Friday, August 10, 2007

Media whores LIE THEIR ASSES OFF about casualty rate in Iraq... because LYING and kissing-___is what they do best....

Over at the WASHINGTON WHORE POST, they earn a steady living SELLING LIES and GARBAGE INFORMATION to the American public...sort of like robber barons "treading" a common serf into the mud for the poor sod showing "insufficient respect" to his "superiors." We don't even have to find the WHORE Post's article on the latest iraq war "progress" statistics - like Republican candidate Mitt Romney, the WHORES at the Post have an INSATIABLE APPETITE for sending other people's children, and other people's money, over to the murderous quagmire that is Bush-Cheney's war.

[bonus: Here in Act 2, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's tragedy "King Lear," the exiled nobelman Kent, posing as a commoner, seeks to curse the messenger as an foul villain.


John Williford: Media [WHORE] collaboration ENABLES PROPAGANDA on July death rates in Iraq
by John Williford, contributor
Thu, 08/09/2007

Progressive web sites like BuzzFlash, Truthout, Daily KOS, etc. suffer by picking up headlines from wire services (AP, Reuters, etc.) and from major newspapers. Such sources often seem no more than co dependents supporting an administration addiction to lies and to propaganda, spoon fed to the press.

Most Americans get their news from electronic media, which in turn lives on wire service news, usually at the headline, knee-jerk level.

A case in point is the distorting headlines about death levels in July, 2007, implying that somehow the rates are down and thus validate the "Surge" scheme. If you Google (Iraq)(casualties)(July) as I did, you will find an overwhelmingly positive spin on deaths in July, 2007 among coalition forces. Without any attempt to cherry-pick search results, links in the search (in order) are:

U.S. troop deaths show sharp July decline -

Reuters AlertNet - Civilian deaths in Iraq rise in July

Power Line: U.S. Deaths in Iraq Down in July

July U.S. deaths in Iraq lowest in 8 months - On Deadline -

U.S. Death Toll in Iraq in July Was the Lowest in ’07 - New York Times

U.S. commanders encouraged by drop in U.S. deaths in Iraq -

So, what's the REAL story, putting aside spin or omission?

Daily death rate averages:
July, 2007 = 2.87
July, 2006 = 1.48
July, 2005 = 1.87
July, 2004 = 1.87
July, 2003 = 1.53

These numbers are taken from an extensive tabulation at:

Iraq Coalition Casualties

Anyone who can spin experience over five years in the month of July into optimism is seriously afflicted with cognitive dissonance. Please help give balance by putting this message up as a Contribution or Letter, and assure that the Iraq Coalition Casualties link is added to your main page.


John Williford
Richland, WA

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