Saturday, April 03, 2010

TREASONOUS Neo-Con TRAITORS at the Washington Post, spin the JP Morgan (Chase) ASSAULT ON AMERICA as "poow wittle JPM & Jamie Dimon"...  and  Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone both outline the  FINANCIAL ASSAULT and ECONOMIC SABOTAGE that  JP Morgan Chase, Goddamn-Sachs, & other Wall Street and  multi-national banking & hedge-fund corporations have INFLICTED on the American economy:  Jamie Dimon’s Assault on the [American]  Economy 
   Taibbi: Looting Main Street; How the nation's biggest banks are RIPPING OFF American cities with the same PREDATORY DEALS   that brought down Greece 
   Sentiments echoed by  MIT (and former IMF) economist Simon Johnson over at today's HuffingtonPost,  "Jamie Dimon, THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN AMERICA", with a WEALTH of evidence  (the above 3 all being  _this week's_  surveys of  JP Morgan-Chase & Goddamn-Sachs'  SABOTAGE of the American economy)   showing that  THE MORE THEY  (JPM, Goddamn-Sachs, & other big bankers)  DESTROY the American economy,  THE RICHER THEY GET,   one can DEPEND on the TREASONOUS  Meyer/Graham, FRED HIATT Washington Post  ("PRAVDA on the Potomac") to write an article,  boo hoo hoo, SPINNING  America's current economic meltdown, and the Bankers' ill-gotten  bailouts BONUS BILLIONS, as  "poow wittle  Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan...  they COULD  have done SO  MUCH BETTER if they had 'just said no' to those bailouts"...
  ...the  very bailouts that Lord Dimon,  Lord Blankfein, Hank Paulson, Robt. Rubin (GoldmanSachs or JPMorgan-Chase Chairman all)  and their hired-boy Timmy Giethner at the NY Fed.   _EXTORTED_ out of the insanely CORRUPT  Pelosi 110th & 111th  Congress!
  J.P. Morgan's Dimon says new laws have hurt his company
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, April 2, 2010

NEW YORK -- J.P. Morgan Chase cut consumer access to credit and canceled credit cards in response to legislation signed into law by President Obama last year, the bank's chief executive Jamie Dimon said. The credit card reform act, which went into effect in February, could cost the bank up to $750 million in annual profits, he added.  
  This is  mass-media PROPAGANDA at its finest (or most ghoulishly awful) - instead of pointing out  JP Morgan's  BAILOUT BONUS BILLIONS,    the  TREASONOUSLY CORRUPT FRED HIATT  Washington Post points their readers' attention to  theoretical  JPMorgan "LOSSES"  - what JPM "could have" made, according to Jamie Dimon's spin -  the LAYING OFF of  THOUSANDS upon MILLIONS of Americans treated with the same CONTEMPT,  NEGLECT, and lack of attention that the German (Nazi controlled) press in WWII covered the SS death camps!

 Over at,  (at 1:48 in video)  former Wall Street broker  (in self-imposed exile) Max Keiser explains that the JPM/GoddamnSachs ASSAULT on the American & world economies, is ALLOWING  China to prowl the world, buying up valuable assets for PENNIES on the dollar....  BILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of  American dollars which China has amassed, from the TREASONOUS  JPM & Goddamn-Sachs led  SABOTAGE DECONSTRUCTION of the American industrial & manufacturing economy (the "outsourcing" of entire factories, entire industries, to Communist China), so Jamie Dimon, Lloyd Blankfein, Hank Paulson, Robert Rubin, and other JPM & Goddamn-Sachs chairmen & executives can WALLOW in their  looted, swindled,  consumer- and taxpayer  extorted multi-million dollar fortunes - all the above WITH the TREASONOUS,  "we HATE AMERICANS!" blessings of  FRED HIATT's Washington Post, and Arthur Sulzberger's equally treasonous, anti-American New York Times.  
  update:  Today's (Apr. 4) HuffingtonPost catches on to the ASSAULT on America: their  lede headline & photo says it all: 

Critics Say Firm Weakens Safety Net as It Fights Jobless Claims

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