Americans are AWASH in SPIN
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts,
October 29, 2011
I have come to the conclusion that Big Brother’s subjects in George Orwell’s 1984 are better informed than Americans.
Americans have no idea why they have been at war in the Middle East, Asia and Africa for a decade.
They don’t realize that their liberties have been supplanted by a Gestapo Police State. Few understand that hard economic times are here to stay.... (cont'd)
This is a brilliant piece by Dr. Roberts, former Assistant Treasury Secretary under President Ronald Reagan, one of the few commentators out there perceptive enough, and/or courageous enough, to point out that the most powerful force behind the DESPISED, EXPANDING WARS, warmongering, & American economy gutting policies that are being forced down America's throats, is the Israel (which is to say "jewish") war lobby - the Netanyahu Likudniks and their Jewish 'American' Neo-Con partners in crime.
For example, the Jewish owned "major media" outlets in America - corporations like the Sulzberger New York Times, the Meyer/Graham Washington Post, the cnn/Time/Warner bros. (ne Polish-Jewish Wonsakaler brothers) - spent the past 2 decades painting (the Hungarian jewish born) GEORGE SOROS as a "LIBERAL" who has funded "pro-democracy protests" in the former Communist countries of Eastern Europe.
The truth is a much more grisly piece of meat to swallow: Soros is a radical Right-Wing "extort & enslave the peons" financial MANIPULATOR, whose "NAKED SHORT RAIDS" on the British pound sterling currency "attacked" that currency, and, ultimately, extracted billions of dollars of wealth OUT of the English economy - the real economy of English working families, jobs, benefits like health care & education, pensions, savings security, etc.
(The consortium that attacked the British pound, with Soros as a visible front-man, even has a financial "Black day" assigned to their extort-the-peons 'profits' - "Black Wednesday," 16 Sep. 1992 - wiki.)
Because "naked shorts in the sea get eaten by other, bigger sharks" Soros almost certainly had the backing of the Rotchilds London, France, and Europe (and now israel) based very private, very secretive, very predatory, very parasitic banking and financial cabal -
- this would be PURE TREACHERY, the London based financial cartel that owns the Band of England and LBMA, working with foreigners, to BREAK the English pound, and thus IMPOVERISH a large portion of the English (working stiff) economy - PURE TREACHERY by those ENTRUSTED with overseeing Britain's vital financial sectors !!(Indeed, it is our contention that London Rothschild billionaire heir Evelyn de Rothschild tried to COPY, duplicate, mimic Soros' successful naked short attack on the English pound, with a similar manipulation 'naked short attack" on gold itself (the price of gold bullion) - and when this naked short attack BLEW UP in his face, de Rothschild had to run screaming, crying, and begging to then English Chancellor (financial minister) Gordon Brown - who had to SELL OFF HALF of England's gold reserves, at multi-decade MARKET LOW PRICES, in order to stave off the COLLAPSE of the London Bullion Market Exchange (LBMA), the means by which the British government, in collusion with the Rothschilds, controls the world gold markets (and thus have the ability to MANIPULATE prices to their benefit - when their manipulations don't blow up in their faces, as "Brown's Bottom" did).
The stark, grisly truth about Soros' "peace" movements is also revealed simply by examining one of his proteges, New York Columbia University trained lawyer Michail Saakashvilli, of the (former Soviet) Republic of Georgia.
George Soros and the American (Neo-Con controlled) CIA, State Department, Treasury, and other U.S. government agencies FUNDED Saakashvilli's "Colored Revolution" in Georgia and, with huge, peaceful democratic protest rallies, staged a largely peaceful overthrow of the rump Communist government of President Eduard Shevardnadze in 2003.
But by 2007, Saakashvilli's U.S. & Israel influenced "economic changes" and a relentless, Communist-esque MILITARY BUILDUP - buying expensive U.S. & israel supplied weapons and "training" contracts - had driven Georgia's economy and standard of living to BELOW where it had been under the Communists! triggering huge, mass protests in 2007.
Here's how the lying Sulzberger New York Slimes paints Saakashvilli's U.S & israel run government: "Mr. Saakashvili, a lawyer educated at Columbia University, has steered his post-Soviet country sharply toward the West, seeking admission to NATO and the European Union, while moving against corruption at home, especially in the police."
Anyone in America stupid enough to believe Sulzberger's Neo-Con spin - that Saakashvilli's Neo-Con/Likudnink puppet regime was actually "moving against corruption at home" when the American SEC under Mary Schapiro is, today, BLIND to vast, titanic corruption on Wall Street...
....deserves to be defrauded of every cent they and their family have ever saved in their lives.
By 2007, Saakashvilli's jack-booted goon-squads - who looked like a combination between SS troopers and Star Wars troopers (actually, more like Star Wars troopers in black) - were every bit as ruthless as the SS, smashing thousands of protesters to clear the streets... which paved the way for Saakashvilli's August 8, 2008 US & Israel instigated ATTACK ON RUSSIAN TROOPS in South Ossetia - the day the rest of the world was celebrating peace and global cooperation at the start of the Beijing Olympics! - which blew up in the U.S., Israel, and Saakashvilli's face by a prompt and forceful Russian military response.
(Don't take our word for it! - Here's the astounding headline admission from the Jewish Time/Warner owned Time magazine: "WHAT ISRAEL LOST in Georgia War" !!!)
Saakashvilli was kept in power, after this disastrous and murderous misfired war, ONLY because then Vice President Dick Cheney flew to Georgia, with a blank check of ONE BILLION American taxpayer dollars, to help the Georgian PUPPET DICTATOR massage his wounded ego... and retain his iron, Gestapo & SS style bribery, assassinations & terror stranglehold grip on Georgia's government.
(Jewish owned NY Times: "White House Unveils $1 Billion Georgia Aid Plan", complete with photo of V.P Cheney playing errand-boy, delivering Saakashvilli's bribery check for his - Cheney's! - Jewish warmongering masters.)
Thus it is that the Likudniks and Neo-Cons are in control of a puppet government regime in Georgia, they CLAIM to be "against corruption" even as they drove that country to a WORSE THAN under COMMUNISM standard of living;
...a WAR and DICTATORSHP REGIME despised by a majority of Georgians,
who, thanks to the American government and Israel war lobby, of whom Soros is a major front-man,
have NO CHOICE but a CIA & Mossad staged-managed "democracy" where viable opponents are ASSASSINATED, bribed, or intimidated - the Rothschilds & Israel, CIA, and Britain's intel agencies
(note: the jewish Rothschilds were the majority owners of Anglo-Iranian Oil Co - today known as BP, "British Petroleum")
STAGED RIOTS in Iran, leading to that CIA & British FINANCED AND MANIPULATED COUP against Mossadegh in 1953 that INSTALLED a previous PUPPET DICTATOR mouthing words about "democracy" - the Shah of Iran.
Saakashvilli's (Georgian) U.S. & Israel trained SS stormtroopers
crush popular protests in 2007 -
crush popular protests in 2007 -
meet "democracy" in the age of Neo-Con & Likudniks "bribeocracy"
posing as democracy... (wiki links)
posing as democracy... (wiki links)
(Sulzberger NY Times) or "tens of thousands" (rothschilds owned Reuters)- and, after the regimes' U.S. & Israel trained storm troopers crush the protests with clubs, tear-gas, machine-guns, arrests, and assassinations, simply report that "order has been restored to the capital" and paint opponents of the regime as "Russian spies" and "traitors."
TODAY, those SAME TACTICS that the JEWISH & CIA FUNDED Saakashvilli regime used to CRUSH PROTESTS in Georgia in 2007 - as a PRELUDE to Saakashvilli's U.S. & Israel instigated WAR on Russian troops in South Ossetia - are BEING USED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,
...the CRIMINALIZATION OF DISSENT by using "war on terror" MILITARIZATION of the police.... ruthless and treacherous politicians, doing the bidding of those who allegiance to America is questionable, at best!
Denver Police Use Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets, Batons and Pepper Spray On Protesters
Washington’s Blog
October 30, 2011
Police pointing “non-lethal weapons” at protesters and media:

Rubber bullet wounds:

There are reports – just as in Oakland – of police attacking people while they were trying to help the injured: Man being SHOT w/ riotgun while assisting injured persons
The problem is militarization of police departments and the use of anti-terror laws to crush dissent - all part and parcel of the NEO-CON HIJACKING of America, treating Americans the way Netanyahu's jewish supremacist Likudniks treat Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem (& etc.)...
- Police fire pepper spray at Iceland protesters
- Guards Pepper Spray Protesters at Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum
- Police Taser, Beat, Pepper Spray Mentally Handicapped Teen – Then Charge Him With Assault
- Malaysia Police Fire Tear Gas and Arrest Hundreds of Protesters
- Iranian Police Fire Tear Gas at Protesters
- Cops Pepper Spray, Arrest Anti-War Demonstrators
- Army wants rapid-fire rubber bullets for crowd control
- Bahrain protesters driven out of Pearl Square by tanks and tear gas
- Blue Helmets Pepper Spray Hungry Haitians
- Secret police blamed as peace protesters are gunned down in the siege of Cairo
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