did the god-damned NEW YORK TIMES or WASHINGTON POST _EVER_ try to make a CONNECTION between those Wall Street billion-dollar gloating "BONUSES", and the THOUSANDS of Americans VICTIMIZED by credit extortion, bullying, fraud, and greed.
Nor did the Post and Times speak our for MILLIONS of voters (_NOT!_ Mr. Gore) ROBBED of their votes by the Republican VOTE-STEALING EFFORTS of Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush, and Supreme Court Inquisitor Antonin Scalia in the Florida NON-RECOUNT of December 2000.
NOR did the Lying Times and Cowardly Post STAND UP FOR US Army FEMALE VOLUNTEER PRIVATES accused ONLY of "ABUSE" at Abu Ghraib prison and put on trial in the Cheney-Rumsfeld military's KANGAROO TRIALS, WHILE the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld administration DEMANDED THE 'right' to TORTURE PRISONERS TO DEATH, at THEIR SOLE DISCRETION, with NO OVERSIGHT or accountability TO ANYONE, EVER!
These are THREE MASSIVE, GLARING BETRAYALS that will show up 100 years later in American history, just like the dismal DRED SCOTT decision, and for these treacherous betrayals, ALONE (not to mention being party to and/or complicity with lies-to-war leading up to the Iraq war), BOTH the New York Times and Washington Post deserve to face bankruptcy and failure.
Published: December 7, 2008
The New York Times Company plans to borrow up to $225 million against its mid-Manhattan headquarters building, to ease a potential cash flow squeeze as the company grapples with tighter credit and shrinking profits.
We must note here teh delicious irony of the New York Times ATROCIOUS "reporting" standards (not to say "journalistic" standards) coming home to roost; for NO ONE in America is MORE RESPONSIBLE for the NIGHTMARE of this nation's current economic crisis than the LYING New York Whore Times, and the Cowardly, lying Washington Post.
AS an example, this NY Times own report, where the Times' editors, writers, and publisher (Mr. Arthur Sulzberger and family) practically JOINED Wall Street bank executives at GOLDMAN SACHS co., in PRACTICALLY GLOATING about the G-S __BILLION DOLLAR CHRISTMAS BONUS__...... in December of ___2006____, EVEN AS THOUSANDS of American families were BEING FORCED FROM THEIR HOMES, by the building FORECLOSURE CRISIS, the EXACT SAME CRISIS that would send FORMER GOLDAMN-SACHS _CHAIRMAN & CEO._ HANK PAULSON - currently President Bush's SECRETARY OF TREASURY - litterally BEGGING to Congress for $700 billion (ONE TRILLION DOLLARS+ in real costs!) in SOCIALIZED TAXPAYER BAILOUTS of the very banks and brokerage houses that less than two-dozen months previously had been GLOATING about their ill-gotten BONUSES, even as families were being EVICTED from their homes due to PREDATORY loans, credit cards, and health-care tragedy bankruptcies!
AND AT NO TIME did the god-damned NEW YORK TIMES or WASHINGTON POST _EVER_ try to make a CONNECTION between those Wall Street billion-dollar gloating "BONUSES", and the THOUSANDS of Americans VICTIMIZED by credit extortion, bullying, fraud, and greed.
Nor did the Post and Times speak our for MILLIONS of voters (_NOT!_ Mr. Gore) ROBBED of their votes by the Republican VOTE-STEALING EFFORTS of Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush, and Supreme Court Inquisitor Antonin Scalia in the Florida NON-RECOUNT of December 2000.
NOR did the Lying Times and Cowardly Post STAND UP FOR US Army FEMALE VOLUNTEER PRIVATES accused ONLY of "ABUSE" at Abu Ghraib prison and put on trial in the Cheney-Rumsfeld military's KANGAROO TRIALS, WHILE the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld administration DEMANDED THE 'right' to TORTURE PRISONERS TO DEATH, at THEIR SOLE DISCRETION, with NO OVERSIGHT or accountability TO ANYONE, EVER!
These are THREE MASSIVE, GLARING BETRAYALS that will show up 100 years later in American history, just like the dismal DRED SCOTT decision, and for these treacherous betrayals, ALONE (not to mention being party to and/or complicity with lies-to-war leading up to the Iraq war), BOTH the New York Times and Washington Post deserve to face bankruptcy and failure.
Published: December 7, 2008
The New York Times Company plans to borrow up to $225 million against its mid-Manhattan headquarters building, to ease a potential cash flow squeeze as the company grapples with tighter credit and shrinking profits.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Chicago Tribune "News" Co. FACING BANKRUPTCY !
ALL OVER AMERICA, America's "news" companies ARE FACING MASSIVE financial losses... WHICH OF COURSE SERVES THEM RIGHT, as they have been COMPLICIT in the ECONOMIC LOOTING of America, at the very least since Antonin Scalia and the US Supreme Court STOLE the 2000 presidential election away (NOT from the hapless, pathetic Al Gore, but) from tens of millions of Democratic-candidate voting voters.
As JUST ONE EXAMPLE of how America's "major media" "news" companies HAVE BEEN COMPLICIT in the FINANCIAL LOOTING of America, is the fact that NONE OF THEM have EVER SOUGHT TO _LINK_ President Bush and his corrupt White House with.... THE MASSIVE FINANCIAL FRAUD of ENRON corporation, Enron Chairman and CEO _only_ being BUSH's #1 CAREER CAMPAIGN DONOR through his entire political career!"
(Enron, for example, providing the Bush campaign FREE corporate air travel during the Florida (non-) Recount battle.)
As a SECOND example of how COMPLICITLY CORRUPT the US corporate "media" has been is that NONE OF THEM, have EVER _DEMANDED_ answers for the the NINE BILLION DOLLARS CASH that "went MISSING" in Iraq, within 2-3 weeks of that cash being handed to Bush's "VICEROY" in Iraq, L. Paul Bremer.
(Nor have the stupid American media whores pointed out that "VICEROY" was the designation of the Spanish crown's demigod authorities DURING THE GENOCIDAL Spanish conquistador CONQUESTS of the New World - which DEPOPULATED and ENSLAVED ENTIRE REGIONS of Central- and South America, duh. GREAT, REVEALING job title for a Bush admin. flunky allegedly trying to bring "freedom and democracy" to Iraq... NOT!)
So now, the US corporate media, 8 year partners-in-crime to the Bush-GOP administration's desire to TURN AMERICA BACK into an IGNORANT, ENSLAVED plantation wage-slave population, finds readership down so severely, that those businesses are facing drastic financial losses.
Tribune Hires Advisers to Help Stave Off Bankruptcy
December 7, 2008
Tribune has hired bankruptcy advisers as the ailing newspaper company faces a potential bankruptcy filing, people briefed on the matter said.
The newspaper, which was taken private last year by billionaire investor Samuel Zell, has hired advisers including Lazard and Sidley Austin, one of its longtime law firms, these people said. Tribune has been hobbled by debt related to that sale last year, which has been compounded by the growing drought of advertising for newspapers.
It is only the latest — and biggest — sign of duress for the newspaper industry yet. Several newspaper companies have struggled to cope with declining revenues and mounting debt woes. Tribune has pared back the newsrooms of many of its papers, including The Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Times and The Baltimore Sun, and it sold off Newsday to Cablevision’s Dolan family earlier this year.
As JUST ONE EXAMPLE of how America's "major media" "news" companies HAVE BEEN COMPLICIT in the FINANCIAL LOOTING of America, is the fact that NONE OF THEM have EVER SOUGHT TO _LINK_ President Bush and his corrupt White House with.... THE MASSIVE FINANCIAL FRAUD of ENRON corporation, Enron Chairman and CEO _only_ being BUSH's #1 CAREER CAMPAIGN DONOR through his entire political career!"
(Enron, for example, providing the Bush campaign FREE corporate air travel during the Florida (non-) Recount battle.)
As a SECOND example of how COMPLICITLY CORRUPT the US corporate "media" has been is that NONE OF THEM, have EVER _DEMANDED_ answers for the the NINE BILLION DOLLARS CASH that "went MISSING" in Iraq, within 2-3 weeks of that cash being handed to Bush's "VICEROY" in Iraq, L. Paul Bremer.
(Nor have the stupid American media whores pointed out that "VICEROY" was the designation of the Spanish crown's demigod authorities DURING THE GENOCIDAL Spanish conquistador CONQUESTS of the New World - which DEPOPULATED and ENSLAVED ENTIRE REGIONS of Central- and South America, duh. GREAT, REVEALING job title for a Bush admin. flunky allegedly trying to bring "freedom and democracy" to Iraq... NOT!)
So now, the US corporate media, 8 year partners-in-crime to the Bush-GOP administration's desire to TURN AMERICA BACK into an IGNORANT, ENSLAVED plantation wage-slave population, finds readership down so severely, that those businesses are facing drastic financial losses.
Tribune Hires Advisers to Help Stave Off Bankruptcy
December 7, 2008
Tribune has hired bankruptcy advisers as the ailing newspaper company faces a potential bankruptcy filing, people briefed on the matter said.
The newspaper, which was taken private last year by billionaire investor Samuel Zell, has hired advisers including Lazard and Sidley Austin, one of its longtime law firms, these people said. Tribune has been hobbled by debt related to that sale last year, which has been compounded by the growing drought of advertising for newspapers.
It is only the latest — and biggest — sign of duress for the newspaper industry yet. Several newspaper companies have struggled to cope with declining revenues and mounting debt woes. Tribune has pared back the newsrooms of many of its papers, including The Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Times and The Baltimore Sun, and it sold off Newsday to Cablevision’s Dolan family earlier this year.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
PM Carpenter Dissects the WASHINGTON WHORE POST's fawning, slavish treatment of Bush-Paulson WASTING BILLIONS of taxpayer "BAILOUT" dollars...
Just how sad, sordid, and vile the WASHINGTON COWARDLY POST has become as an institution is illustrated in today's editorial by PM Carpenter.
PM explaining that when Washington Post writers and editors write _any_ article on a Bush administration agenda or policy execution, you can just PARACHUTE IN THE WORDS "FAILURE," "INADEQUACY," "LACK OF OVERSIGHT" - and the god-damned Washington Post will PRETEND that there IS NOTHING seriously wrong about such a story reporting that the Bush administration is MISHANDLING YET ANOTHER trillion dollars (sigh) of taxpayer money!
- EVEN AS EIGHT YEARS of the Bush administrations relentless, continual support for _ENRON ACCOUNTING_ financial and corporate standards, making American DEPENDENT on FOREIGN OIL _and_ FOREIGN CREDIT, & DEFICIT ECONOMICS, are THE ROOT of this current FAMILY CRUSHING, JOB KILLING, ECONOMY GUTTING America- and world economic crisis!
(ONE MILLION LAYOFFS in America this year, alone!)
PM explaining that when Washington Post writers and editors write _any_ article on a Bush administration agenda or policy execution, you can just PARACHUTE IN THE WORDS "FAILURE," "INADEQUACY," "LACK OF OVERSIGHT" - and the god-damned Washington Post will PRETEND that there IS NOTHING seriously wrong about such a story reporting that the Bush administration is MISHANDLING YET ANOTHER trillion dollars (sigh) of taxpayer money!
- EVEN AS EIGHT YEARS of the Bush administrations relentless, continual support for _ENRON ACCOUNTING_ financial and corporate standards, making American DEPENDENT on FOREIGN OIL _and_ FOREIGN CREDIT, & DEFICIT ECONOMICS, are THE ROOT of this current FAMILY CRUSHING, JOB KILLING, ECONOMY GUTTING America- and world economic crisis!
(ONE MILLION LAYOFFS in America this year, alone!)
"As the Washington Post reports, WHILE REVEALING _NO_ SHOCK OR even DISMAY: 'The Bush administration has failed to adequately oversee its $700 billion bailout program'....
...Failure, inadequacy, lack of oversight -- three commonly referenced subjects in any story on the Bush regime, which parachute into the same inclusive sentence with almost perfunctory regularity and, after eight years, have devolved to the reportorial level of a yawning S.N.A.F.U."
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
PAUL KRUGMAN takes uber-Righty GEORGE WILL to woodshed, delivers THRASHING over Will LYING about causes of the GREAT DEPRESSION...
Poor Paul Krugman! The "Failed Currencies" expert hired by Arthur ("punk") Sulzberger to be the New York Times' in-house "Economic Hit Man" proved not only to be an expert on failed economies (failed currencies of course = failed economies), but turned out to be that rare bird, an ECONOMIST with a CONSCIENCE.
Over coming years Krugman would prove to be "right", as in "correct", far more often than his more well-known NYT columnist stablemates - dreadfully wrong men like WILLIAM "GIVE FALLUJAH a taste of (Hitler's) LIDICE Treatment!" SAFIRE, or THOMAS "The world is FLAT - "AMERICAN WORKERS should settle for THE SAME WAGES as HITLER's CONCENTRATION CAMP LABORERS", er, "CHINESE convict/slave-labor factories" FRIDMAN, or David "I LOVE REPUBLICAN ECONOMICS" BROOKS (just don't try to nail him on exactly why) - and no matter how prescient Krugman's predictions were, they were always buried deep in the editorial section of the Times once or twice a week and IGNORED by the editors and their hack writers who populated the far more influential FRONT PAGES of the Whore Times.
Krugman had to suffer the "dissing" of having his own paper, the NEW YORK SLIMES, IGNORE his own rock-solid recommendations in the way the Times covered the war costs and economic stories of the past 8 years of the Bush-Cheney dreadful administration, every month providing new confirmation that Krugman was correct, and the Times' Neo-Con "TAX-CUTS FOR the WEALTHY in TIME OF WAR" war-pigs were dreadfully wrong.
Well, we have now reached "DOW 8,000 and falling like a rock," these final weeks of 2008, and ALL of Krugman's PREDICTIONS have been BORN OUT to be true.
Sometimes satisfaction is such a fleeting creature - in the above video, Krugman DEMOLISHES liar GEORGE WILL's right-wing Talking Points that somehow "LIBERAL" economics CAUSED THE GREAT DEPRESSION.
Krugman takes George Will TO THE WOODSHED, explaining - "ECONOMIC POLICY has NOTHING to do with investment - IF you ALREADY HAVE 20 factories that are empty, laid off, and unproductive, BECAUSE THERE IS NO CONSUMER BUYING to stimilate new investment or production for those existing factories." DUH!
But George Will's above TEXT BOOK EXAMPLE of Right-Wing "EXPERTS" PULLING "FACTS" OUT OF THEIR ASS, is EXACTLY how the WASHINGTON POST, NEW YORK TIMES, and other "major media" LYING WHORES have been RUINING the American news industry over the past 20 years, substituting their OWN DERANGED TALKING POINTS for genuine economic & social facts.
REAL "facts" such as GEORGE W. BUSH _WRECKED_ the TEXAS STATE BUDGET SURPLUS left to him by previous (Democratic) Governor ANN RICHARDS. Not only did Bush WRECK Texas' DEMOCRATIC BUDGET SURPLUS left to him by the previous gubernatorial administration back in the late 1990s, but he DID IT WHILE _SLASHING_ SOCIAL PROGRAMS _PROVEN_ to save state taxpayers in the long run!
THIS was THE SIGNATURE AGENDA of the Bush-Cheney campaign in 2000... THE SIGNATURE AGENDA that ARTHUR SULZBERGER and his LYING WHORES at the NEW YORK SLIMES pretended not to notice, as they acted like 9th grade locker-room bullies sneering at Vice President Al Gore's campaign.
Programs like pre-school, after-school, and health-care programs for Texas' poor and minority schoolchildren that kept those children IN SCHOOL, performing at a higher level, with higher GRADUATION RATES, OUT OF the Juvenile CRIMINAL System, and OUT of EMERGENCY ROOMS - THOSE are the programs the ENTITLED SON of a former president SLASHED for Texas citizens in need, ON BEHALF OF THE INSANELY GREEDY Texas upper-crust right-wing millionaires!
THE RIGHT-WING press/media ARE CHRONIC LAIRS with an ANTI-AMERICAN AGENDA: an agenda that favors ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and OUTSOURCING of US JOBS, to create a virtual WAGE-SLAVE servile UNDERCLASS here in America, so the Right-Wing Crime-lords like GEORGE WILL and DAVID BRODER and WILLIAM SAFIRE can "HARRUMPH!" as THEIR ECONOMIC and tax POLICIES TURN AMERICA into a THIRD-WORLD, GREAT DEPRESSION, poverty-wages nation.
(Did we mention that as a wealthy sports franchise co-owner, LYIN' PIG George Will FAVORS TAXPAYER SUBSIDIES for major sports stadiums...???)
Saturday, November 01, 2008
How (w)Horrific is the US Media? NO ONE, ANYWHERE, ask McCain "IF you are an 'agent of change' WHERE do your policies DIFFER from President Bush's?"
How (w)Horrific is the US Media?
NO ONE, ANYWHERE, ask McCain "IF you are an 'agent of change,' WHERE do YOUR policies DIFFER from President Bush's?"
EIGHT, TEN, FIFTEEN WEEKS of John McCain's candidacy as the Repblican presidential nominee, the (w)horrific American press-media has NEVER asked of John McCain,
NO ONE, ANYWHERE, ask McCain "IF you are an 'agent of change,' WHERE do YOUR policies DIFFER from President Bush's?"
EIGHT, TEN, FIFTEEN WEEKS of John McCain's candidacy as the Repblican presidential nominee, the (w)horrific American press-media has NEVER asked of John McCain,
"IF you don't DISAGREE, PUBLICLY and vocally, with President Bush's policies, HOW THEN CAN YOU CALL YOURSELF AN AGENT OF CHANGE?"
(and VAGUE assertions that McCain will "end corruption" don't count - SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of CORRUPTION that Mr. Bush has NOT ended, that McCain would stop, would be the JOURNALISTIC MINIMUM of competence - a MINIMUM that the pathetic, corporate-whore US media REFUSES to live up to!)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Minnesota's WHORE Corporate Media CENSORS Michele Bachman's McCarthyesque comments from public 'news' consumption...
Minnesota's WHORE Corporate Media - the MINNEAPOLIS STAR-TRIBUNE and the St. PAUL PIONEER PRESS - have taken it upon themselves to CENSOR Minnesota Congresswoman MICHELE BACHMAN's McCARTHYESQUE DEMANDS for "investigations" into the "American" qualifications - of her fellow members of Congress! - the WHORE publishers of the Pioneer Press and Star-Tribune KEEPING THEIR READERS IN THE DARK about a leading political figure in the state, so as to give Bachman tHE APPEARANCE of of "mainstream respectability."
The Pioneer Press and Star-Tribune - TWO MORE EXAMPLES of America's entitled WHORE corporate media, taking it as their right to LIE to American citizens (in this case, LIES of OMMISSION), om pursuit of the RADICAL RIGHT-WING AGENDA that has LOOTED THE US TREASURY, EXPORTED US JOBS, DISENFRANCHSED AMERICAN VOTERS, STOLEN US election, and made America DEPENDENT on FOREIGN OIL and FOREIGN CREDIT.
The Pioneer Press and Star-Tribune - TWO MORE EXAMPLES of America's entitled WHORE corporate media, taking it as their right to LIE to American citizens (in this case, LIES of OMMISSION), om pursuit of the RADICAL RIGHT-WING AGENDA that has LOOTED THE US TREASURY, EXPORTED US JOBS, DISENFRANCHSED AMERICAN VOTERS, STOLEN US election, and made America DEPENDENT on FOREIGN OIL and FOREIGN CREDIT.
HOW DISGUSTING & CRAVEN are the Media Whores? TWO WEEKS after Bush's $700 BILLION _SOCIALIZED_ BAILOUT of Wall St, Sarah Palin BASHES "socialism"!
THEY FAIL to point out, even as SARAH PALIN is BASHING "socialism", that ALASKA is a NET TAX DOLLAR RECIPIENT, as are almost all rural "conservative" Republican-leaning "Red states."
Even more importantly, "the Media" FAILS to point out that Sarah Palin's running mate JOHN McCAIN JUST recently APPROVED OF President Bush's $700 BILLION _SOCIALIZED_ welfare BAILOUT of Wall Street bankers, brokerage houses, and insurers.... at workin' stiff American taxpayer expense!
Sarah Palin's Alaska, receiving $1.87 in federal tax dollars for every dollar it sends in taxes to the US treasury, follows ONLY New Mexico for the highest ratio of SOCIALIZED NET TAX DOLLAR RECIPIENTS in America. uber "Blue State" New Jersey, by comparison, receives only 55-cents back for every tax dollar it sends to the US Treasury... America's tax structure MAKES SOCIALIZED WELFARE QUEENS of SARAH PALIN's OWN STATE, and the stupid, craven media does NOT even call the Alaska governor on her GROSS HYPOCRISY, IGNORANCE, and reactionary hate-baiting!

MONTHS before the Bush-Paulson-Bernanke SOCIALIZED US Taxpayer BAILOUTS of WALL St. BIG, billionaire BANKS and brokerage houses, Elena Steier penned this scathing cartoon of AMERICA's ENTIRE FINANCIAL SYSTEM as SOCIALISM for big, insider, Republican administration connected millionaires and billion-dollar banks.

Well... TWO SHORT WEEKS after President Bush, his Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, and the entire "Big Business" wing of the Republican Party BEGGED, DEMANDED, FOUGHT FOR, and implemented a $700 billion SEVEN_HUNDRED_BILLION dollar SOCIALIZED BAILOUT of the nation's large banks and insurance companies...
...SARAH PALIN, Republican candidate for Vice President, is out on the campaign trail, TRYING TO DRUM UP SCORN and DERISION for "Socialized" redistribution of taxes, as part of Senator Obama's economic tax package for 2009-2010!
OF COURSE the MEDIA WHORES are ENTIRELY TOO CORRUPTED, IGNORANT, VENAL, and DISGUSTING to point out to Ms. Palin, that WE ALREADY HAVE A _SOCIALIZED_ _REDISTRIBUTION_ of taxes tax system: It is called "SOCIALIZING America's taxes FROM URBAN, "blue" cities and states, TO RURAL, RED STATES !!
AS IS NOW USUAL, what lying, Republican pigs ACCUSE Democrats of doing or intending to do, IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY, Republican HYPOCRITES, ARE DOING and intend to do more of!
The ENTIRE Bush-Cheney economic agenda has been one of REDISTRIBUTING America's wealth FROM THE WORKING CLASS taxpayers, TO THE venal, selfish, traitorous Rich who DEMAND TAX CUTS in TIME OF WAR while SHIFTING that ADDITIONAL TAX BURDEN of INTEREST ON THE BUSH DEFICITS to those very workin' stiff, OVERTAXED Americans!

VILE HYPOCRISY, thy name is "RIGHT-WING REPUBLICAN", and your treacherous, slavish, venal, captive lying whore media.
THEY FAIL to point out, even as SARAH PALIN is BASHING "socialism", that ALASKA is a NET TAX DOLLAR RECIPIENT, as are almost all rural "conservative" Republican-leaning "Red states."
Even more importantly, "the Media" FAILS to point out that Sarah Palin's running mate JOHN McCAIN JUST recently APPROVED OF President Bush's $700 BILLION _SOCIALIZED_ welfare BAILOUT of Wall Street bankers, brokerage houses, and insurers.... at workin' stiff American taxpayer expense!

Sarah Palin's Alaska, receiving $1.87 in federal tax dollars for every dollar it sends in taxes to the US treasury, follows ONLY New Mexico for the highest ratio of SOCIALIZED NET TAX DOLLAR RECIPIENTS in America. uber "Blue State" New Jersey, by comparison, receives only 55-cents back for every tax dollar it sends to the US Treasury... America's tax structure MAKES SOCIALIZED WELFARE QUEENS of SARAH PALIN's OWN STATE, and the stupid, craven media does NOT even call the Alaska governor on her GROSS HYPOCRISY, IGNORANCE, and reactionary hate-baiting!

MONTHS before the Bush-Paulson-Bernanke SOCIALIZED US Taxpayer BAILOUTS of WALL St. BIG, billionaire BANKS and brokerage houses, Elena Steier penned this scathing cartoon of AMERICA's ENTIRE FINANCIAL SYSTEM as SOCIALISM for big, insider, Republican administration connected millionaires and billion-dollar banks.

Well... TWO SHORT WEEKS after President Bush, his Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, and the entire "Big Business" wing of the Republican Party BEGGED, DEMANDED, FOUGHT FOR, and implemented a $700 billion SEVEN_HUNDRED_BILLION dollar SOCIALIZED BAILOUT of the nation's large banks and insurance companies...
...SARAH PALIN, Republican candidate for Vice President, is out on the campaign trail, TRYING TO DRUM UP SCORN and DERISION for "Socialized" redistribution of taxes, as part of Senator Obama's economic tax package for 2009-2010!
OF COURSE the MEDIA WHORES are ENTIRELY TOO CORRUPTED, IGNORANT, VENAL, and DISGUSTING to point out to Ms. Palin, that WE ALREADY HAVE A _SOCIALIZED_ _REDISTRIBUTION_ of taxes tax system: It is called "SOCIALIZING America's taxes FROM URBAN, "blue" cities and states, TO RURAL, RED STATES !!
AS IS NOW USUAL, what lying, Republican pigs ACCUSE Democrats of doing or intending to do, IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY, Republican HYPOCRITES, ARE DOING and intend to do more of!
The ENTIRE Bush-Cheney economic agenda has been one of REDISTRIBUTING America's wealth FROM THE WORKING CLASS taxpayers, TO THE venal, selfish, traitorous Rich who DEMAND TAX CUTS in TIME OF WAR while SHIFTING that ADDITIONAL TAX BURDEN of INTEREST ON THE BUSH DEFICITS to those very workin' stiff, OVERTAXED Americans!

VILE HYPOCRISY, thy name is "RIGHT-WING REPUBLICAN", and your treacherous, slavish, venal, captive lying whore media.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Rush Limbaugh - CAUGHT IN ACT of SQUEALING like the DRUG-ADDICT, HYPOCRITE, ENTITLED, lying, squealing PIG that he is...
We haven't posted many, if any, post on the UBER-LYING HYPOCRITE BIGGEST PIG of the ENTIRE "major media", but it would be RUSH LIMBAUGH - and we are DELIGHTED to see Chicago Sun-Times Columnist MARY MITCHELL slice-and-dice the lying, sleaze-ball, smear-mongering, hypocrite - did we mention LYING - Limbaugh right back into his SLEAZY little slime-pit at CLEAR-CHANNEL radio - the radio network that has ENABLED LIMBAUGH for a DECADE by CENSORING those who can contest that DISGUSTING LYING PIG with actual facts, data, and research....
Chicago sun Times columnist Mary Mitchell has struck a serious nerve with conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh.
Actually, she phrases his actions as squealing like a pig after its tail had been stepped on...
US press/media IS IN THE PAID PROFESSIONAL LIARS business.....
Robert Parry - the great investigative reporter who became CENSORED from the American corporate media before his "IRAN-CONTRA" reports were VINDICATED despite an OFFICIAL, authoritarian, power-hungry WASHINGTON that PRETENDED that the United States under President Reagan and Vice President George H.W. Bush WAS NOT running a secret and illegal series of small wars and genocidal "ethnic cleansing" campaigns in Central- and South America during the 1980s...
Robert Parry hits the head of the nail about the DC/New York/Chicago/LA corporate media - the press/media THAT IS CONSTANTLY and CONTINUALLY trying to sell the American public A BILL OF GOODS, to BLACK IN TO WHITE, to turn night in to day and day in to night; to make Up seem "down" and Down seem up.... almost across the board, on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE OF IMPORTANCE TO THE AMERICA PEOPLE, the CORPORATE WHORE MASTERS of the US Media - in the office suites of the WASHINGTON COWARDLY POST and the NEW YORK LYING TIMES, and almost every "major" media outlet downstream of those two quasi-governmental titans, are CHRONICALLY and CONTINUALLY LYING to the American people.
(Today's example: THOM HARTMANN points out that, even thought today's 'news' headlines read "SOCIALIZATION OF US BANKS", all that Bush, Paulson, and Bernake are doing is PILING MORE _TAXPAYER DEBT_ on the very bankers who LED AMERICA INTO THIS CREDIT EXPANSION/CONTRACTION NIGHTMARE...
Paul Waldman: AMERICA's MEDIA WHORES _ENABLE_ Right-Wing vast destruction of popular programs, and Treasury looting corruption, by propagating the Republican Party's PERMANENT SMEAR CAMPAIGN....
Robert Parry: Media WHORES COMPLICITY in Right-Wing ATTACK campaigns and SMEAR-MONGERING have CONTRIBUTED TO THE DECLINE of the American economy....
Robert Parry hits the head of the nail about the DC/New York/Chicago/LA corporate media - the press/media THAT IS CONSTANTLY and CONTINUALLY trying to sell the American public A BILL OF GOODS, to BLACK IN TO WHITE, to turn night in to day and day in to night; to make Up seem "down" and Down seem up.... almost across the board, on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE OF IMPORTANCE TO THE AMERICA PEOPLE, the CORPORATE WHORE MASTERS of the US Media - in the office suites of the WASHINGTON COWARDLY POST and the NEW YORK LYING TIMES, and almost every "major" media outlet downstream of those two quasi-governmental titans, are CHRONICALLY and CONTINUALLY LYING to the American people.
(Today's example: THOM HARTMANN points out that, even thought today's 'news' headlines read "SOCIALIZATION OF US BANKS", all that Bush, Paulson, and Bernake are doing is PILING MORE _TAXPAYER DEBT_ on the very bankers who LED AMERICA INTO THIS CREDIT EXPANSION/CONTRACTION NIGHTMARE...
Paul Waldman: AMERICA's MEDIA WHORES _ENABLE_ Right-Wing vast destruction of popular programs, and Treasury looting corruption, by propagating the Republican Party's PERMANENT SMEAR CAMPAIGN....
Robert Parry: Media WHORES COMPLICITY in Right-Wing ATTACK campaigns and SMEAR-MONGERING have CONTRIBUTED TO THE DECLINE of the American economy....
<< The story doesn’t explain all that’s gone wrong in the past eight years, but it reveals how aggressive right-wing operatives, aided and abetted by a lazy or complicit news media, can create an impression for millions of voters that is nearly the opposite of the truth. >>
HOW STUPID, VENAL, CORRUPT, LYING, and DELUDED is America's press-Media? JOE SCARBOROUGH BELIEVES the GARBAGE attack ads about "William Ayers" !!
Well, for example today, REPUBLICAN former Congressman JOE SCARBOROUGH, on his morning 'news' talk show, Mr. Scarborough IS ACTUALLY STUPID ENOUGH to BELIEVE the GARBAGE McCain campaign attack ads about "William Ayers" !!
Mr. Scarborough said this morning, "IF ANY REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE in the primary had ANY RELATIONSHIP with William Ayers, HIS FELLOW REPUBLICANS WOULD ATTACK HIM FOR IT."
WALTER ANNEBERG, Joe, you stupid, Lying, Deluded IGNORAMUS... THE Walter Annenber WHO WAS RICHARD NIXON's AMBASSADOR TO ENGLAND! THE Walter Annenberg who was a CLOSE FRIEND to RON and NANCY REAGAN. THE Walter Annenberg who was an associate and donor to George H.W. Bush (Sr.) THE Mrs. Walter Annenberg who, according to one source, is THE #2 DONOR to the current McCAIN - PALIN CAMPAIGN!
And USING "MURDER" in this context _IS NOT HYPERBOLE_! -
IN BOTH the TENNESSE CHURCH SHOOTING that killed two and wounded others, AND the murder by shooting of the ARKANSAS DEMOCRATIC PARTY Chairman, the GUNMEN WERE KNOWN to have listened to RIGHT-WING HATE RADIO, and both actually had purchased (and presumably read) SEAN HANNITY, BILL O'REILLY, and/or MICHAEL SAVAGE's HATE SCREEDS.
Well, for example today, REPUBLICAN former Congressman JOE SCARBOROUGH, on his morning 'news' talk show, Mr. Scarborough IS ACTUALLY STUPID ENOUGH to BELIEVE the GARBAGE McCain campaign attack ads about "William Ayers" !!
Mr. Scarborough said this morning, "IF ANY REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE in the primary had ANY RELATIONSHIP with William Ayers, HIS FELLOW REPUBLICANS WOULD ATTACK HIM FOR IT."
WALTER ANNEBERG, Joe, you stupid, Lying, Deluded IGNORAMUS... THE Walter Annenber WHO WAS RICHARD NIXON's AMBASSADOR TO ENGLAND! THE Walter Annenberg who was a CLOSE FRIEND to RON and NANCY REAGAN. THE Walter Annenberg who was an associate and donor to George H.W. Bush (Sr.) THE Mrs. Walter Annenberg who, according to one source, is THE #2 DONOR to the current McCAIN - PALIN CAMPAIGN!
And USING "MURDER" in this context _IS NOT HYPERBOLE_! -
IN BOTH the TENNESSE CHURCH SHOOTING that killed two and wounded others, AND the murder by shooting of the ARKANSAS DEMOCRATIC PARTY Chairman, the GUNMEN WERE KNOWN to have listened to RIGHT-WING HATE RADIO, and both actually had purchased (and presumably read) SEAN HANNITY, BILL O'REILLY, and/or MICHAEL SAVAGE's HATE SCREEDS.
Friday, October 10, 2008
George Will, John McCain, Sarah Palin, corporate media TRY TO BLAME ENTIRE Economic Crisis on... MINORITY (Black) Americans & Fannie Mae!!
BRAVO! For David Fiderer - he is DECONSTRUCTING the attempts by George Will and the Right-Wing Media - at the urging of John McCain, Sarah Palin, and the Republican Party - TO BLAME THE _ENTIRE_ US and world financial economic crisis on MINORITIES (BLACK AMERICANS) in general, and FANNIE MAE in particular.
We here at MediaWhoresUSA have _NO_ doubt that 'Democratic' Party leaders have been in the middle of the DEREGULATION agenda, and have not stood up forcefully enough to the climate of greed and lack of oversight on Wall St. and in the financial markets.
BUT TO BLAME THIS _ENTIRE_ ECONOMIC CRISIS on Fannie Mae is patently absurd - especially since THE REPUBLICAN PARTY WAS IN CONTROL of BOTH the White House AND CONGRESS from 2002 to 2006. As recently as JULY 2006, PRESIDENT Bush's OWN Secretary of Treasury QUASHED RUMORS that Fannie Mae needed a bailout, Treasury Secretary Paulson flatly asserting that there would be no bailout for Fannie Mae.
BUT - IF Sec. Paulson had to ACKNOWLEDGE the POTENTIAL need for a bailout at Fannie Mae, SHOULD HE NOT HAVE ADDRESSED a BUDDING CRISIS THERE long before September and October 2008?????
Wagging the Dog With Fannie Mae: Republicans Explain the Financial Crisis With Racist Mythology
David Fiderer
Posted October 9, 2008
"Is this video a lie?" wrote someone in response to my last piece on HuffPost.
No, "lie" is an inadequate description. I uploaded the video link, seen by two million people before me, and gasped at the artful perversion of history. It was like a post-millennium version of The Birth of a Nation. In that silent film classic, a pivotal scene is prefaced by the title card:
"AN HISTORICAL FACSIMILE of the State House of Representatives of South Carolina as it was in 1870."
Then we see black legislators in session, drinking whiskey, eating chicken, resting bare feet on their desks, and leering after white women. As J. Lapper wrote:
"This is also the first instance of "bait and switch" in the film. Prior to this, as noted above, [Director D.W.] Griffith used 'historical facsimiles' to give the film an air of historical accuracy...The subversive logic being, 'Earlier we saw facsimiles of Sherman's March, Lee's surrender and Lincoln's assassination. We know those are true. This must be too.'"
The updated "historical facsimile" from, is just as dishonest and just as racially incendiary, since it has the semblance of reasonableness and reality. The hero at the Congressional hearings is the courtly southern gentleman, Republican Richard Baker, whose calls for regulatory oversight are drowned out by the shiftless uncouth blacks: Maxine Waters, Gregory Meeks, Lacy Clay, Artur Davis and Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines, aided by one white guy, Barney Frank.
[Update at 9:00 am October 10, 2008: Yesterday John McCain echoed this video by saying, "Democrat members of Congress fought against reform and it is a matter of record and hearings that they said everything was fine." Barney Frank was one of the "willing co-conspirators."]
To appreciate the mendacity of the video, you need to understand the history of what happened at Fannie Mae, and the causes of the current financial crisis. You'd be hard pressed to get that knowledge from mainstream media, whose piecemeal reporting comes across like blind men describing an elephant.
Into this void of understanding, Republicans have sought to absolve themselves of blame with a racist mythology that has gone viral. George Will, a chief proponent, neatly summarized the narrative on This Week last Sunday:
"In fact, much of the crisis we're in today is because the government set out to fiddle the market. That is, we had regulation in effect with legislation that would criminalize as racism and discrimination if you didn't lend to nonproductive borrowers. We had Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac existed to rig the housing market because the market would not have put people in homes they could not have afforded."
Will's narrative is about as accurate as D.W. Griffith's portrayal of Reconstruction. Fox News invokes it constantly. The ABC commentator invokes four different phenomena, none of which he understands:
1. The financial problems of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
2. The mission of Fannie and Freddie,
3. The Community Reinvestment Act,
4. The greater mortgage crisis.
To refute the lie, we need to address these issues one at a time.
What does the video have to do with Fannie Mae's collapse? Nothing.
The best way to understand what happened is to start off with an understanding of when things happened. Therein lies the bait-and-switch. The financial problems at Fannie Mae began after these Congressional hearings, which were conducted a few weeks before the November 2004 elections. Fannie Mae's troubles were caused by Daniel Mudd, who reversed the policies of his predecessor, Franklin Raines, when he became CEO in December 2004. The New York Times laid it out very clearly:
"[B]y the time Mr. Mudd became Fannie's chief executive in 2004, his company was under siege. Competitors were snatching lucrative parts of its business. Congress was demanding that Mr. Mudd help steer more loans to low-income borrowers. Lenders were threatening to sell directly to Wall Street unless Fannie bought a bigger chunk of their riskiest loans.
"So Mr. Mudd made a fateful choice. Disregarding warnings from his managers that lenders were making too many loans that would never be repaid, he steered Fannie into more treacherous corners of the mortgage market, according to executives.
"Between 2005 and 2008, Fannie purchased or guaranteed at least $270 billion in loans to risky borrowers -- more than three times as much as in all its earlier years combined, according to company filings and industry data."
Democrats Supported Regulatory Oversight But Objected to a White House Power Grab
So if the October 2004 hearings did not address concerns associated with Fannie's risky mortgages, what was everyone talking about? Something quite different, though an ignoramus like George Will could easily conflate the two concepts. An Administration report had skewered Fannie for engaging in some dodgy accounting practices - relating to timing differences over the recognition of income - which had a slight impact on its overall financial metrics. Fannie and its management deserved to be criticized and increased regulatory oversight was absolutely appropriate. But what the House Democrats in the video were objecting to was the Administration's level of overkill. From how they saw things, the Bush Administration was using the pretext of regulatory oversight to accomplish a power grab that would compromise the mission of Fannie Mae. Here's what Barney Frank said at the time:
"I believe we were well on the way, the chairman and I and the staffs, to putting together a bill that would have enhanced the regulator and could have passed. What stopped progress on a new bill was the Bush administration's determination to go beyond safety and soundness and into provisions that would have restricted the housing function.
"To the extent that people played games [with accounting rules] to get bonuses, I'm outraged. People making that much money, let me put it this way, at the level of compensation of the top officers of Fannie Mae, they should get bonuses if they rush into a burning building a rescue a kid, maybe a cat, but not for doing their job. I think it is unseemly of them to be getting bonuses in the first place for doing what they're getting paid very well to do.
"To the extent that there was manipulation, that is very wrong and should be penalized. But I've seen nothing in here that suggests that the safety and soundness are at issue, and I think it serves us badly to raise safety and soundness as a kind of a general shibboleth, when it does not seem to be the issue."
Banks Governed by The Community Reinvestment Act Were Not The Ones Who Caused the Subprime Market to Expand
Daniel Gross in Slate attacks a lot of the same mythology discussed herein, focusing specifically on phony claims pertaining to the Community Reinvestment Act, which has been around for 30 years and never affected the soundness of the mortgage markets. The CRA never suggested that anyone compromise credit standards and it didn't apply to the mortgage lenders or investment banks who were pumping up subprime mortgages.
Hank Paulson: The mortgage crisis was caused by events that began during the run up to the 2004 election and ended soon after the Democrats took Congress in early 2007.
Again, to understand what happened, begin with understanding when things happened. In this regard, there's no secret. Everyone in financial services knows when and how things happened. Hank Paulson's report to the President reflected the common knowledge expressed by Treasury, the Fed, the SEC and the CFTC:
"The turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for US. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into early 2007. "[Italics in original text.]
We see this in all the numbers. According to a survey by the New York Fed, about 77% of subprime mortgages and 85% of Alt-A mortgages were issued after 2004. What happened in 2004? Subprime mortgage securitizations were able to take off because, as Bloomberg reported, in August 2004 Moody's and Standard and Poor's loosened their standards for rating mortgage backed securities, which had traded in a highly liquid market for almost 20 years. The impact of the rating agencies' practices cannot be overstated. To date, banks have recognized about $500 billion in losses on subprime mortgages, the lion's share of which were packaged in securities originally rated AAA, i.e. presumed to always be salable at close to par.
In 2004 short term interest rates, reduced by Alan Greenspan to stimulate the economy going in to the election cycle, reached their lowest point, enabling certain buyers to get variable rate mortgages at teaser rates of 3% for the first two years.
Nowhere in Paulson's report will you find anything that suggests that the financial crisis was triggered by, as George Will put it, regulation that compelling lending to "non-productive borrowers" or by Fannie or Freddie, which had been around for decades, "rigging the housing market."
As a final aside, you may remember this little gem from the McCain campaign. It's an ad that claims Obama relied on economic advice from Franklin Raines, which wasn't actually true. What do you think McCain was getting at?
We here at MediaWhoresUSA have _NO_ doubt that 'Democratic' Party leaders have been in the middle of the DEREGULATION agenda, and have not stood up forcefully enough to the climate of greed and lack of oversight on Wall St. and in the financial markets.
BUT TO BLAME THIS _ENTIRE_ ECONOMIC CRISIS on Fannie Mae is patently absurd - especially since THE REPUBLICAN PARTY WAS IN CONTROL of BOTH the White House AND CONGRESS from 2002 to 2006. As recently as JULY 2006, PRESIDENT Bush's OWN Secretary of Treasury QUASHED RUMORS that Fannie Mae needed a bailout, Treasury Secretary Paulson flatly asserting that there would be no bailout for Fannie Mae.
BUT - IF Sec. Paulson had to ACKNOWLEDGE the POTENTIAL need for a bailout at Fannie Mae, SHOULD HE NOT HAVE ADDRESSED a BUDDING CRISIS THERE long before September and October 2008?????
Wagging the Dog With Fannie Mae: Republicans Explain the Financial Crisis With Racist Mythology
David Fiderer
Posted October 9, 2008
"Is this video a lie?" wrote someone in response to my last piece on HuffPost.
No, "lie" is an inadequate description. I uploaded the video link, seen by two million people before me, and gasped at the artful perversion of history. It was like a post-millennium version of The Birth of a Nation. In that silent film classic, a pivotal scene is prefaced by the title card:
"AN HISTORICAL FACSIMILE of the State House of Representatives of South Carolina as it was in 1870."
Then we see black legislators in session, drinking whiskey, eating chicken, resting bare feet on their desks, and leering after white women. As J. Lapper wrote:
"This is also the first instance of "bait and switch" in the film. Prior to this, as noted above, [Director D.W.] Griffith used 'historical facsimiles' to give the film an air of historical accuracy...The subversive logic being, 'Earlier we saw facsimiles of Sherman's March, Lee's surrender and Lincoln's assassination. We know those are true. This must be too.'"
The updated "historical facsimile" from, is just as dishonest and just as racially incendiary, since it has the semblance of reasonableness and reality. The hero at the Congressional hearings is the courtly southern gentleman, Republican Richard Baker, whose calls for regulatory oversight are drowned out by the shiftless uncouth blacks: Maxine Waters, Gregory Meeks, Lacy Clay, Artur Davis and Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines, aided by one white guy, Barney Frank.
[Update at 9:00 am October 10, 2008: Yesterday John McCain echoed this video by saying, "Democrat members of Congress fought against reform and it is a matter of record and hearings that they said everything was fine." Barney Frank was one of the "willing co-conspirators."]
To appreciate the mendacity of the video, you need to understand the history of what happened at Fannie Mae, and the causes of the current financial crisis. You'd be hard pressed to get that knowledge from mainstream media, whose piecemeal reporting comes across like blind men describing an elephant.
Into this void of understanding, Republicans have sought to absolve themselves of blame with a racist mythology that has gone viral. George Will, a chief proponent, neatly summarized the narrative on This Week last Sunday:
"In fact, much of the crisis we're in today is because the government set out to fiddle the market. That is, we had regulation in effect with legislation that would criminalize as racism and discrimination if you didn't lend to nonproductive borrowers. We had Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac existed to rig the housing market because the market would not have put people in homes they could not have afforded."
Will's narrative is about as accurate as D.W. Griffith's portrayal of Reconstruction. Fox News invokes it constantly. The ABC commentator invokes four different phenomena, none of which he understands:
1. The financial problems of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
2. The mission of Fannie and Freddie,
3. The Community Reinvestment Act,
4. The greater mortgage crisis.
To refute the lie, we need to address these issues one at a time.
What does the video have to do with Fannie Mae's collapse? Nothing.
The best way to understand what happened is to start off with an understanding of when things happened. Therein lies the bait-and-switch. The financial problems at Fannie Mae began after these Congressional hearings, which were conducted a few weeks before the November 2004 elections. Fannie Mae's troubles were caused by Daniel Mudd, who reversed the policies of his predecessor, Franklin Raines, when he became CEO in December 2004. The New York Times laid it out very clearly:
"[B]y the time Mr. Mudd became Fannie's chief executive in 2004, his company was under siege. Competitors were snatching lucrative parts of its business. Congress was demanding that Mr. Mudd help steer more loans to low-income borrowers. Lenders were threatening to sell directly to Wall Street unless Fannie bought a bigger chunk of their riskiest loans.
"So Mr. Mudd made a fateful choice. Disregarding warnings from his managers that lenders were making too many loans that would never be repaid, he steered Fannie into more treacherous corners of the mortgage market, according to executives.
"Between 2005 and 2008, Fannie purchased or guaranteed at least $270 billion in loans to risky borrowers -- more than three times as much as in all its earlier years combined, according to company filings and industry data."
Democrats Supported Regulatory Oversight But Objected to a White House Power Grab
So if the October 2004 hearings did not address concerns associated with Fannie's risky mortgages, what was everyone talking about? Something quite different, though an ignoramus like George Will could easily conflate the two concepts. An Administration report had skewered Fannie for engaging in some dodgy accounting practices - relating to timing differences over the recognition of income - which had a slight impact on its overall financial metrics. Fannie and its management deserved to be criticized and increased regulatory oversight was absolutely appropriate. But what the House Democrats in the video were objecting to was the Administration's level of overkill. From how they saw things, the Bush Administration was using the pretext of regulatory oversight to accomplish a power grab that would compromise the mission of Fannie Mae. Here's what Barney Frank said at the time:
"I believe we were well on the way, the chairman and I and the staffs, to putting together a bill that would have enhanced the regulator and could have passed. What stopped progress on a new bill was the Bush administration's determination to go beyond safety and soundness and into provisions that would have restricted the housing function.
"To the extent that people played games [with accounting rules] to get bonuses, I'm outraged. People making that much money, let me put it this way, at the level of compensation of the top officers of Fannie Mae, they should get bonuses if they rush into a burning building a rescue a kid, maybe a cat, but not for doing their job. I think it is unseemly of them to be getting bonuses in the first place for doing what they're getting paid very well to do.
"To the extent that there was manipulation, that is very wrong and should be penalized. But I've seen nothing in here that suggests that the safety and soundness are at issue, and I think it serves us badly to raise safety and soundness as a kind of a general shibboleth, when it does not seem to be the issue."
Banks Governed by The Community Reinvestment Act Were Not The Ones Who Caused the Subprime Market to Expand
Daniel Gross in Slate attacks a lot of the same mythology discussed herein, focusing specifically on phony claims pertaining to the Community Reinvestment Act, which has been around for 30 years and never affected the soundness of the mortgage markets. The CRA never suggested that anyone compromise credit standards and it didn't apply to the mortgage lenders or investment banks who were pumping up subprime mortgages.
Hank Paulson: The mortgage crisis was caused by events that began during the run up to the 2004 election and ended soon after the Democrats took Congress in early 2007.
Again, to understand what happened, begin with understanding when things happened. In this regard, there's no secret. Everyone in financial services knows when and how things happened. Hank Paulson's report to the President reflected the common knowledge expressed by Treasury, the Fed, the SEC and the CFTC:
"The turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for US. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into early 2007. "[Italics in original text.]
We see this in all the numbers. According to a survey by the New York Fed, about 77% of subprime mortgages and 85% of Alt-A mortgages were issued after 2004. What happened in 2004? Subprime mortgage securitizations were able to take off because, as Bloomberg reported, in August 2004 Moody's and Standard and Poor's loosened their standards for rating mortgage backed securities, which had traded in a highly liquid market for almost 20 years. The impact of the rating agencies' practices cannot be overstated. To date, banks have recognized about $500 billion in losses on subprime mortgages, the lion's share of which were packaged in securities originally rated AAA, i.e. presumed to always be salable at close to par.
In 2004 short term interest rates, reduced by Alan Greenspan to stimulate the economy going in to the election cycle, reached their lowest point, enabling certain buyers to get variable rate mortgages at teaser rates of 3% for the first two years.
Nowhere in Paulson's report will you find anything that suggests that the financial crisis was triggered by, as George Will put it, regulation that compelling lending to "non-productive borrowers" or by Fannie or Freddie, which had been around for decades, "rigging the housing market."
As a final aside, you may remember this little gem from the McCain campaign. It's an ad that claims Obama relied on economic advice from Franklin Raines, which wasn't actually true. What do you think McCain was getting at?
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Tom Freidman.... DITCHES the NEO-CON INSANITY held by his NY Times stablemates... and joins the "Sanity in American Media" crowd again?
- well, neo-con Tom FINALLY returns to his roots - as a PRAGMATIC LIBERAL. We have saved a photo-copy of a similar Friedman column - written in the early 1990s at the peak of the BUSH-1 RECESSION - comparing Conservative's calls then for "LESS TAXES!" and "LESS GOVERNMENT!", during the Bush-1 Recession, with LIBERIA, then ruled by MASS-MURDEROUS WAR-LORDS RUN AMOK.
The Ft.Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel published Friedman's syndicated column common-sense appeal to America's common-sense that day, printed Friedman's column under a picture of.... a Liberian warlord's foot-soldier walking down a burned out, desolate dirt street, carrying two decapitated heads by their hair or a string.
Well, it has only taken just under 20 years, and just over TWO TRILLION DOLLARS of American INVESTOR MONEY VANISHED INTO THIN AIR this past week, alone, for overpaid Times-boy Friedman to REGAIN HIS SENSES - but in this case better late than never....
Palin’s Kind of Patriotism
by Thomas L. Friedman
Published: October 7, 2008
Criticizing Sarah Palin is truly shooting fish in a barrel. But given the huge attention she is getting, you can’t just ignore what she has to say. And there was one thing she said in the debate with Joe Biden that really sticks in my craw. It was when she turned to Biden and declared: “You said recently that higher taxes or asking for higher taxes or paying higher taxes is patriotic. In the middle class of America, which is where Todd and I have been all of our lives, that’s not patriotic.”
What an awful statement. Palin defended the government’s $700 billion rescue plan. She defended the surge in Iraq, where her own son is now serving. She defended sending more troops to Afghanistan. And yet, at the same time, she declared that Americans who pay their fair share of taxes to support all those government-led endeavors should not be considered patriotic.
I only wish she had been asked: “Governor Palin, if paying taxes is not considered patriotic in your neighborhood, who is going to pay for the body armor that will protect your son in Iraq? Who is going to pay for the bailout you endorsed? If it isn’t from tax revenues, there are only two ways to pay for those big projects — printing more money or borrowing more money. Do you think borrowing money from China is more patriotic than raising it in taxes from Americans?” That is not putting America first. That is selling America first.....
continued at -
- well, neo-con Tom FINALLY returns to his roots - as a PRAGMATIC LIBERAL. We have saved a photo-copy of a similar Friedman column - written in the early 1990s at the peak of the BUSH-1 RECESSION - comparing Conservative's calls then for "LESS TAXES!" and "LESS GOVERNMENT!", during the Bush-1 Recession, with LIBERIA, then ruled by MASS-MURDEROUS WAR-LORDS RUN AMOK.
The Ft.Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel published Friedman's syndicated column common-sense appeal to America's common-sense that day, printed Friedman's column under a picture of.... a Liberian warlord's foot-soldier walking down a burned out, desolate dirt street, carrying two decapitated heads by their hair or a string.
Well, it has only taken just under 20 years, and just over TWO TRILLION DOLLARS of American INVESTOR MONEY VANISHED INTO THIN AIR this past week, alone, for overpaid Times-boy Friedman to REGAIN HIS SENSES - but in this case better late than never....
Palin’s Kind of Patriotism
by Thomas L. Friedman
Published: October 7, 2008
Criticizing Sarah Palin is truly shooting fish in a barrel. But given the huge attention she is getting, you can’t just ignore what she has to say. And there was one thing she said in the debate with Joe Biden that really sticks in my craw. It was when she turned to Biden and declared: “You said recently that higher taxes or asking for higher taxes or paying higher taxes is patriotic. In the middle class of America, which is where Todd and I have been all of our lives, that’s not patriotic.”
What an awful statement. Palin defended the government’s $700 billion rescue plan. She defended the surge in Iraq, where her own son is now serving. She defended sending more troops to Afghanistan. And yet, at the same time, she declared that Americans who pay their fair share of taxes to support all those government-led endeavors should not be considered patriotic.
I only wish she had been asked: “Governor Palin, if paying taxes is not considered patriotic in your neighborhood, who is going to pay for the body armor that will protect your son in Iraq? Who is going to pay for the bailout you endorsed? If it isn’t from tax revenues, there are only two ways to pay for those big projects — printing more money or borrowing more money. Do you think borrowing money from China is more patriotic than raising it in taxes from Americans?” That is not putting America first. That is selling America first.....
continued at -
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Media Whores may not be in Bed with McCain.. but they love the FREE BOOZE!
<< To a greater degree than any candidate in thirty years, McCain offered reporters the three things they want most: total access all the time, an endless stream of amusing quotes, and vast quantities of free booze." >>
As quoted by Eric Alterman and George Zornik in their article in The Nation magazine, quoting an excerpt from _REPUBLICAN_ media personality Tucker Carlson's book, Politicians, Partisans, and Parasites: My Adventures in Cable News.
Tucker's quote is just one of several dozen examples of how reporters put playing courtiers to McCain's campaign court as a far greater priority than analyzing how the senators policies, votes, and positions would impact the American economy and foreign policy... or even how McCain's positions have impacted America in the past. (For example, McCain's role as a KEATING FIVE Senator, running a WASHINGTON PROTECTION RACKET for Charles Keating's Lincoln Savings & Loan before it went belly-up during the S&L Crisis - a debacle that cost American taxpayers an estimated TWO BILLION DOLLARS for Keating's Lincoln S&L losses, alone.)
IN McCain's defense, THE OTHER FOUR of the "Keating Five" Senators.... WERE DEMOCRATS!
Nominal Democrat "leaders" NANCY PELOSI and HARRY REID this week REPRISE the role of the KEATING FOUR Democrats RUNNING A PROTECTION RACKET for Keating's S&L... Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi (et al) all but bowing down and Kissing King Henry Paulson's feet, in order to shower Paulson with, not one billion, not two billion, but SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION taxpayer DOLLARS in the Paulson-Pelosi-Bush "CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY for Wall St. in 2008" WALL Street millionaires BAILOUT BILL!
Loving John McCain
By Eric Alterman & George Zornick
June 19, 2008 (the July 7, 2008 edition of The Nation)
<< But even though we might be taken with McCain personally, we would like to think that we would resist the urge to offer the sort of spontaneous testimonials to his character that have gushed from the pens of so many MSM journalists. These would include calling McCain "a cool dude" (Jake Tapper, Salon); "an original, imaginative, and at times inspiring candidate" (Jacob Weisberg, Slate); "a man of unshakable character, willing to stand up for his convictions" (the late R.W. Apple Jr., New York Times); "a man of intelligence, honor and enormous personal and political courage" (Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek); "blunt, unyielding, deploying his principles.... What he does do is what he's always done, play it as straight as possible.... The maverick candidate still" (Terry Moran, ABC News's Nightline); "worldly-wise and witty, determined to follow the facts to the exclusion of ideology...willing to defy his own party and forge compromise...pragmatic in the service of the national interest...rises to passion when he believes that America's best values are at stake" (Michael Hirsch, Newsweek); "kind of like a Martin Luther" (Chris Matthews, MSNBC's Hardball); "the perfect candidate to deal with what challenges we face as a country" (Mika Brzezinski, MSNBC's Morning Joe); "rises above the pack...eloquent, as only a prisoner of war can be" (David Nyhan, Boston Globe); "the bravest candidate in the presidential race" (Dana Milbank, Washington Post); "an affable man of zealous, unbending beliefs" and "the hero [who] still does things his own way" (Richard Cohen, Washington Post); and who, in "an age of deep cynicism about politicians of both the rare exception who is not assumed to be willing to sacrifice personal credibility to prevail in any contest" (David Broder, Washington Post).
Believe us, we could go on (and on and on...). Suffice it to say that no candidate since John F. Kennedy, and perhaps none since Franklin Delano Roosevelt, has enjoyed such cozy relations with the press. >>
As quoted by Eric Alterman and George Zornik in their article in The Nation magazine, quoting an excerpt from _REPUBLICAN_ media personality Tucker Carlson's book, Politicians, Partisans, and Parasites: My Adventures in Cable News.
Tucker's quote is just one of several dozen examples of how reporters put playing courtiers to McCain's campaign court as a far greater priority than analyzing how the senators policies, votes, and positions would impact the American economy and foreign policy... or even how McCain's positions have impacted America in the past. (For example, McCain's role as a KEATING FIVE Senator, running a WASHINGTON PROTECTION RACKET for Charles Keating's Lincoln Savings & Loan before it went belly-up during the S&L Crisis - a debacle that cost American taxpayers an estimated TWO BILLION DOLLARS for Keating's Lincoln S&L losses, alone.)
IN McCain's defense, THE OTHER FOUR of the "Keating Five" Senators.... WERE DEMOCRATS!
Nominal Democrat "leaders" NANCY PELOSI and HARRY REID this week REPRISE the role of the KEATING FOUR Democrats RUNNING A PROTECTION RACKET for Keating's S&L... Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi (et al) all but bowing down and Kissing King Henry Paulson's feet, in order to shower Paulson with, not one billion, not two billion, but SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION taxpayer DOLLARS in the Paulson-Pelosi-Bush "CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY for Wall St. in 2008" WALL Street millionaires BAILOUT BILL!
Loving John McCain
By Eric Alterman & George Zornick
June 19, 2008 (the July 7, 2008 edition of The Nation)
<< But even though we might be taken with McCain personally, we would like to think that we would resist the urge to offer the sort of spontaneous testimonials to his character that have gushed from the pens of so many MSM journalists. These would include calling McCain "a cool dude" (Jake Tapper, Salon); "an original, imaginative, and at times inspiring candidate" (Jacob Weisberg, Slate); "a man of unshakable character, willing to stand up for his convictions" (the late R.W. Apple Jr., New York Times); "a man of intelligence, honor and enormous personal and political courage" (Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek); "blunt, unyielding, deploying his principles.... What he does do is what he's always done, play it as straight as possible.... The maverick candidate still" (Terry Moran, ABC News's Nightline); "worldly-wise and witty, determined to follow the facts to the exclusion of ideology...willing to defy his own party and forge compromise...pragmatic in the service of the national interest...rises to passion when he believes that America's best values are at stake" (Michael Hirsch, Newsweek); "kind of like a Martin Luther" (Chris Matthews, MSNBC's Hardball); "the perfect candidate to deal with what challenges we face as a country" (Mika Brzezinski, MSNBC's Morning Joe); "rises above the pack...eloquent, as only a prisoner of war can be" (David Nyhan, Boston Globe); "the bravest candidate in the presidential race" (Dana Milbank, Washington Post); "an affable man of zealous, unbending beliefs" and "the hero [who] still does things his own way" (Richard Cohen, Washington Post); and who, in "an age of deep cynicism about politicians of both the rare exception who is not assumed to be willing to sacrifice personal credibility to prevail in any contest" (David Broder, Washington Post).
Believe us, we could go on (and on and on...). Suffice it to say that no candidate since John F. Kennedy, and perhaps none since Franklin Delano Roosevelt, has enjoyed such cozy relations with the press. >>
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
NY TIMES WHORES David Brooks, Bob Herbert pour SCORN on taxpayers for WALL STREET's FAILURES...
NY TIMES WHORES David Brooks, Bob Herbert pour SCORN on taxpayers and voters for WALL STREET's FAILURES...
#1. "Revolt of the Nihilists" - NY Times' David Brooks whines "GIVE US New York Wall St. con-men MORE OF YOUR consumer/taxpayer money - or else!"
#2. Bob Herbert echoes his nyt op-ed stablemate Brook's scorn and derision for American taxpayers, homeowners, and consumers (the "little people") and their congressmen - they are all -
"MADMEN!" shouts Herbert, IF THEY DON'T HAND OVER ONE TRILLION taxoayer DOLLARS (put on our national credit card, at daily compounding interest at that) to our Wall St. banker friends!
Mr. Herbert and Mr. Brooks - just two more of the UNPRINCIPLED LYING HACKS at Arthur Sulzberger's NY LYIN' TIMES, the organization that PRETENDS it is looking out for American consumers, taxpayers, and citizens, but is really in bed with the kleptocratic oligarchs of Diebold, Wall St. the murderous War Industry, and the Bush administration shell-game, FLIM-FLAM, ENRON ACCOUNTING, TRILLION-DOLLAR DEFICITS, WARS, LIES, & frauds con men.
#1. "Revolt of the Nihilists" - NY Times' David Brooks whines "GIVE US New York Wall St. con-men MORE OF YOUR consumer/taxpayer money - or else!"
#2. Bob Herbert echoes his nyt op-ed stablemate Brook's scorn and derision for American taxpayers, homeowners, and consumers (the "little people") and their congressmen - they are all -
"MADMEN!" shouts Herbert, IF THEY DON'T HAND OVER ONE TRILLION taxoayer DOLLARS (put on our national credit card, at daily compounding interest at that) to our Wall St. banker friends!
Mr. Herbert and Mr. Brooks - just two more of the UNPRINCIPLED LYING HACKS at Arthur Sulzberger's NY LYIN' TIMES, the organization that PRETENDS it is looking out for American consumers, taxpayers, and citizens, but is really in bed with the kleptocratic oligarchs of Diebold, Wall St. the murderous War Industry, and the Bush administration shell-game, FLIM-FLAM, ENRON ACCOUNTING, TRILLION-DOLLAR DEFICITS, WARS, LIES, & frauds con men.
Monday, September 29, 2008
New York Lyin' Times Distillation of Corporate Media talking-points re Bush's Catastrohpic Wall St. Failures Bailout -

QUOTES: "I didn't know you were Catholic."
Speaker of the Houe NANCY PELOSI, as quoted by TIME magazine this weekend, which gave us this solid gold nugget of attribution about Pelosi's above quote:
<< Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, referring to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, WHO REPORTEDLY GOT DOWN ON HIS KNEES to BEG Pelosi to help speed along the government bailout package. >>

Today's New York whore Times gets their 3rd sentence in this morning's article on the "miracle cure" Wall St. bailout bill correct:
<< The measure still faced stiff resistance from Republican and Democratic lawmakers who portrayed it as a rush to economic judgment and an undeserved aid package for high-flying financiers who chased big profits through reckless investments. >>
And the 1st, 2nd, and 4th sentences are not too terrible, either.
BUT the 5th, 6th, and 7th sentences in Carl Hulse and David Herszenhorn's report are real stinkers:
<< ALL SIDES HAD TO SURRENDER SOMETHING. The administration had to accept limits on executive pay and tougher oversight; Democrats had to sacrifice a push to allow bankruptcy judges to rewrite mortgages; and Republicans fell short in their effort to require that the federal government insure, rather than buy, the bad debt.
Even so, lawmakers on all sides said the bill had been significantly improved from the Bush administration’s original proposal. >>
WHY, EXACTLY, did the 'Democrat' "Leadership" HAVE TO SURRENDER SOMETHING"??
According to TIME magazine, there are reports that Bush's Treasury Secretary, Mr. Henry Paulson, literally got on his knees beseeching Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi approve the $700 billion Wall St. BAILOUT bill - AT TAXPAYER expense.
Let's pretend for a moment that a kiss was also involved, it would be the most expensive kiss in all of human history!
Divide $700,000,000,000 by 3-hundred-million Americans, THAT WORKS OUT TO over $2,000 PER AMERICAN man, woman, and child.
Consider that with children, retirees, and people with disabilitees, only one in three Americans are working taxpayers, and the price of the PELOSI-PAULSON BAILOUT now zooms to over $6,000 per American worker.
WITH THAT KIND OF MONEY INVOLVED, why could not the US government have simply LET WALL STREET FAIL, and then stepped in as a lender on behalf of consumers and producers itself providing those loans guarantees of amounts up to several billions of dollars, to new lenders or loan consortiums?
THE NOTION that the Bush administration "HAD TO GIVE SOMETHING UP" by giving up INSANE amounts of EXECUTIVE PAY and compensaion is... well, simply INSANE.
This is the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall St. Journal's, and other corporate media favorite media meme: THAT NO MATTER HOW ABSURD or APPALLING the Bush administration (or big business) request, policy, legislation, bill, or agenda is, it has a miraculous "EQUIVALENCE" with Democratic policy requests, priorities, and bills, SIMPLY BECAUSE there must be "AN EQUIVALENCE" between the two political parties!
HOW would Mr. Hulse and Mr. Herszenhorn feel if a robber put a gun to their heads, and said "HAND OVER $6,000, or I'll ruin your ability to raise credit financing"?
THAT is the underlying theme of Major Media reporting on the Bush-Cheney-Paulson TAXPAYER BAILOUT of Wall St. - "IF you don't GIVE US MONEY, you will not be able to RAISE MONEY in the future"!
Well, for one trillion dollars (what it will cost us American taxpayers before this particular Bush-Rove-Cheney nightmare is over) we did BUY ONE GLORIOUS GIFT: the NOTION of GEORGE W. BUSH as a "TAX CUTTER" is OVER for ALL ETERNITY;
George W. Bush as TAX CUTTER is DEAD AND BURIED, because in fact Mr. Bush wants American TAXPAYERS to FORK OVER a MINIMUM of ONE-TRILLION-DOLLARS to save his crony Wall Street Robber Barons & Credit EXTORTIONISTS, and the REAL cost of this $.7-trillion bailout, on top of the EXISTING $11 TRILLION of pre-existing BUSH DEFICITS, will likely be two or three times the stated amount - just as, if you make purchases on your over-loaded credit card and only pay the minimum monthly payment, your REAL PRICE is THREE TIMES what you paid to purchase an item with that credit card..
THE REAL price of the Bush-Pelosi-Paulson BAILOUT, will cost American taxpayers somewhere between ONE TRILLION and TWO TRILLION+ DOLLARS - TAXPAYER dollars, i.e. TWO TRILLION DOLLARS in NEW TAXES by George Bush and Nancy Pelosi to BAIL OUT Wall St. fat-cats.
BUSH BESEECHES BILLIONS in NEW TAXES from Congress to BAIL OUT his WALL Street Credit Extortion Cronies & Robber Barons:

The AMERICAN WHORE MEDIA - SLAVES to their corporate bosses and owners - is INCAPABLE of saying what a Bailout Protester on Wall Street said in a ten word protest sign: That President Bush, his Republican Party, and the complicit Democrats (who wouldn't know how to use a FILIBUSTER it their lives depended on it) HAVE RUN UP ELEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS - $11,000,000,000,000 - of DEBT that American taxpayers will have to pay, the complete, diametrical OPPOSITE of the "TAX CUTS" Mr. Bush has been BRAGGING ABOUT for the last decade, a MASSIVE GOVERNMENT DEBT that INCREASES by almost TWO BILLION DOLLAR PER DAY, from the interest alone - and that was BEFORE Mr. Bush's NEWEST round of TAXES FOR BAILOUTS for BILLIONAIRE wannabees!

Friday, September 19, 2008
ONE Simple Question for America's Sychophant Media Whores: IF John McCain WOULD CHANGE policies in future, WHICH policies SHOULD Bush have Changed??
ONE simple question illustrates America's MEDIA morons:
IF John McCain WOULD CHANGE policies in a future McCain administration; then
#1. WHICH CURRENT Bush-Cheney administration policies SHOULD HAVE BEEN CHANGED, or never brought to pass; and,
B. WHY didn't 26-year Republican SENATOR JOHN McCAIN OPPOSE THOSE bad, wrong, or ill-informed POLICIES MORE ACTIVELY in the past 8 years?
.....ESPECIALLY given McCain's role as one of the Keating-5 senators in the KEATING-FIVE SCANDAL, which access scandal was at the CORE of the US-economy GUTTING SAVINGS & LOAN scandal, the financial scandal that led DIRECTLY to the BUSH-1 DEFICITS, which in turn led to the BUSH-1 RECESSION???
Note: The BUSH-2 DEFICITS, and Bush-Cheney RECESSION, is a CARBON COPY, EXACT REPEAT, of the Bush-1 Deficits and Bush-1 Recession, brought about by PHIL GRAMM"s SAVINGS & LOAN DEREGULATION and INSIDER LOOTING of MILLIONS out of the nation's Savings & Loan and bank vaults, with INFLATED APPRAISALS, INSIDER LOANS, OVERSTATED ASSETS; and KEATING-FIVE PROTECTION from agressive state and federal audits!
SENATOR JOHN McCAIN, THANK YOU for illustrating how SUPERFICIAL, cowering, and PATHETIC the American DO NOTHING BUT LIE "major Media" has been, that they can NOT even ask a question YOU WOULD EXPECT of a 9'th Grade "COMPARE & CONTRAST" social studies class!
(Note: there are 1,000 ONE-THOUSAND Right-Wing radio outlets in America; and far less than 10%, LESS-THAN-TEN-PERCENT "liberal" talk outlets to compete.
Note #2: THE BOOK that PREDICTED the Bush-2 RECESSION, and current financial institutions COLLAPSE:
by Moulo, Fricker, and Pizzo, 1989.
As the title implies, the S&L debacle of the 1980s was not an "accident" of home buyers making mistakes purchasing their homes; it was a PREMEDITATED effort, on the part of INSIDER BUSINESSMEN and bank executives, CONNECTED with the top tiers of both the Republican AND Democratic Party, who set out to make millions of dollars from GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED LOANS, writing themselves and their friends loans that WOULD FAIL, knowing the government would insure the losses.
Hence the $500 BILLION, in 1980s money, S&L Bailout debacle and subsequent Bush-1 DEFICITS, the DEFICITS that Ross Perot spent $12 MILLION of his own money (worth well over $25 million in today's dollars) EDUCATING AMERICANS about with his charts and twangy Texas drawl.
ALL THROUGH the 1990s, Republicans, big-business, and their media allies PUSHED the S&L debacle OUT of the news & financial coverage, substituting instead the soap-opera drama of hapless JIM McDOUGALs' Madison Guarantee S&L, which losses federal prosecutors, Ken Starr, and the New York Times and Washington Post were never able to state as costing more than $22 million. By comparison, Keating's LINCOLN SAVINGS & Loan lost TWO BILLION DOLLARS in taxpayer guaranteed funds; and President Bush's son Neil Bush's SILVERADO Savings & Loan based in Colorado COST TAXPAYERS ONE BILLION DOLLARS.
for more on the INSIDER nature of the S&L financial crash, and how "insiders" included both Democrats and Republicans, see "The CIA, the Mafia, and George Bush" (Sr.), which builds on the foundation of "INSIDE JOB", and in the introduction spells out that had the Democratic Dukakis-Bentson campaign won election 1988, the title of the book would have been "The CIA, the Mafia, and Lloyd Benston"
IF John McCain WOULD CHANGE policies in a future McCain administration; then
#1. WHICH CURRENT Bush-Cheney administration policies SHOULD HAVE BEEN CHANGED, or never brought to pass; and,
B. WHY didn't 26-year Republican SENATOR JOHN McCAIN OPPOSE THOSE bad, wrong, or ill-informed POLICIES MORE ACTIVELY in the past 8 years?
.....ESPECIALLY given McCain's role as one of the Keating-5 senators in the KEATING-FIVE SCANDAL, which access scandal was at the CORE of the US-economy GUTTING SAVINGS & LOAN scandal, the financial scandal that led DIRECTLY to the BUSH-1 DEFICITS, which in turn led to the BUSH-1 RECESSION???
Note: The BUSH-2 DEFICITS, and Bush-Cheney RECESSION, is a CARBON COPY, EXACT REPEAT, of the Bush-1 Deficits and Bush-1 Recession, brought about by PHIL GRAMM"s SAVINGS & LOAN DEREGULATION and INSIDER LOOTING of MILLIONS out of the nation's Savings & Loan and bank vaults, with INFLATED APPRAISALS, INSIDER LOANS, OVERSTATED ASSETS; and KEATING-FIVE PROTECTION from agressive state and federal audits!
SENATOR JOHN McCAIN, THANK YOU for illustrating how SUPERFICIAL, cowering, and PATHETIC the American DO NOTHING BUT LIE "major Media" has been, that they can NOT even ask a question YOU WOULD EXPECT of a 9'th Grade "COMPARE & CONTRAST" social studies class!
(Note: there are 1,000 ONE-THOUSAND Right-Wing radio outlets in America; and far less than 10%, LESS-THAN-TEN-PERCENT "liberal" talk outlets to compete.
Note #2: THE BOOK that PREDICTED the Bush-2 RECESSION, and current financial institutions COLLAPSE:
by Moulo, Fricker, and Pizzo, 1989.
As the title implies, the S&L debacle of the 1980s was not an "accident" of home buyers making mistakes purchasing their homes; it was a PREMEDITATED effort, on the part of INSIDER BUSINESSMEN and bank executives, CONNECTED with the top tiers of both the Republican AND Democratic Party, who set out to make millions of dollars from GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED LOANS, writing themselves and their friends loans that WOULD FAIL, knowing the government would insure the losses.
Hence the $500 BILLION, in 1980s money, S&L Bailout debacle and subsequent Bush-1 DEFICITS, the DEFICITS that Ross Perot spent $12 MILLION of his own money (worth well over $25 million in today's dollars) EDUCATING AMERICANS about with his charts and twangy Texas drawl.
ALL THROUGH the 1990s, Republicans, big-business, and their media allies PUSHED the S&L debacle OUT of the news & financial coverage, substituting instead the soap-opera drama of hapless JIM McDOUGALs' Madison Guarantee S&L, which losses federal prosecutors, Ken Starr, and the New York Times and Washington Post were never able to state as costing more than $22 million. By comparison, Keating's LINCOLN SAVINGS & Loan lost TWO BILLION DOLLARS in taxpayer guaranteed funds; and President Bush's son Neil Bush's SILVERADO Savings & Loan based in Colorado COST TAXPAYERS ONE BILLION DOLLARS.
for more on the INSIDER nature of the S&L financial crash, and how "insiders" included both Democrats and Republicans, see "The CIA, the Mafia, and George Bush" (Sr.), which builds on the foundation of "INSIDE JOB", and in the introduction spells out that had the Democratic Dukakis-Bentson campaign won election 1988, the title of the book would have been "The CIA, the Mafia, and Lloyd Benston"
So Much for "FREEDOM" of press: Texas Gov. Perry CENSORS media overflights of Hurricane Ike devastated beach areas...
Media Obstruction in Galveston
Press denied access in the wake of Hurricane Ike
By Curtis Brainard
Thu 18 Sep 2008
ABC News affiliate in Houston carried a video of investigative reporter Wayne Dolcefino confronting Texas [REPUGLICAN] governor Rick Perry about temporary “no-fly” zones for TV helicopters over parts of the Bolivar peninsula and west Galveston, the hardest hit areas. Later in the video, Dolcefino tells the ABC anchors:
After Katrina, we were able to go to Waveland, Mississippi, and Gulfport, and Biloxi, and places that were devastated, where there were, sadly, bodies on the road. Now that’s a horrible thing to see and a horrible thing to show, but people who live there, who have friends there, who have relatives there, have a fundamental right to know that stuff. They have a fundamental right to know, not just from the words of a politician or public official, but from the news media, which are independent of government and have also the responsibility of trying to help the public evaluate response…
We couldn’t get crews back on Galveston last night and this morning until we complained on the air for about twenty hours. And it’s not because we want to sightsee, guys, it’s because we have the responsibility of telling people… I made it as clear to [Gov. Perry] off camera as I did on camera that this is not going to be tolerated. You know, we hear about disasters in other countries—what was it, Burma, Myanmar—where they won’t let people in to see and you know, this is the state of Texas; this America. And we’re not trying to interfere with rescue and search operations, nor did anyone suggest we would be."
Friday, August 29, 2008
AP _DROPPED_ by more US papers! Keith Olbermann DEMOLISHES _LYING_ report by AP "reporter" Charles Babbington that sneered at Obama speech
A duo of fantastic news:
#1. US papers, seeing profits fall like a stone in the Bush-2 Recession, are DROPPING the right-wing propaganda 'news' wire feed from AP 'News'!
#2. Within a day or two of the story that more US papers are dropping AP, we see a textbook example of why: "Countdown" news show anchor Keith Olbermann, hosting much of MSNBC's coverage at the Democratic Primary Convention in Denver this past week, bashed AP 'news' 'reporter' CHARLES BABBINGTON's article on Senator Obama's acceptance speech as bearing no resemblence to the speech that fully FORTY MILLION AMERICANS tuned in to watch, to see IF American has a hope of digging itself out from the Bush-2 Recession and national security morass Bush, Cheney, Kark Rove, and the incompetent PNAC "WAR FIRST!" crew have gotten us in to over the past decade.
click here for E&P's original report on Keith Olbermann DEMOLISHING KNOCKING-OUT of Charles Babbington's misleading, outright LYING spin on the Democratic nominee's acceptance speech last night, including Babbington's misleading article in full -
#1. US papers, seeing profits fall like a stone in the Bush-2 Recession, are DROPPING the right-wing propaganda 'news' wire feed from AP 'News'!
#2. Within a day or two of the story that more US papers are dropping AP, we see a textbook example of why: "Countdown" news show anchor Keith Olbermann, hosting much of MSNBC's coverage at the Democratic Primary Convention in Denver this past week, bashed AP 'news' 'reporter' CHARLES BABBINGTON's article on Senator Obama's acceptance speech as bearing no resemblence to the speech that fully FORTY MILLION AMERICANS tuned in to watch, to see IF American has a hope of digging itself out from the Bush-2 Recession and national security morass Bush, Cheney, Kark Rove, and the incompetent PNAC "WAR FIRST!" crew have gotten us in to over the past decade.
August 29, 2008 12:20 AM ET, NEW YORK - In an unusually heated attack on a veteran political reporter by a cable news host, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann laced into the Associated Press's Charles Babington an hour after Barack Obama had concluded his speech in Denver on Thursday night.
Olbermann was outraged that the AP's Babington had written, in his analysis of the speech, just off the wire, that Obama had tried nothing new and that his speech was lacking in specifics. He read the first few paragraphs on the air, lamented that it would be printed in hundred of newspapers on Friday, and concluded, "It is analysis that strikes me as having born no resemblance to the speech you and I just watched. None whatsoever. And for it to be distributed by the lone national news organization in terms of wire copy to newspapers around the country and web sites is a remarkable failure of that news organization.
"Charles Babington, find a new line of work."
Olberman even criticized the reporter on his time-keeping, noting that the article said the speech was 35 minutes long when it was, he said, actually 44 minutes long. A few minutes later, the AP copy showing up at news sites had been corrected to "44 minutes."
Even as Babington was hitting Obama for a lack of specifics, AP was transmitting a second piece by another reporter, Jim Drinkard, that offered a detailed look at seven specific policy proposals in the speech (and expressed doubts about all of them)
click here for E&P's original report on Keith Olbermann DEMOLISHING KNOCKING-OUT of Charles Babbington's misleading, outright LYING spin on the Democratic nominee's acceptance speech last night, including Babbington's misleading article in full -
Saturday, August 16, 2008
AIPAC infested New York Times PROPAGANDA LIES re US military Insertion into Georgia war vs South Ossetia....
The New York Times / Joe Lieberman / AIPAC / Cheney / Bush Neo-Con WAR-MONGERING DICTATOR du jour cries... that AMERICA INSTIGATED HIM to ATTACK South Ossetia but did not back him up!

So much for the notion that America's Jewish community (much less Israel's right-wing imperialist Likudnik pro-wars hard-liners) supports peace, international cooperation, and democratic governments.
Here (reprinted bottom this post) Sean Madden examines the NEW YORK TIMES editorial agenda in WHITEWASHING America's role in INSTIGATING Georgia President Mikhel Saakashvili (a New York educated lawyer) to ATTACK SOUTH OSSETIA, in a Georgian military imperial attempt to assert control over a region it has had NO control for the past decade, because the ethnic Russians in South Ossetia REJECT Georgian dominance and rule.
Saakashvili WOULD NOT HAVE DREAMED of attacking South Ossetia - without CONSTANT and HIGH-LEVEL SUPPORT from the US government.
Saakashvili was practically crying, while standing next to US Secretary of Instigating-International-Wars Rice, that the US did NOT SUPPORT HIM as much as Rice and the Cheney-Bush administration had told him or led him to believe -
This behind-the-scenes WAR-MONGERING by the Cheney-Bush administration has the OVERT SUPPORT of the Jewish-owned New York Times, which is LEADING the entire US national media/press corps, in LYING to the American people, in a constant PROPAGANDA DRUMBEAT towards ever expanding wars and US military operations overseas.
More links documenting the US government WAR MONGERING INSTIGATION of Saakashvili's dictatorial, skull-crushing government.... and the NAZI-esque NEW YORK TIMES WHITEWASHING of same....
#1. "Georgia REFORMS Judiciary" - sheer US propaganda-speak, for "American press/media SUPPORTS Saakashvili's CHARGES OF TREASON against opposition candidates, and CLOSED DOOR, secret, Soviet-esque trials for those in opposition to the regime that furthers America's war-mongering on Russia's doorstep...
(Note: this is a CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR _WHITEWASH_ of Saakashvili's SOVIET, KANGAROO, DICTATOR COURTS! (Masquerading as an article on "judicial reform"!)
#2. The Real Aggressor
Georgian invasion of South Ossetia sets the stage for a wider war
By writer Justin Raimondo
#3. Raimondo repeats his "Georgia INVASION was UNPROVOKED" - specifically calling Saakashvili A WAR CRIMINAL - A politician's hubris causes untold human suffering
The Nazi-esque Times' LOVE for MURDEROURS, CORRUPT, but pro-American dictators is also suggested in this Harper's article on President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan, which illustrates Bush administration glaring HYPOCRISY re corrupt, opposition killing dictators (and the Times' quiescent, tacit complicity in BushCo's Machiavellian Real-Politik.)
Indeed, that former PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON personally befriended Nazarbayev, and negotiated a BILLION DOLLAR URANIUM CONTRACT for Clinton billionaire Canadian mining "donor" Frank Guistra - for which Clinton WAS PAID $31 MILLION
as a DOWN-PAYMENT on a total $100 MILLION "donation" to Clinton's "charitable foundation" - is symptomatic of the inside-Washington DEMOCRAT's tendency towards BIG MONEY CORRUPTION.
All the Propaganda LIES That they Can Get Away with Printing:
By Sean M. Madden
The New York Times’ top story Thursday morning -- entitled "Bush, Sending Aid, Demands That Moscow Withdraw" -- leads with the following three propaganda-packed paragraphs:
President Bush sent American troops to Georgia on Wednesday to oversee a “vigorous and ongoing” humanitarian mission, in a direct challenge to Russia’s display of military dominance over the region. His action came after Russian soldiers moved into two strategic Georgian cities in what he and Georgian officials called a violation of the cease-fire Russia agreed to earlier in the day.
Mr. Bush demanded that Russia abide by the cease-fire and withdraw its forces or risk its place in “the diplomatic, political, economic and security structures of the 21st century.” It was his strongest warning yet of potential retaliation against Russia over the conflict.
The decision to send the American military, even on a humanitarian mission, deepened the United States’ commitment to Georgia and America’s allies in the former Soviet sphere, just as Russia has been determined to reassert its control in the area.
But the propaganda is already at work, before we even get to these lead paragraphs, within the headline itself, splashed as it is across the front page of America’s oft-called “newspaper of record,” along with the Gray Lady’s hundred-plus-year-old motto “All the News That’s Fit to Print”. The headline is accompanied, or vice versa, by a photograph of a “humanitarian aid” shipment being unloaded, we’re told, from a U.S. military cargo plane at an airport in Tbilisi, Georgia.
But to be sure that all concerned -- that is, we historical-fact-deprived Americans, you god-help-you Georgians, and the rest of “the free world” -- get the point at a glance, the U.S. State Department seal, apparently color-coordinated for the occasion, graces the side of the shipment.
As part of an all-out Western media campaign to bury the simple fact that Georgia invaded South Ossetia a week ago -- an act of aggression which led, subsequently, to Russia’s response -- Thursday’s NYT’s top headline helps to further instill the lie, at home and abroad, that Bush and the U.S government are truly concerned about the welfare of Georgians and human beings generally.
American and international readers are spoon-fed their daily dose of sanctioned thought within the very first sentence of the article. Bush, and by extension, the U.S. government and its military are not in Georgia to further U.S. (or the global elite’s) geopolitical interests.
Don‘t you dare think such a forbidden thought, the NYT goads its readers (of whom, on the whole, it can be said could do with a fair bit of goading to wake them from their psyop slumber).
Bush, the U.S. government and its military -- who, lest we forget, are guilty of murdering more than a million Iraqi civilians by way of their very own and very indisputable act of overt aggression, to say nothing of atrocities in Afghanistan or the ceaseless drumbeat toward a prefabricated war with Iran -- are in Georgia on a “humanitarian mission”.
A “vigorous and ongoing” one at that, should we have considered that it could be otherwise.
Gee whiz, what swell folk they are, off on a sticky humanitarian venture, risking life and limb for liberty and justice for all, when they could be vacationing during the final throes of summer. Worse yet, some of the American men and women deployed to Georgia may actually believe that they’re doing just that, risking life and limb (as they most certainly are) for liberty and justice for all.
Mike Whitney wrote the following in an article which headlined Wednesday’s Information Clearing House newsletter:
The attack was unprovoked and took place a full 24 hours before even ONE Russian soldier set foot in South Ossetia. Nevertheless, the vast majority of Americans still believe that the Russian army invaded Georgian territory first. The BBC, AP, NPR, the New York Times and the rest of the establishment media has consistently and deliberately misled its readers into believing that the violence in South Ossetia was initiated by the Kremlin. Let's be clear, it wasn't. In truth, there is NO dispute about the facts except among the people who rely the western press for their information. Despite its steady loss of credibility, the corporate media continues to operate as the propaganda-arm of the Pentagon.
Whitney’s article popped into my inbox at 1:35 BST (British Summer Time) Thursday morning. The New York Times daily headlines email arrived at 9:31, giving me time, first, to read, share and comment on (in correspondence) Whitney’s ICH article before coming upon the NYT’s daily dose.
But let’s return to those first three paragraphs and see if we can’t sift through the propaganda that the New York Times has the never-ending gall to heap upon its readers, despite or in continuation of its deep complicity in smoothing the way within the hearts and minds of the American people for the U.S. to wage its criminal war in Iraq, as it did in the lead up to the invasion of Afghanistan, as it has been doing with feverish abandon concerning Iran, and is doing now within the article at hand in order to provide pseudo-intellectual cover for U.S. aggression-by-proxy in the Caucasus.
President Bush sent American troops to Georgia on Wednesday to oversee a “vigorous and ongoing” humanitarian mission, in a direct challenge to Russia’s display of military dominance over the region.
The U.S. already had troops in Georgia, reportedly to train the Georgian military. Considered in this light, the first sentence of this NYT article is, at best, a half-truth, at worst, a lie of omission.
On July 15, Reuters reported (and published, though the page has since “expired“) that “one thousand U.S. troops began a military training exercise in Georgia on Tuesday against a backdrop of growing friction between Georgia and neighbouring Russia.” The report continues: "The main purpose of these exercises is to increase the cooperation and partnership between U.S. and Georgian forces," Brigadier General William B. Garrett, commander of the U.S. military's Southern European Task Force, told reporters. This was reported on July 15, one month ago.
But this fact must be relegated to the memory hole. We are meant only to remember that U.S. forces are on a humanitarian mission and that Georgia was attacked, unprovoked, by Russia in a “display of military dominance over the region.” Never mind that U.S. forces did, in fact, invade and presently occupy both Iraq and Afghanistan in a display of military dominance. Russia, on the other hand, was meant to stand by as their citizens were being attacked and killed by Georgia military forces which General Garrett has told us were working in cooperation and partnership with U.S. forces in July.
Given this fine example of international cooperation and partnership, are even Americans and other gullible New York Times readers meant to swallow the obvious conclusion that Georgia would never have attacked South Ossetia without prior U.S. knowledge and approval?
His [Bush’s] action came after Russian soldiers moved into two strategic Georgian cities in what he and Georgian officials called a violation of the cease-fire Russia agreed to earlier in the day.
We’re meant to believe that Russian soldiers just decided, devoid of any cause whatsoever, to move into two Georgian cities. Russia, not Georgia, must be seen to be the aggressor. Not a hint of reality must be allowed to seep in and cause good ol’ American patriotic resolve to waver.
All must be black and white, even if what passes for black is, indeed, white or vice versa.
Mr. Bush demanded that Russia abide by the cease-fire and withdraw its forces or risk its place in “the diplomatic, political, economic and security structures of the 21st century.” It was his strongest warning yet of potential retaliation against Russia over the conflict.
Can even the New York Times, propaganda-arm-extraordinaire, print this with a straight face? Bush -- the million-plus-mass-murderer from Connecticut, I mean Crawford -- is pointing out to Russia that it is risking its place in the “the diplomatic, political, economic and security structures of the 21st century,” by which he can only mean the New World Order, the very nature of which the world’s citizens have observed throughout the Bush years (I and II) is nothing if not diabolical.
In closing, and in brief, let us take a look at the third paragraph in this New York Times piece:
The decision to send the American military, even on a humanitarian mission, deepened the United States’ commitment to Georgia and America’s allies in the former Soviet sphere, just as Russia has been determined to reassert its control in the area.
The New York Times now asserts -- in case we missed it being gently shoved down our throats the first time -- that only in retrospect did the U.S. decide to deepen its “commitment to Georgia and America’s allies in the former Soviet sphere”. A bald-faced lie if ever there was one.
But, note, this isn’t a U.S. official lying to the American public via the New York Times. No, this is the New York Times, itself, lying directly to its readers, worldwide, as it does day in and day out.
And, finally, the spoonful of sugar, to either help it go down or to make you regurgitate the whole:
“Even on a humanitarian mission.”

So much for the notion that America's Jewish community (much less Israel's right-wing imperialist Likudnik pro-wars hard-liners) supports peace, international cooperation, and democratic governments.
Here (reprinted bottom this post) Sean Madden examines the NEW YORK TIMES editorial agenda in WHITEWASHING America's role in INSTIGATING Georgia President Mikhel Saakashvili (a New York educated lawyer) to ATTACK SOUTH OSSETIA, in a Georgian military imperial attempt to assert control over a region it has had NO control for the past decade, because the ethnic Russians in South Ossetia REJECT Georgian dominance and rule.
Saakashvili WOULD NOT HAVE DREAMED of attacking South Ossetia - without CONSTANT and HIGH-LEVEL SUPPORT from the US government.
Saakashvili was practically crying, while standing next to US Secretary of Instigating-International-Wars Rice, that the US did NOT SUPPORT HIM as much as Rice and the Cheney-Bush administration had told him or led him to believe -
Even as Rice stood with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili in a show of solidarity, he asked, "Who invited the trouble here? Who invited this arrogance here? Who invited these innocent deaths here?"
Shaky and near tears following a difficult, nearly five-hour meeting with her, Saakashvili answered his own question: "Not only those people who perpetrate them are responsible, but also those people who failed to stop it. "
This behind-the-scenes WAR-MONGERING by the Cheney-Bush administration has the OVERT SUPPORT of the Jewish-owned New York Times, which is LEADING the entire US national media/press corps, in LYING to the American people, in a constant PROPAGANDA DRUMBEAT towards ever expanding wars and US military operations overseas.
More links documenting the US government WAR MONGERING INSTIGATION of Saakashvili's dictatorial, skull-crushing government.... and the NAZI-esque NEW YORK TIMES WHITEWASHING of same....
#1. "Georgia REFORMS Judiciary" - sheer US propaganda-speak, for "American press/media SUPPORTS Saakashvili's CHARGES OF TREASON against opposition candidates, and CLOSED DOOR, secret, Soviet-esque trials for those in opposition to the regime that furthers America's war-mongering on Russia's doorstep...
(Note: this is a CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR _WHITEWASH_ of Saakashvili's SOVIET, KANGAROO, DICTATOR COURTS! (Masquerading as an article on "judicial reform"!)
#2. The Real Aggressor
Georgian invasion of South Ossetia sets the stage for a wider war
By writer Justin Raimondo
#3. Raimondo repeats his "Georgia INVASION was UNPROVOKED" - specifically calling Saakashvili A WAR CRIMINAL - A politician's hubris causes untold human suffering
The Nazi-esque Times' LOVE for MURDEROURS, CORRUPT, but pro-American dictators is also suggested in this Harper's article on President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan, which illustrates Bush administration glaring HYPOCRISY re corrupt, opposition killing dictators (and the Times' quiescent, tacit complicity in BushCo's Machiavellian Real-Politik.)
Indeed, that former PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON personally befriended Nazarbayev, and negotiated a BILLION DOLLAR URANIUM CONTRACT for Clinton billionaire Canadian mining "donor" Frank Guistra - for which Clinton WAS PAID $31 MILLION
as a DOWN-PAYMENT on a total $100 MILLION "donation" to Clinton's "charitable foundation" - is symptomatic of the inside-Washington DEMOCRAT's tendency towards BIG MONEY CORRUPTION.
All the Propaganda LIES That they Can Get Away with Printing:
By Sean M. Madden
The New York Times’ top story Thursday morning -- entitled "Bush, Sending Aid, Demands That Moscow Withdraw" -- leads with the following three propaganda-packed paragraphs:
President Bush sent American troops to Georgia on Wednesday to oversee a “vigorous and ongoing” humanitarian mission, in a direct challenge to Russia’s display of military dominance over the region. His action came after Russian soldiers moved into two strategic Georgian cities in what he and Georgian officials called a violation of the cease-fire Russia agreed to earlier in the day.
Mr. Bush demanded that Russia abide by the cease-fire and withdraw its forces or risk its place in “the diplomatic, political, economic and security structures of the 21st century.” It was his strongest warning yet of potential retaliation against Russia over the conflict.
The decision to send the American military, even on a humanitarian mission, deepened the United States’ commitment to Georgia and America’s allies in the former Soviet sphere, just as Russia has been determined to reassert its control in the area.
But the propaganda is already at work, before we even get to these lead paragraphs, within the headline itself, splashed as it is across the front page of America’s oft-called “newspaper of record,” along with the Gray Lady’s hundred-plus-year-old motto “All the News That’s Fit to Print”. The headline is accompanied, or vice versa, by a photograph of a “humanitarian aid” shipment being unloaded, we’re told, from a U.S. military cargo plane at an airport in Tbilisi, Georgia.
But to be sure that all concerned -- that is, we historical-fact-deprived Americans, you god-help-you Georgians, and the rest of “the free world” -- get the point at a glance, the U.S. State Department seal, apparently color-coordinated for the occasion, graces the side of the shipment.
As part of an all-out Western media campaign to bury the simple fact that Georgia invaded South Ossetia a week ago -- an act of aggression which led, subsequently, to Russia’s response -- Thursday’s NYT’s top headline helps to further instill the lie, at home and abroad, that Bush and the U.S government are truly concerned about the welfare of Georgians and human beings generally.
American and international readers are spoon-fed their daily dose of sanctioned thought within the very first sentence of the article. Bush, and by extension, the U.S. government and its military are not in Georgia to further U.S. (or the global elite’s) geopolitical interests.
Don‘t you dare think such a forbidden thought, the NYT goads its readers (of whom, on the whole, it can be said could do with a fair bit of goading to wake them from their psyop slumber).
Bush, the U.S. government and its military -- who, lest we forget, are guilty of murdering more than a million Iraqi civilians by way of their very own and very indisputable act of overt aggression, to say nothing of atrocities in Afghanistan or the ceaseless drumbeat toward a prefabricated war with Iran -- are in Georgia on a “humanitarian mission”.
A “vigorous and ongoing” one at that, should we have considered that it could be otherwise.
Gee whiz, what swell folk they are, off on a sticky humanitarian venture, risking life and limb for liberty and justice for all, when they could be vacationing during the final throes of summer. Worse yet, some of the American men and women deployed to Georgia may actually believe that they’re doing just that, risking life and limb (as they most certainly are) for liberty and justice for all.
Mike Whitney wrote the following in an article which headlined Wednesday’s Information Clearing House newsletter:
The attack was unprovoked and took place a full 24 hours before even ONE Russian soldier set foot in South Ossetia. Nevertheless, the vast majority of Americans still believe that the Russian army invaded Georgian territory first. The BBC, AP, NPR, the New York Times and the rest of the establishment media has consistently and deliberately misled its readers into believing that the violence in South Ossetia was initiated by the Kremlin. Let's be clear, it wasn't. In truth, there is NO dispute about the facts except among the people who rely the western press for their information. Despite its steady loss of credibility, the corporate media continues to operate as the propaganda-arm of the Pentagon.
Whitney’s article popped into my inbox at 1:35 BST (British Summer Time) Thursday morning. The New York Times daily headlines email arrived at 9:31, giving me time, first, to read, share and comment on (in correspondence) Whitney’s ICH article before coming upon the NYT’s daily dose.
But let’s return to those first three paragraphs and see if we can’t sift through the propaganda that the New York Times has the never-ending gall to heap upon its readers, despite or in continuation of its deep complicity in smoothing the way within the hearts and minds of the American people for the U.S. to wage its criminal war in Iraq, as it did in the lead up to the invasion of Afghanistan, as it has been doing with feverish abandon concerning Iran, and is doing now within the article at hand in order to provide pseudo-intellectual cover for U.S. aggression-by-proxy in the Caucasus.
President Bush sent American troops to Georgia on Wednesday to oversee a “vigorous and ongoing” humanitarian mission, in a direct challenge to Russia’s display of military dominance over the region.
The U.S. already had troops in Georgia, reportedly to train the Georgian military. Considered in this light, the first sentence of this NYT article is, at best, a half-truth, at worst, a lie of omission.
On July 15, Reuters reported (and published, though the page has since “expired“) that “one thousand U.S. troops began a military training exercise in Georgia on Tuesday against a backdrop of growing friction between Georgia and neighbouring Russia.” The report continues: "The main purpose of these exercises is to increase the cooperation and partnership between U.S. and Georgian forces," Brigadier General William B. Garrett, commander of the U.S. military's Southern European Task Force, told reporters. This was reported on July 15, one month ago.
But this fact must be relegated to the memory hole. We are meant only to remember that U.S. forces are on a humanitarian mission and that Georgia was attacked, unprovoked, by Russia in a “display of military dominance over the region.” Never mind that U.S. forces did, in fact, invade and presently occupy both Iraq and Afghanistan in a display of military dominance. Russia, on the other hand, was meant to stand by as their citizens were being attacked and killed by Georgia military forces which General Garrett has told us were working in cooperation and partnership with U.S. forces in July.
Given this fine example of international cooperation and partnership, are even Americans and other gullible New York Times readers meant to swallow the obvious conclusion that Georgia would never have attacked South Ossetia without prior U.S. knowledge and approval?
His [Bush’s] action came after Russian soldiers moved into two strategic Georgian cities in what he and Georgian officials called a violation of the cease-fire Russia agreed to earlier in the day.
We’re meant to believe that Russian soldiers just decided, devoid of any cause whatsoever, to move into two Georgian cities. Russia, not Georgia, must be seen to be the aggressor. Not a hint of reality must be allowed to seep in and cause good ol’ American patriotic resolve to waver.
All must be black and white, even if what passes for black is, indeed, white or vice versa.
Mr. Bush demanded that Russia abide by the cease-fire and withdraw its forces or risk its place in “the diplomatic, political, economic and security structures of the 21st century.” It was his strongest warning yet of potential retaliation against Russia over the conflict.
Can even the New York Times, propaganda-arm-extraordinaire, print this with a straight face? Bush -- the million-plus-mass-murderer from Connecticut, I mean Crawford -- is pointing out to Russia that it is risking its place in the “the diplomatic, political, economic and security structures of the 21st century,” by which he can only mean the New World Order, the very nature of which the world’s citizens have observed throughout the Bush years (I and II) is nothing if not diabolical.
In closing, and in brief, let us take a look at the third paragraph in this New York Times piece:
The decision to send the American military, even on a humanitarian mission, deepened the United States’ commitment to Georgia and America’s allies in the former Soviet sphere, just as Russia has been determined to reassert its control in the area.
The New York Times now asserts -- in case we missed it being gently shoved down our throats the first time -- that only in retrospect did the U.S. decide to deepen its “commitment to Georgia and America’s allies in the former Soviet sphere”. A bald-faced lie if ever there was one.
But, note, this isn’t a U.S. official lying to the American public via the New York Times. No, this is the New York Times, itself, lying directly to its readers, worldwide, as it does day in and day out.
And, finally, the spoonful of sugar, to either help it go down or to make you regurgitate the whole:
“Even on a humanitarian mission.”
Sunday, August 03, 2008
CBS publishes NRO screed praising Rush Limbaugh - a perfect distillation of Right-Wing media Lies & propaganda...
For centuries and millennia, the Right-Wing agenda has been a simple one: relentless, ruthless, remorseless CONCENTRATION of Wealth & Power in the hands of the few, at the expense of the many.
For much of history, the ages of ancient god-kings, empires, and the more modern state-based kings whose "Divine Right" rule was confronted by the Declaration of Independence, the argument could be made that what was good for the ruler was good for the people, for without a strong army, a people, tribe or nation would be swept into submission (or even annhilation) by maurading armies of stronger, conquering empires. But WWI showed up the folly of huge nation-states being led into ever more murderous wars by hereditary rulers (the Kaiser and Czar's awful leadership led to deaths of millions of their men-at-arms, and at least the wester world embraced the notions of democratically elected goverments.
Unfortunately, deliberative democracy in Germany after WWI fell victim to the rise of modern media techniques of demagogue propaganda, radio, newsreels, and state run media of the Nazi party.
But in America we held to the belief that democracy worked, and that the media's #1. job was to INFORM American citizens, by holding the powerful accountable, so citizens could perform their duties of oversight over the government.
This NRO article by Rush Limbaugh flunkie (Limbaugh's official show global warming denier) Roy Spencer is a textbook example of how the Right-Wing media sees itself.
The administration and policies Limbaugh have supported have resulted in enormous TRILLION DOLLAR US DEFICITS, but Spence glosses over all that glibly, claiming Limbaugh has... "generated much more in new wealth for us all"!
20 Years Of Rush Limbaugh
National Review: The Mainstream Media Still Doesn't Get His Appeal
Comments 151
By Roy Spencer
Reprinted with permission from National Review Online.
Aug. 1, 2008
Follow conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh's many battles.
The Insider: Rush Limbaugh To Get $38M A Year
Did Rush Limbaugh Tilt Indiana?
(National Review Online) This column was written by By Roy Spencer.
Rush Limbaugh’s 20 years of masterminding a wildly successful syndicated radio talk show proves many things about America that the mainstream media just doesn’t seem to get.
We don’t want a steady stream of bad news all the time. We don’t need a daily dose of new crises to wring our hands over. And in a country with abundant opportunities for success - where your creativity and ambition not only benefit you, but benefit everyone else - we sure don’t need our politicians telling us that we need them in order to be successful in life.
What Rush Limbaugh has provided this country far exceeds his lucrative income, the result of what Rush calls “confiscatory advertising rates.” For every dollar he has earned over the years, his encouragement to millions of loyal Dittoheads has surely generated much more in new wealth for us all.
And, yes, that even means more wealth for those humorless do-gooders who are so concerned about humanity’s unsolved problems that they generously throw as much of your money at those problems as they can get their hands on. While they try to give away your fish to others so that they might have purpose in life, Rush encourages everyone to learn to fish for themselves.
Rush’s on-air talents are numerous, combining to provide a wonderful vibe three hours a day, five days a week, that we will probably never again experience in talk radio. He articulates those underlying truths of life of which we are only dimly aware, bringing them out in the open and discussing them in the context of the news of the day.
Many of us remember the first time we heard Rush as the moment when we finally found someone who was able to express the things that we were thinking. His humor is subtle, devious, cutting, clever.
Despite 15 hours of material each week, Rush’s enemies still have trouble finding anything he’s said to damage him on the public stage. And then, they only do so at their peril. When Harry Reid and 41 Democrat senators sent a letter of complaint to Clear Channel last October lambasting Limbaugh’s use of the term “phony soldiers,” Rush auctioned the letter on eBay for $2.1 million, personally matched that amount, and then sent the proceeds to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation.
Later, on the floor of the senate, Reid surrendered and offered that he would have gotten even more signatures if he had known the good cause the letter would be used for. Rush wins again. Trying to claim that Rush does not support our troops is a little like calling Al Gore a global warming denier.
Rush’s knowledge is encyclopedic. His memory is nothing short of amazing - the secret of which he once confided in me . . . but which I dare not disclose.
A dinner and house guest of presidents, honorary member of the House of Representatives, friend to countless celebrities and CEOs, and now a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, one would think Rush’s ego would have long ago outrun his good sense. And to be sure, those whose knowledge of Rush only comes from rumors consider him a pompous blowhard.
But a couple of weeks of listening to The Rush Limbaugh Show will reveal Rush to be a gracious host. If callers do not clearly express themselves, he takes the time to understand what they are trying to say.
He makes even the worst phone calls work to advance the show. That’s how good he is. Rush suffers the most irritating of callers, and seldom loses his temper even though thousands of impatient listeners are likely yelling and throwing their lunches at their radios and computer speakers.
As someone who occasionally provides Rush with “late arriving show prep” during commercial breaks, I have been amazed at how quickly Rush can assimilate new material. In a matter of seconds he can change gears and launch into an impromptu ten-minute dissertation on some issue he had not planned on addressing that day.
Some on the Left think Rush needs to be balanced by one or more voices on the other end of the political spectrum. A few politicians are even floating the idea of resurrecting the Fairness Doctrine. While conservatives consider most of the news media in America as decidedly liberal, those working in the media believe that they are the ones who really represent mainstream America, and they want equal time.
Does the mainstream media have a liberal bias? How can anyone determine the truth in such a matter of personal perception? The question is easily answered. In the free market of ideas, a widespread demand for views that have little or no supply will result in a huge market for anyone who steps up to meet that demand. Rush’s show remains popular partly because he meets a need that is not being met elsewhere.
When Air America Radio tried to counter Rush’s conservative views on-air, they failed simply because the market was already saturated with liberal views - from the mainstream media. When supply exceeds demand, the value of those views plummets. In stark contrast, Rush just signed a new $400 million contract. This is clear evidence of a continuing demand for something that still does not have a sufficient supply.
And this is what most in the mainstream media do not get. Rush is America. Its ideals and aspirations, work ethic and patriotism. A people who would rather focus on all that is right with our country rather than complain about what is wrong.
And as long the old media continues to deny that reality, Rush will continue to rally the hearts and minds of the people who make this nation work.
Dr. Roy W. Spencer is a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He is author of the new book, Climate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians, and Misguided Policies that Hurt the Poor. He serves as official climatologist for The Rush Limbaugh Show.
By Roy Spencer
Reprinted with permission from National Review Online.
For much of history, the ages of ancient god-kings, empires, and the more modern state-based kings whose "Divine Right" rule was confronted by the Declaration of Independence, the argument could be made that what was good for the ruler was good for the people, for without a strong army, a people, tribe or nation would be swept into submission (or even annhilation) by maurading armies of stronger, conquering empires. But WWI showed up the folly of huge nation-states being led into ever more murderous wars by hereditary rulers (the Kaiser and Czar's awful leadership led to deaths of millions of their men-at-arms, and at least the wester world embraced the notions of democratically elected goverments.
Unfortunately, deliberative democracy in Germany after WWI fell victim to the rise of modern media techniques of demagogue propaganda, radio, newsreels, and state run media of the Nazi party.
But in America we held to the belief that democracy worked, and that the media's #1. job was to INFORM American citizens, by holding the powerful accountable, so citizens could perform their duties of oversight over the government.
This NRO article by Rush Limbaugh flunkie (Limbaugh's official show global warming denier) Roy Spencer is a textbook example of how the Right-Wing media sees itself.
The administration and policies Limbaugh have supported have resulted in enormous TRILLION DOLLAR US DEFICITS, but Spence glosses over all that glibly, claiming Limbaugh has... "generated much more in new wealth for us all"!
20 Years Of Rush Limbaugh
National Review: The Mainstream Media Still Doesn't Get His Appeal
Comments 151
By Roy Spencer
Reprinted with permission from National Review Online.
Aug. 1, 2008
Follow conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh's many battles.
The Insider: Rush Limbaugh To Get $38M A Year
Did Rush Limbaugh Tilt Indiana?
(National Review Online) This column was written by By Roy Spencer.
Rush Limbaugh’s 20 years of masterminding a wildly successful syndicated radio talk show proves many things about America that the mainstream media just doesn’t seem to get.
We don’t want a steady stream of bad news all the time. We don’t need a daily dose of new crises to wring our hands over. And in a country with abundant opportunities for success - where your creativity and ambition not only benefit you, but benefit everyone else - we sure don’t need our politicians telling us that we need them in order to be successful in life.
What Rush Limbaugh has provided this country far exceeds his lucrative income, the result of what Rush calls “confiscatory advertising rates.” For every dollar he has earned over the years, his encouragement to millions of loyal Dittoheads has surely generated much more in new wealth for us all.
And, yes, that even means more wealth for those humorless do-gooders who are so concerned about humanity’s unsolved problems that they generously throw as much of your money at those problems as they can get their hands on. While they try to give away your fish to others so that they might have purpose in life, Rush encourages everyone to learn to fish for themselves.
Rush’s on-air talents are numerous, combining to provide a wonderful vibe three hours a day, five days a week, that we will probably never again experience in talk radio. He articulates those underlying truths of life of which we are only dimly aware, bringing them out in the open and discussing them in the context of the news of the day.
Many of us remember the first time we heard Rush as the moment when we finally found someone who was able to express the things that we were thinking. His humor is subtle, devious, cutting, clever.
Despite 15 hours of material each week, Rush’s enemies still have trouble finding anything he’s said to damage him on the public stage. And then, they only do so at their peril. When Harry Reid and 41 Democrat senators sent a letter of complaint to Clear Channel last October lambasting Limbaugh’s use of the term “phony soldiers,” Rush auctioned the letter on eBay for $2.1 million, personally matched that amount, and then sent the proceeds to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation.
Later, on the floor of the senate, Reid surrendered and offered that he would have gotten even more signatures if he had known the good cause the letter would be used for. Rush wins again. Trying to claim that Rush does not support our troops is a little like calling Al Gore a global warming denier.
Rush’s knowledge is encyclopedic. His memory is nothing short of amazing - the secret of which he once confided in me . . . but which I dare not disclose.
A dinner and house guest of presidents, honorary member of the House of Representatives, friend to countless celebrities and CEOs, and now a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, one would think Rush’s ego would have long ago outrun his good sense. And to be sure, those whose knowledge of Rush only comes from rumors consider him a pompous blowhard.
But a couple of weeks of listening to The Rush Limbaugh Show will reveal Rush to be a gracious host. If callers do not clearly express themselves, he takes the time to understand what they are trying to say.
He makes even the worst phone calls work to advance the show. That’s how good he is. Rush suffers the most irritating of callers, and seldom loses his temper even though thousands of impatient listeners are likely yelling and throwing their lunches at their radios and computer speakers.
As someone who occasionally provides Rush with “late arriving show prep” during commercial breaks, I have been amazed at how quickly Rush can assimilate new material. In a matter of seconds he can change gears and launch into an impromptu ten-minute dissertation on some issue he had not planned on addressing that day.
Some on the Left think Rush needs to be balanced by one or more voices on the other end of the political spectrum. A few politicians are even floating the idea of resurrecting the Fairness Doctrine. While conservatives consider most of the news media in America as decidedly liberal, those working in the media believe that they are the ones who really represent mainstream America, and they want equal time.
Does the mainstream media have a liberal bias? How can anyone determine the truth in such a matter of personal perception? The question is easily answered. In the free market of ideas, a widespread demand for views that have little or no supply will result in a huge market for anyone who steps up to meet that demand. Rush’s show remains popular partly because he meets a need that is not being met elsewhere.
When Air America Radio tried to counter Rush’s conservative views on-air, they failed simply because the market was already saturated with liberal views - from the mainstream media. When supply exceeds demand, the value of those views plummets. In stark contrast, Rush just signed a new $400 million contract. This is clear evidence of a continuing demand for something that still does not have a sufficient supply.
And this is what most in the mainstream media do not get. Rush is America. Its ideals and aspirations, work ethic and patriotism. A people who would rather focus on all that is right with our country rather than complain about what is wrong.
And as long the old media continues to deny that reality, Rush will continue to rally the hearts and minds of the people who make this nation work.
Dr. Roy W. Spencer is a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He is author of the new book, Climate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians, and Misguided Policies that Hurt the Poor. He serves as official climatologist for The Rush Limbaugh Show.
By Roy Spencer
Reprinted with permission from National Review Online.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Bill Kristol a one-man personification of 2,000+ years of 'anti-Semitism' -which is why the NY Times hired him to Pimp Neo-Con agenda & IRAN WAR...
HE'S AT IT AGAIN! Bill Kristol, the one-man walking personification of 2,000+ years of why there is anti-Semitism, suggests that, should Barak Obama win the election of 2008, President Bush would be MUCH MORE LIKELY TO BOMB IRAN, than if Republican John McCain were to win the election this November.
THE NOTION THAT CONGRESS, NOT the president, must determine if a state of war exists between the United States and another nation DOES NOT ENTER INTO Kristol's calculations.
That is, BILL KRISTOL, the ETERNALLY WRONG Jewish pro-war Fox "news" commentator, editor of the Weakly Standard, and founder and Chairman of the now-disgraced PNAC "" think-tank, the think-tank that started advocating the bombing and invasion of Iraq way back in 1997 - that BILL KRISTOL EMBRACES THE NAZI GERMANY "FURHER" model of dictator government for the United States of America, with the President acting as Furher in time of war, with UNLIMITED POWERS TO EXPAND THOSE WARS, powers NOT bound or limited by the US Congress - and of course unlimited, no oversight POLICE STATE POWERS that are identical to those with which the GESTAPO (or KGB, or STAZI) grabbed "state enemies" and whisked them away to torture, indefinite detention, or execution.
Of course, BECAUSE Mr. Kristol is a walking poster-child for 2,000+ years of anti-Semitism, and BECAUSE he is WRONG about everything he has talked or written about in the past dozen years (besides getting George Bush and Dick Cheney to invade Iraq), and BECAUSE PNAC, is such a disgraced organization that Mr. Kristol has stopped paying its web-hosting bill (click our link to see for yourself, how the once mighty PNAC site, with signatures from Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Donald Kagan, Norm Podhoretz and others, is now found only on the archive sites of other websites, as here.
- BECAUSE Mr. Kristol is chronically WRONG, because he is chronically ARROGANT, because he chronically DESPISES free and fair and verifiable elections in America, and because he supports an ever expanding, ever more MURDEROUS WAR MACHINE and police state powers - precisely BECAUSE of those awful reasons, ARTHUR SULZBERGER, the owner and publisher of the NEW YORK TIMES, has HIRED Mr. Kristol to write for the Times!
Far from a "liberal media" organization, the NEW YORK TIMES is a facist 'news' organization with NAZI-esque OVERTONES - the Jewish "heritage" of Mr. Sulzberger and the majority of his writers and editors not-withstanding, the Times is a decidedly PRO-WAR, pro-police-state-powers organization which not only apologizes for the Lies-to-war of the Bush administration, but acted as a willing participant and megaphone in broadcasting many of those lies in a run-up to the unilateral attack, invasion, and astonishingly corrupt US occupation of Iraq.
Oldie but baddie: Kristol suggests that if American children come down with illnesses, but do not have health insurance, they should JUST GO AHEAD and DIE already -
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