Monday, September 10, 2007

Media Whores as "PONTIUS PILOT" - washing their hands of the BLOOD their LIES and TRANSCRIPTION "reporting" have wrought on America....

Cut through Arianna's prose, and the facts are: The DC press corps, except for individuals like Helen Thomas, are hired stenographers and palace courtiers, whose job is to enrich and ensure their paychecks by touting the party line: by LYING TO READERS and the public. The horrific DC press corpse couldn't ask a tough string of follow-up questions if their live depended on it.

(Lawrence Korb specifically refutes the "SURGE IS WORKING!" meme that the DC press corps is so obedienty trumpetting for the White House:
Denying the Truth: Petraeus, Iraq, and Our Pontius Pilate Press

by Arianna Huffington
September 10, 2007

Like Pontius Pilate washing his hands of responsibility, too many in the Washington press corps want to pretend they are leaving the question of "what is truth" to their readers -- refusing to admit that there is even such a thing as truth. It is particularly troubling that so many in a profession dedicated to the idea that there is a truth to be ferreted out -- and that the public has a right to know it -- remain so resolutely committed to presenting two sides to every story -- even when the facts are solidly on one side.

Progress in Iraq is actually something that can be measured. Last week's report from the Government Accountability Office did such measuring. That's why it was immediately attacked by Republicans -- because it pointed out that Iraq was failing to meet 11 of 18 benchmarks.

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