Thursday, October 04, 2012

The Despicable Jewish owned (Time/Warner Bros. corporation) CNN is PEDDLING LIES to SUPPORT A MASS-MURDEROUS Theocratic DICTATOR REGIME in Bahrain. The DISGUSTINGLY HYPOCRITICAL Judeo Elites CARE NOT for FREEDOM OF RELIGION, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Journalism... Freedom from war... or ANY OTHER Human Rights...

 The jewish owned CNN corporation... "BAHRAIN's MEDIA MOUTHPIECE" -  What HYPOCRITES!

For ALL BUT the LAST 150 years, Judeo elites have BEEN ACTIVE SLAVE TRADERS (just as their  Arab "semitic" cousins, in fact)...

   It has ONLY been since the past 150 years after Abraham Lincoln and the United States army ended (race based) chattel slavery in America -  and you don't see the jewish owned press/media  lauding Lincoln lately - that American and Western European Jews have PRETENDED to support human rights (and especially in the aftermath of the "holocaust" WWII death camps).

   But now that the jewish war state (israel) is the DRIVING force behind America's wars in the Mideast (by wholly owned "think tanks" like the jewish dominated "Project for a New 'American' Century' and the so-called "liberal" Brookings Institute by BRIBING our politicians and corporate press/media outlets, by relentless demonizing,  HATE MONGERING the American public against any enemy du jour targeted by the war lobby...  suddenly, since the treasonous "national security" elites DID NOTHING, NOT ONE DAMN THING to prevent the 9-11-2001 terror attacks...

  ...the judeo elites behind CNN, behind Time/Warner corp.; behind the Sulzberger New York Times; behind the wretched Meyer/Graham Washington Post, behind Bloomberg 'news' and behind the jewish owned Hollywood media networks,  ALL NOW SUPPORT the ARAB THEOCRAT DICTATORS...  because they are all  are now REVERTING to their 5,000 year history, of SLAVE OWNERSHIP and CONTEMPT for human rights, abject sneering scorn and contempt for the "shiska"  and "shegetz"  "vermin"  and "servants"  which is to say disposable slaves, which is how they see working-class  humanity...

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