Monday, July 23, 2007

Washington Post whores Dictatorial claims to power by the Bush-Cheney administration...

Well, whadda ya know.. the Washington Whore Post, who, just a few years ago, supported Repulbican Senators and Congressional subpoenaes and investigations into EVERY FACET of the Clinton White House, now replay their "ENERGY TASK FORCE? TOP SECRET!" genuflection to the Bush-Cheney White House.

How long would it take for the WHORE editors and publishers of the Cowardly Washington Post to DEMAND that officials in a DEMOCRATIC White House be HAULED OFF TO JAIL for OBSTRUCTING and refusing a Congressional demand for testimony into possible ILLEGAL actions by that White House?

Why, in mere nano-seconds, the Washington Whore Post would be publishing indignant "WHITE HOUSE DEFIES CONGRESS! OBSTRUCTS JUSTICE!" headlines, were there DEMOCRATS, not REPUBLICANS, refusing to answer Congressional subpoenaes.


The White House Throws a "Hail Mary Obstruction of Justice Pass"
editorial by Mark Karlin
Mon, 07/23/2007

Well, the Busheviks stole the presidency, and have survived through an endless Iraq War with an ever-changing mission, so no one has ever accused them of being timid. While the Democrats worry if their trousers are creased or if their slip is showing, the Busheviks are punching them in the face.

No matter how many times the Busheviks gouge out the eyes of the Dems and kick them in the groin, the refs keeping finding some excuse to keep from throwing a penalty marker down. That’s because the Republican effort to control the judiciary, which began in full force with Reagan, is finally reaping its full benefits in protecting GOP wrongdoing.

The Busheviks, in large part, control the federal courts in most districts, as well as the Supreme Court. Through the Department of Justice – as we have painfully learned – they also control a largely partisan group of U.S. Attorneys.

In fact, the federal justice system in the United States has, in general, become an extension of the Republican Party.

That is why the Busheviks dropped the bombshell Friday, through "anonymous sources," that if Congress issues contempt charges against individuals invoking executive privilege (in order to protect Bush and Cheney -- and Rove), then Bush would probably prohibit the Department of Justice from having the Washington D.C. U.S. Attorney pursue the charges.

According to a Friday, July 20, Washington Post article:

Bush administration officials unveiled a bold new assertion of executive authority yesterday in the dispute over the firing of nine U.S. attorneys, saying that the Justice Department will never be allowed to pursue contempt charges initiated by Congress against White House officials once the president has invoked executive privilege.
You see, in case you haven’t kept up, once Congress has authorized contempt charges, they are referred to the U.S. Attorney in D.C. to decide if they merit prosecution. The White House now is arguing that it can obstruct justice by prohibiting the Department of Justice from pursuing justice.

This is the Bushevik version of a "Hail Mary Obstruction of Justice" pass.

According to the Post:

Mark J. Rozell, a professor of public policy at George Mason University who has written a book on executive-privilege issues, called the administration's stance "astonishing."
"That's a breathtakingly broad view of the president's role in this system of separation of powers," Rozell said. "What this statement is saying is the president's claim of executive privilege trumps all."

Can the niceties! It’s White House obstruction of justice taken to a new level of violating the Constitution.

It’s unlikely that the D.C. U.S. Attorney would seriously pursue the contempt charges, when they come down, anyway. That’s because he was appointed by Bush, and being in D.C., you can be sure that he is a "made man."

But the Busheviks apparently aren’t going to take any chances that the D.C. U.S. prosecutor might show some integrity and actually present the contempt charges to a grand jury; they are going to prohibit the DOJ from allowing any prosecutor to pursue contempt charges in anyway whatsoever.

The Post cites its White House source for the latest and boldest Bushevik assault on justice yet:

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the issue publicly, added: "It has long been understood that, in circumstances like these, the constitutional prerogatives of the president would make it a futile and purely political act for Congress to refer contempt citations to U.S. attorneys."

(Now, before we go on, does anyone other than the Washington Post ever believe that someone in the Bushevik White House would speak about such a bombshell "on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the issue publicly"? Obviously, this was an authorized leak. No Bushevik would talk to the press about something this significant without a heads up from Rove, Cheney or Bush. How can the Post be so lame?)

So, the White House is signaling to Congress, "Don’t bother with contempt citations. You’re not going anywhere. We control the judges; we control the prosecutors; and we control the Department of Justice."

Those who argue that calling the Busheviks totalitarian is extremist haven’t yet awakened to the radical anti-Constitutional actions of the White House.

The only remedy for the obstruction of justice on such a grand scale is impeachment.

Otherwise, Congress will continue to be rendered impotent at every turn because the Busheviks control the federal justice system.

The Democrats on the Hill need to start landing some punches, because Gonzales is still the Attorney General, and you can’t leave the consigliere in charge of the courts and expect justice.

Congressman Conyers, it’s way past time for the "I" word to begin.

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