Tuesday, March 15, 2011

America's Paid Professional Liars - the corporate media Media Whores - "Do a fantastic job of PAPERING OVER

  "The media has done a fantastic job painting over the enormous sinkhole of a problem that is commercial real estate (CRE)."

  Back in September of 2009, HuffingtonPost.com's  Ryan Grim (one of the few genuinely investigative reportes at HuffPost - the majority of in-house writers there are now merely NY Times & WashPost style  Neo-Con lites)  wrote an exceptional article "How The Federal Reserve Bought The Economics Profession."  This story is  THE story at the core of America's recurring economic crisis,  because Americans don't understand that the Federal Reserve is NOT a government bank, but is a VERY PRIVATELY OWNED banking cabal. 
  Not only do Americans NOT understand that the Fed is a PRIVATELY OWNED banking cabal,  but Americans especially can't quite wrap their minds around the notion that the Fed is a TREASONOUS banking cabal -  the insanely greedy bankers who comprise the Fed ACTUALLY WISH UNEMPLOYMENT, POVERTY, and  economic CONTRACTION  ON their fellow Americans,  because LOOTING  pension funds, home values, and executing  HOSTILE  corporate buyouts, is THE QUICKEST WAY TO PROFITS for the parasite bankers and Vampire Squids who comprise the Fed - and they are empowered by  UNLIMITED BULLETS,  the  FIAT, created-out-of-thin-air dollars that  Ben Bernanke is pouring into member/owner  bank vaults at a rate of  $200 BILLION per MONTH -  as we speak!      This distills to, quite simply, TRILLIONS of  FREE MONEY dollars for banksters - POVERY for everyone else - and the "American major media" can't quite decade this  ongoing CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY financial sabotage. 
  That's because America's  "major media,"  LIKE THE entire ECONOMICS PROFESSION in America - are HIRED WHORES of the Fed Reserve treasonously greedy bankers.

  The fact that America's corporate owned "major media" outlets - from the "leaders" at the Meyer/Graham  "Pravda on the Potomac" Washington Post, the Sulzberger NY Slimes, the  CNN/Time/Warner (ne Polish immigrants "the Wonskolaser brothers") Hollywood empire- to the "if it bleeds, it leads"  bubble-blond airheads on local nightly newscasts - are increasingly PAID PROFESSIONAL liars and PROPAGANDISTS is increasingly evident every day as the American economy unwinds into an ever greater abyss,  as American families face the SAME  SOARING FOOD and consumer necessities  COSTS that have led to nationwide  riots and protests in the Mideast -  even as the American media whores regurgitate the government (Obama administration) and corporate line that the economy "is recovering."
    In fact, the "recovery" is ONLY a  PAPER RECOVERY.  The  "Federal Reserve" is a TREASONOUS  financial institution, a PRIVATELY OWNED BANKING CABAL, that is GIVING  $200 BILLION per MONTH to the member/owner banks of the Fed Reserve cabal,  "money"  PRINTED OUT OF THIN AIR,  which DEBASES the money held by ordinary Americans in their savings accounts, pension funds, and ever declining paychecks.  This is  INTENTIONAL THEFT of American families' wealth,  BY the Federal Reserve cabal.
  The Fed Reserve has, by Congressional Charter, and OBLIGATION to  oversee a STABLE money supply, and PROVIDE FOR HIGH EMPLOYMENT.   Within a decade of the Fed Reserve's creation in 1913,  it had triggered the post-WWI   FARM DEPRESSION.   Just over a decande-and-a-half after the Fed's creation,  IT HAD TRIGGERED the GREAT DEPRESSION in 1929.
     And today, the Fed Reserve is ONCE AGAIN  TRIGGERING A MAJOR DEPRESSION in America - a  recessionary economy  that the Lords of the Fed plantation would like to make permanent - by  INFLATING CREDIT BUBBLES with FREE MONEY for member/owner banks in good economic times, which the Fed then ropes in with  CREDIT CONTRACTION once a downturn is pronounced - meaning only those with very deep pockets have a dime to spend.
    The  American "major media" is  QUITE INCOMPETENT  at even informing Americans of the nature of the Fed - that it is a VERY PRIVATELY OWNED  banking cabal,  so the nature of the Fed's  "PUMP AND DUMP"  ECONOMIC TYRANNY is clearly far over the heads of even career professional "financial reporters" at the large media companies.  America's media whores are  paid professional liars who  ultimately are nothing but hired propagandists of the Fed Reserve and the corporate media companies that are little more than the Fed's lying, propaganda toadies and cheerleaders.
The Financial Disaster of Continuing to BAIL OUT Commercial Real Estate through the shadows of Federal Reserve jargon.  Why you haven’t heard of this trillion dollar bailout.
posted by MyBudget360.com, Feb. 23, 2011
The media has done a fantastic job painting over the enormous sinkhole of a problem that is commercial real estate (CRE).  U.S. banks hold over $3 trillion in commercial real estate loans on properties that were once valued at over $6 trillion.  Today those values are down to roughly $3 to $3.5 trillion depending on what metric you believe.  How is it possible for a market that has lost $2.5 to $3 trillion to become largely hidden in the dark from the mainstream media?  We constantly hear about $3 billion deficits or other issues but is the trillion dollar figure just so enormous that they don’t even bother investigating?  It is probably more likely that the Federal Reserve has concealed massive failures in CRE by allowing banks to play a game of extend and pretend that continues today.  The shadowy problems of empty shopping centers, vacant car dealership lots, and misplaced strip malls is largely a taxpayer problem now.  Banks made these irresponsible loans but had the Fed hand over taxpayer loot in exchange for worthless real estate.... (cont'd)

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