Sunday, May 20, 2012

The very Neo-Con (Jewish owned) HUFFINGTON POST reports the obvious: The Neo-Con DICTATORSHIP ghouls BEHIND Barack Obama Have DECLARED WAR on America's free press (along with ALL OTHER Constitutional & Human rights, here and EVERYWHERE in the Neo-Con Economic Sabotage traitors dominated world)....

Those who believe The Huffington Post  is a "liberal,"  Arianna Huffington owned press/media organization are sadly mistaken...
   ...just as anyone who thinks Barack Obama is "liberal" is DELUSIONAL -   Obama answers to his JEWISH PUPPETMASTERS,  the Jewish millionaires and billionaires behind the scenes who own the Congress, and presidents,  via coordinated "campaign donations" and either friendly, lying, flattering media coverage (propaganda), or  savage Neo-Con coordinated (Jewish owned media) attack campaigns.
  below: Obama's RADICAL RIGHT-WING  Neo-Con economy wrecking, Constitution gutting, Treasury looting, Jewish loan-sharking, debt lord extortion Puppet Masters:

 left to right:     Obama's  BAILOUTS SUCKING White House Chief of Staff, former Citi-group bankster Jacob lew...   Obama's STAZI surveillance 'czar' spy-master, Cass Sunstein... Obama's INSANELY CORRUPT  SEC Chairwoman,  "there's no crime on earth too big for me NOT to see it"  Mary Schapiro;     Goddamn-Sachs MADE MAN (full partner) &  Obama's  CFTC Chairman, Gary Gensler.    The CFTC is GROUND ZERO of  TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS of off-the-books, ENRON ACCOUNTING "DERIVATIVES" debt the treasonous financiers want to STICK TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC (via "bailouts" and tax extortion);  and, far right,  Obama's  "Economics Czar"  - BLIND  and COMPLICIT to all the above American economy killing corruption -  Gene Sperling.   
These are only the tip-of-the-iceberg of the Neo-Con, radical Right-Wing "off, by and for financial rapists" Jews who have HIJACKED the late "Democratic" Party, and are now well on their way to RAPING AMERICA back to Great Depression abject, servile poverty - when Black Americans were officially terrorized by "midnight visits" from Sheriff's deputies in the SEGREGATION era;  and "poor white trash,"  "Okies," and other unemployed Whites were treated little better,  as unwanted vagarants, l if not criminal scum....  

Just as Bush and Cheney were merely front-men for the treasonous Jewish war lobby...

...just as John Pierpoint Morgan (of today's JP Morgan - Chase bank) was a late 1800's front-man for the Jewish Rothschilds globe dominating, ruthless financial cartel... too today is little Greek girl cum English Oxford student cum America political wife (before she divorced her California Republican husband)  Arianna Huffington no more than a pretty-faced front for the same ruthless Jewish oligarchy (autocracy) that owns and controls the Sulzberger New York Times, the Meyer Graham cowardly lying Washington Post, the Sam Zell Chicago Tribune & LA Times, the CNN-Time-Warner Bros. jewish owned Hollywood Neo-Con media propaganda empire (and many, many other Jewish owned and controlled media outlets in America).

 So in typical treacherous, Neo-Con,  Jewish owned fashion, we have the above headline:  
 Every so often the treasonous Neo-Con (jewish war lobby) hijacking and usurpation of America becomes so overt,  so awful, and so egregious, that even the Neo-Con press (at least those pretending to be "liberal") have to notice and say something about it...

    ...but, once they have established their "liberal" and "insightful" credentials,  they can go right back to not only ignoring the treasonous Neo-Con war of relentless sabotage of American Constitutional and economic rights, but go right back to pushing them, the despicable agenda items of the Neo-Con assault on America, along.... 

 See also Karl Denninger's post, on how the Rupert Murdoch owned (but Jewish run) Wall Street Journal, has effectively told its readers that THERE ARE NO American "RIGHTS" any more...   
The WSJ: There Are No Civil Liberties. Suck It America 
    Don't forget... over many chapters, over many pages, over many periods of biblical history, the Jewish bible "old testament"  relentlessly ADVOCATES SLAVERY and the ENSLAVEMENT and economic subjugation of all non-Jews living in Jewish controlled territory - territory that is, likely as not, conquered by the Jews in overtly genocidal attacks exterminating the prior residents of that territory.  This is the "master plan" for jewish domination of America, and the world - it is no more complicated than that.

   bonus: Liberal news host Cenk Uygur explains what a Bob Rubin clone,  BAILOUTS SUCKING PIG Jacob Lew is - after his unit ran up BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN LOSSES for Citi-group (bank & financial firm), Lew and other Citi execs had their hands outstretched for "BONUSES" - "bonuses" EXTORTED OUT OF TAXPAYERS.  
      The mere fact that Jewish REPUBLICAN Neo-Con Con-gressman ERIC CANTOR _APPROVES_ of Jacob Lew tells you everything you need to know: LEW IS A RADICAL RIGHT-WING TREASURY LOOTING JEWISH FINANCIER, POSING as a "liberal Democrat" - AS ARE ALL the other Neo-Cons pulling the pupppet strings over president Barack Obama

While JACOB LEW and other ECONOMY KILLING New York banksters are GIVING THEMSELVES million-dollar "BONUSES" thanks to taxpayer extorted bailouts (by BRIBED and/or EXTORTED politicians like the pathetically weak & corrupt Barack Obama), note the virtual JIHAD - WAR against American homeowners - being waged by the banksters and their hired evictions agents and police eviction squads, often resulting in suicides, last-stands, and SWAT team shooting  

update -  Today, 5-21-2012,  the treacherous Neo-Con "you American trash have no civil rights" Huffington Post reports on "ASSET SEIZURE" - how police can LEGALLY ROB suspects of ANY monies, simply by declaring their cash to be "drug money":

   Under Asset Forfeiture Law, Wisconsin Cops Confiscate Families' Bail Money
 ...just another agenda item in the  "SLAVES HAVE NO RIGHTS"   treasonous Neo-Con assault on, and ENSLAVEMENT of  America...

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