Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dominated by Genocidal Neo-Cons, America's "major media" is engaged in a Communistic PROPAGANDA COVER UP of deadly, mass-murderous Fukushima nuclear fallout hazards...

 "DIABOLICAL ENERGY" contained in the MELTED and BURNING  nuclear fuel rods at Fukushima's destroyed nuclear reactors....  whitewashed and covered up by the GENOCIDAL  whores of America's  corporate "major media"
    In a March 2011 press conference discussing the hazards of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe, Helen Caldicott explains the GENOCIDAL  nature of America's corporate press/media,   who know look at the American public (much less the Japanese public) in the way that white settlers looked at native Indian tribes during  America's westward expansion. 

 "...this is one of the most monstrous cover-ups in the history of medicine" (one MILLION people dying as a result of Chernobyl nuclear radiation poisoning)
...extrapolate through to Japan [Fukushima]  is by orders of magnitude MANY TIMES WORSE than Chernobyl... SIX nuclear reactors at risk...
   "...3 nuclear engineers who [helped] design the Mark 1 GE nuclear reactors, RESIGNED because they knew they were dangerous... so Japan built them on a earthquake fault line..."  "so they emergency diesel generators, which are as large as a house, got destroyed by the tsunami, so there was no way to keep the cooling water circulating."
  "cooling pools... every year they remove THIRTY TONS of the MOST RADIOACTIVE rods that you could possibly imagine.  Each one is 12 feet long and a half inch thick, and gives out so much radiation like x-rays, that if you stand next to it for a couple minutes, you will die... [eventually] your hair falling out, and dying of infection like AIDs patients." 
 Speaking of "GENOCIDE"  Ms. Caldicott explains that, indeed, use of  DU, depleted uranium ammunition by American and "coalition of willing" troops in Iraq,  is creating a GENOCIDAL nightmare in the cradle of human civilization:
 "Uranium is pretty poisonous,  American's used it in Fallujah & Baghdad, 80% of babies being born in Fallujah  are born GROSSLY DEFORMED, they are being born without brains, with single eyes, with no arms, doctors have told women to stop having babies, the incidence of childhood cancer is going up 12 times.      This is GENOCIDE, it is a NUCLEAR WAR  being CONDUCTED IN IRAQ,  CONTAMINATING the cradle of civilization." 
 video, below:  "The good old days" - Japan's Fukushima reactors after Japan's tsunami, but BEFORE the nuclear reactors at Fukushima BLEW UP and melted down...
      In the very near future,  human history will be catagorized as "pre-Fukishima" and "post-Fukushima" - because a CLOUD OF TOXIC RADIATION is now POURING over Russia, China, the Koreas, and much of Asia... not to mention making Japan a potential  death zone, from one end of the islands to another.  
 Speaking of, this (below)  video confirms Helen Caldicott's comments in previous video,  that 985,000 Russians,  Ukrainians, and other victims  are considered to have died premature deaths as a result of Chernobyl radiation exposure... but Japan's Fukushima catastrophe  has SIX nuclear reactors in meltdown or potential crisis, and TONS MORE 'spent' uranium fuel (mixed with dozens of other deadly fission by-product elements, see first video)  now being exposed to the elements; toxic, hazardous, nightmare  radioactive chemicals and waste now running off into ground water and oceans.... and, eventually, via airborne dust and rainfall,  to  Canada's and AMERICA's  food supply. 
   It is already a statistical certainty, that many more (than at present) AMERICAN families will soon enough feel the nightmare of grinding radiation exposure deaths,  from contaminated foods, that  so many Iraqis are already  suffering from due to exposure to depleted uranium weapons  toxicity from the U.S. invasion of Iraq. 

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