Saturday, August 04, 2007

Fox 'news' COORDINATED EFFORT to SMEAR 'liberal bloggers" using Gestapo overtones...

A great catch by (click our headline)of an outstanding video by Robert Greenwald. The video captures and documents FOX 'news' at its worst - a steam of anchors and faces including Bill O'Reilly, Bill Kristol, Charle Krauthammer, and others using hateful rhetoric and inflammatory language to try to start a witch hunt against liberal bloggers, while whining about - the liberal blog's alleged "witch hunt" of conservative policies and deceptions!

"innuendos, falsehoods"
"the blogs -they're so VICIOUS, and so ridiculous"
"is this the start of a witch-hung... McCarthyism watching these people?"
"a fierce, bullying, often witless tone
"oh my goodness, some of the filthiest language I have ever seen."
"there is a witchunt on"
"the power and influence of the LEFT-WING BLOGOSPHERE is ALARMING even some liberal journalists"
"HATEMONGERS like the Daily Kos"
"one of the worst examples of hatred America has to offer"
"a vicious far-left website called the Daily Kos"
"this is HATE of the WORST ORDER...its like the Klu Klux Klan, it's like the NAZI PARTY"

And the ominous point that is undoubtably circling Karl Rove's brain 24/7/365 these day - how to SHUT DOWN the opposition free-press blogs:


Since the ENTIRE "major press/media" are now SO COWED, so complicit, so corrupt, that they CAN't EVEN ASK ROUTINE FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS of America's president anymore, the Blogs are INDEED _THE LAST BASTION_ of independence in America...

[Example of a ROUTINE Follow up question that is ignored, CENSORED, VERBOTTEN, by America's captive, subservient, cowed and corrupted media/press whores:

"Mr. President, you launched an attack and invasion of Iraq based on your allegations that that country was somehow LINKED to Al Qaida, and to Al Qaida's terror attack on 9-11-2001... yet mere months later, you told the American people that you were 'NOT THAT CONCERNED WITH Osama bin Laden anymore.' How do you explain, on one hand, a tenuous, unproven CONNECTION to bin Laden as JUSTIFICATION FOR AN INVASION and occuption of Iraq, while you yourself say bin Laden is not a concern to you anymore??? Do you still believe as you said then that bin Laden and his organization are no longer capable of training terrorists?? And if so, how do you explain that insurgent attacks in Afghanistan UP over the past two years?"]

WHERE were these FOX 'news' GHOULS, back in the days when was HATE CENTRAL for Clinton haters... for month after month upon year after year?

WHERE is the Democratic Party 'leadership' to point out that for 8 long years, CLINTON-HATING was a respectable and lucrative pursuit that put all of today's Right-Wing media ghoul pundits where they are today?

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