Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ground-Zero Mosque Iman is a "Stooge" of the Globalists/Central Banksters economy-killing Neo-Cons...

With even  KEITH OLBERMANN  ___joining___ the despicable "major media"  Neo-Con controlled  CENSORSHIP and WHITEWASH of the  TRILLIONS of dollars STOLEN from the American people by the Greenspan/Bernanke/Geithner Fed Reserve and Rubin/Summers/Blankfein/Paulson/Dimon/Gensler/Tony Blair (et al) Goddamn-Sachs-JPM-Citi (et al)   banking cabal  (the "axis of financial evil")  it is long past time that we start giving 'props' to Alex Jones'  when they get a story "right."

     In this case,  InfoWars joins a long list of Americans  DISGUSTED at the way the "Ground Zero mosque" story has DOMINATED the "major media" 'news'  gab-fest for the past couple weeks.   G-Z-M stories have DOMINATED  Neo-Con "pretend hip & liberal" Huffington Post headlines for days on end...  the better for  the  Neo-Cons at HuffPost to JOIN their big NY & DC brothers in Neo-Con warmongering + treasury looting propaganda (that would be the Sulzberger lyin'  NY Times & Meyer/Graham Washington cowardly Post)     by  DISTRACTING, DIVERTING, and DEFLECTING attention from the OBAMA/EMANUEL/RUBIN/SUMMERS/Gensler/Geithner/Bernanke/Pelosi/Schapiro/
 Dodd/Lieberman/Schumer/Harman/Feinstein/Bernstein/Orszag/Lew  (et al)   LOOTING of America's treasury & economy, handing literally TRILLIONS of taxpayer extorted dollars** to the Goddamn-Sachs/JPM/Citi-bank OWNED  Fed Reserve very private banking cabal.... 

 by HARPING on this story for weeks on end, the despicable "major media" can AVOID talking about the TRILLIONS  of dollars team Obama/Emanuel/Rubin/Summers/Geithner/Bernanke   have  (taking up where Bush/Cheney/Paulson/Snow/Greenspan et al left off)  STOLEN from American taxpayers.... 

 **note: the TRILLIONS of dollars that Greenspan, Bernanke, Geithner, and other swindlers at the Fed Reserve have handed to their GS/JPM/Citi/BoA (etc.)  bankster friends, are  "fiat dollars" - MADE UP OUT OF THIN AIR "money" that OBLIGATES American workers, consumers, & taxpayers to make good on... the billions of dollars that wind up, overnight, at the typing of a computer keyboard - in the electronic "vaults" of the member/OWNER banks.   Discussing the "money creation process" is a time and word consuming task that diverts from this story, that the major media has another tempest-in-a-teapot to DIVERT the masses from the LOOTING of the American treasury and economy.

  Ground Zero Mosque Imam Is Globalist Stooge

Steve Watson
Friday, Aug 20th, 2010
Ground Zero Mosque Imam Is Globalist Stooge 200810ImamThe Imam of the now infamous “ground zero mosque” is a member of the ultra elitist Council On Foreign Relations and receives financial backing from powerful globalist sources including the Rockefellers, the Carnegie Corporation and the Ford Foundation.

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