Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Keith Olbermann DEMOLISHES Ted Koppel's FAKE "OBJECTIVITY" meme - Olbermann rightly blasts ABC 'news' pimp Ted Koppel for being a BIASED, PRO-WAR PIMP in run-up to America's Bush-Cheney-Wolfowitz-PNAC directed Invasion of Iraq on false and lying pretenses...

   Huffington Post is betraying it's oh-so New York "liberal intelligentsia" NEO-CON leanings lately - like the Neo-Con Sulzberger New York Times and the Neo-Con "Pravda on the Potomac" Washington Post,  Huffington Post writers and editors CAN'T QUITE SEEM to CONNECT-the-DOTS that the  JEWISH WAR LOBBY, and the Goldman-Sachs + JP Morgan treasury looting, economy-gutting  financial swindlers ARE ONE AND THE SAME,   
  but in reporting on courageous Keith Olbermann BLASTING  Ted Koppel's  pretend "OBJECTIVITY,"  the Neo-Con Huffington Post inadvertently  critiques  its own Neo-Con tendencies

 Huffington Post reports:  Keith Olbermann blasts ABC 'news' pimp Ted Koppel for Koppel's  PRO-WAR Neo-Con BIAS,  MASQUERADING as "objectivity." 
 Had Mr. Olbermann  CONNECTED-the-DOTS that Ted Koppel  _ALSO_   RELIGIOUSLY REFUSES to INVESTIGATE the TITANIC  FRAUD  emanating from Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan-Chase, Citi-bank, Bank of America, and other Wall Street "banks" and hedge funds that are  DESTROYING the U.S. economy (as subject that Mr. Olbermann's MSNBC fellow news host,  Dylan Ratigan, is quite expert on) he would have hit a HOME-RUN.

  and MEDIA WHORES like TED KOPPEL,  can spout thousands of words, over hundreds of shows, over the past 10 years - and NOT QUITE NOTICE that they are relentlessly PIMPING the "MORE WARS" and "UNLIMITED,  DEREGULATED financial system, leading to UNLIMITED, TRILLIONS-of-taxpayer EXTORTED dollars  'BAILOUTS'  for FAILED, FRAUDULENT, FAT-CAT BANKSTERS"  radical Right-Wing  agendas....    (our highlights)
MSNBC host Keith Olbermann lashed out at ABC's former "Nightline" host Ted Koppel and the mainstream media generally in a lengthy "special comment" at the end of his program "Countdown" on Monday night.
  Koppel sharply criticized the rise of partisan journalists like Olbermann, whom he described as "the most left-leaning among MSNBC's left-leaning, Fox-baiting, money-generating hosts," in an op-ed published in Sunday's Washington Post. On Monday night, Olbermann launched a full-throated defense of his network, arguing that beloved anchors who are considered objective, from Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow to Koppel himself, have long exercised significant editorial judgments.
 But Olbermann blasted the reporting [sic]  Koppel and others did on the U.S. government's justifications for the war in Iraq, which he described as "worshiping before the false god of utter objectivity."
   LIKE ALL THE OTHER Neo-Con, Israel lobby, and pro-war apologists,  Mr. Koppel  is USING a NAZI PROPAGANDA TACTIC:  "PRETEND  THEY DON'T EXIST" !!

  While the Nazi controlled German state media during WWII   PRETENDED that the DEATH CAMPS, and death camp victims, DID NOT EXIST,  Mr. Koppel is  MAKING THE FALSE ASSUMPTION, that AMERICA  ACHIEVED the state of political freedom he enjoyed  (migrating to America as a WWII refugee, like former Americcan Secretary of State Henry Kissinger,  former concentration camp inmate & former California Congressman Tom Lantos  and thousands of other WWII refugees did as well)   WITHOUT  "PARTISAN"  fighting, struggle, and pitched ideological battles -    from CIVIL RIGHTS to WOMEN's VOTE to  workers' rights to unionize,     to THE END OF CHILD LABOR, Mr. Koppel is shamelessly PIMPING the  TREACHEROUS  Neo-Con meme that THERE NEVER WAS ANY PASSION, or partisan, ideological reporting  in  recent American history.... 

  - indeed, taken to it's logical extreme,   Mr. Koppel's oh-so-typical  Neo-Con  "PARTISANSHIP in 'news' reporting is a FLAW to be crucified on the cross of  'objectivity'"  meme seeks to WHITEWASH the CIVIL WAR to END SLAVERY - and ALL the editorial and journalistic passions that led to that fight - __RIGHT OUT__ of American history! 
  It's like Mr. Koppel has NEVER HEARD of  THOM PAINE, SAM ADAMS, THOMAS JEFFERSON, newspaper editor & publisher Ben Franklin,   or the United States Declaration of Independence! 

 Maybe Mr. Koppel has never heard of Senator Charles Summner - who was beaten, nearly to death, for expressing his OPPOSITION  TO SLAVERY while a United States senator?

  Good for Mr. Olbermann for  FINALLY POINTING FINGERS at one of the  MILLIONAIRE  self-satisfied, entitled Neo-Con propaganda meisters  "MALEFACTORS OF MEDIA LIES" who helped  whitewash the Bush-Cheney administration  & war lobby's   LIES-TO-WAR  that pushed America into the bloody  invasion of Iraq in 2003, when the majority of 9-11 hijackers (or so our government tells us) came from Saudi Arabia -  not a one from Iraq. 

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