Sunday, December 24, 2006

Russert, media whore, effectively CENSORS important news by using another weekend to talk about "faith in America"...

Hat-tip to HuffingtonPost and Rachel Sklar for this text-book example of how the "mainstream media" (aka "corporate media") effectively CENSORS important news, and an HONEST discussion of important issues - by talking MUSH and FLUFF, in this case Tim Russert devoting an entire weekend's show to "FAITH IN AMERICA."

<< Back then [her first assignment as HuffingtonPost's Russert-watcher] I was still pretty new to my Russert-watching, I'll admit it, and I found the discussion [on Faith in America] pretty interesting and relevant. THE FIRST TIME. Even then, though, I noted _WHAT HAD BEEN GIVEN UP [news NOT discussed] in order to chat about what religion the Founding Fathers wanted Americans to be:
"[W]hile this topic is no doubt relevant, it is an evergreen one; a lot of stuff happened this week that was not addressed. Calls for Rumsfeld's dismissal? Check. Bush authorizing Cheney authorizing Libby to leak? Check. And isn't Brangelina having a baby? OUT OF WEDLOCK? I know Tim likes to stick to his pre-prepped talking points, but there was some news this week. Ah, well. Stuff happens."

Haven't we had a sort of eventful week [this Christmas week of 2006]? What happened, let's see...ah, yes: Bush finally admitted that America was not winning the war in Iraq (his kingdom for a Mission Accomplished banner). Despite a really, really big vote of non-confidence in November (House, Senate, Democrats — remember that?), plans are solidifying to send more troops to Iraq, and the U.S. is beefing up its presence in the Persian Gulf in a "show of strength" to Iran, because escalating international hostilities is AWESOME. Oh yeah, the White House also censored a New York Times editorial (talk about meeting the press! Oh, wait, that's totally NOT meeting the press. Never mind.) >>

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