Monday, October 15, 2007

Daily Howler deconstructs the NY Times' millionaire-punditocracy DUMBING DOWN of American journalism and politics....

In our previous post, we highlighted the great "Good Germans Among US" op-ed by FRANK RICH at the New York Times; how Mr. Rich is the first well known writer or commentator we have seen to state the obvious: that the Bush-Cheney White House's TORTURE and INTERROGATION and SUMMARY ARREST powers the claim in the "war on terra" are IDENTICAL to the KBY/GESTAPO arrest, incarcertaion, and execution powers of the Stalinist and Nazi regimes, (duh)! (According to the Bush-Cheney White House, the arrest and detention of Terror Suspects are "state secrets," as is the fate of those suspects killed by brutalization or execution at "secret locations" whose very disclosure would harm the "war on terra.")

Unfortunately, the great reminds us that NEW YORK TIMES columnist Mr. FRANK RICH had NO SMALL ROLE in bringing about THIS KBG/GESTPO-esque nightmare in America: read here to see how Mr. Rich equated Vice President Gore's long record as a public servant with Texas Governor George W. Bush's record of entitlement for the wealthy sons of oil-barons and former presidents.
For an example of Frank Rich's scornful, derisive reporting, note (halfway down the page) that Vice President Gore supported a PATIENT'S BILL OF RIGHTS that would take health-care decisions OUT of the hands of Insurance executives, and put those decisions in the hands of doctors and patients. Texas Governor Bush is able to execute a BAIT & SWITCH: he CONFLATES a typical Republican high-sounding bill, with the Dingell-Norwood bill that would ACTUALLY PROVIDE PATIENT's RIGHTS.

FRANK RICH _ALLOWS_ this misperception to stand uncontested in his (Rich's) put-down of Gore's position......

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