Sunday, December 24, 2006

Sloberball: Chris Mathews gushing over Bush is so obscene, he should be FINED by the FCC far in excess of Janet Jackson's momentary flash of a nipple

Kudos to Cenk Uygur at HuffPost for pointing to these Media-Matters catches of Chris Mathews failing to use kneepads gushing over the "heroic" qualities of the AWOL C-in-C.

Mathews obsequious fawning is all the more revolting because;
#1., he presumes to call his slober-fest "HARDBALL"; and
#2. he got his start as a cable media "star" (whore) amplifying the "sin" of Clinton's brief affair with Monica Lewinsky.

Matthews "felt sensitive" with Bush: "It's like Santa Claus, and he's always very generous and friendly"

First O'Donnell, now Matthews: "Everybody sort of likes the president, except for the real whack-jobs"

Matthews: Bush sometimes "glimmers" with "sunny nobility"

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