Sunday, October 14, 2007

NY Times: "White House PUMPING OUT FOG of FEAR & DISINFORMATION" re surveillance & war-on-terra powers. YA THINK??!

In a MASTERPIECE of UNDERSTATEMENT HYPCOCRISY, the New York Times notices... the Bush administration "PUMPING OUT A FOG of FEAR and DISINFORMATION" to push its agenda through Congress (and against the American people) this year.

YA THINK??! Just to set the record straight, ARTHUR SULZBERGER, owner/publisher of the New York Times, gave FREE REIGN to Right-Wing Likudnik chickenhawk WILLIAM SAFIRE - FORMER, UNREPETENT NIXON SPEECHWRITER - to TRASH the Clinton-Gore administration, Safire's callow columns including his infamous "INDICTMENTS WILL BE HANDED DOWN THIS WEEK" (against, Mr. Safire assured us, Bill or Hillary Clinton, for any of 1,000 pre-Monica offenses), or Safire's even more assinine column, headlined thusly in Mr. Sulzberger's Times, "HILLARY IS A CONGENITAL LIAR." (Note: "congenital" implies a genetic defect apparent at birth. This editorial smear of Mr. Safire's echoes the Nazi propaganda smear that "all Jews are born 'congenital liars'.")

Speaking of, ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, WARRANTLESS SURVEILLANCE (SPYING, with NO OVERSIGHT, by the dictators of government over the entire American populace) is only the half of it. Today's great op-ed by one of the Times' handful of honest commentators, Frank Rich, finally gets to the crux of the matter: that George Bush, Dick Cheney, and the US government are demanding KGB / GESTAPO powers to round up, detain, torture, and/or kill any "detainees" they so desire, merely by labelling said detainees "terrorist suspects!" and making the documents regarding their arrest/torture/execution into "STATE SECRETS". America has been truly "DUMBED DOWN" - made incredibly stupid - if we don't realize that Bush-Cheney are requesting exactly those GESTAPO/SS DEATH CAMP/KGB death camp powers.

Well, at least the TIMES, and their AIPAC (Likud/neo-con warmongers) cohorts, FINALLY NOTICE that ANN COULTER likes Jews no more more than she like Muslim terrarists, female voters, 9-11 widows, or anti-war Iraq combat veterans.

Maybe there is hope for the New York Slimes after all - better late than never in the race to the Right-Wing Apocalypse!


14 October 2007

Ten days ago The Times unearthed yet another round of secret Department of Justice memos countenancing torture. President Bush gave his standard response: “THIS GOVERNMENT DOES NOT TORTURE PEOPLE" [Bush lied.] Of course, it all depends on what the meaning of “torture” is. The whole point of these memos is to repeatedly recalibrate the definition so Mr. Bush can keep pleading innocent.
By any legal standards except those rubber-stamped by Alberto Gonzales, we are practicing torture, and we have known we are doing so ever since photographic proof emerged from Abu Ghraib more than three years ago


Spies, Lies and FISA
New York Times unsigned (editorial board) Editorial
Published: October 14, 2007

As Democratic lawmakers try to repair a deeply flawed bill on electronic eavesdropping, the White House is pumping out the same fog of fear and disinformation it used to push the bill through Congress this summer. President Bush has been telling Americans that any change would deny the government critical information, make it easier for terrorists to infiltrate, expose state secrets, and make it harder “to save American lives.”

There is no truth to any of those claims. No matter how often Mr. Bush says otherwise, there is also no disagreement from the Democrats about the need to provide adequate tools to fight terrorists. The debate is over whether this should be done constitutionally, or at the whim of the president.

......Ever since 9/11, we have watched Republican lawmakers help Mr. Bush shred the Constitution in the name of fighting terrorism. We have seen Democrats acquiesce or retreat in fear. It is time for that to stop.

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