Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Neo-Con warmongering, GESTAPO police-state & socialized corporate-welfare supporting Washington Post FIRES its token "liberal" columnist...

Here's Dan Froomkin's last column from the Washington Post - the very NEO-CON Washington WHORE Post, that joined Vietnam War CHICKENHAWKS Don Rumsfeld and PAUL WOLFOWITZ, in casting aspersions on, and trying to mock and scorn then US Army Chief of Staff General Eric Shinseki, when Shenseki THREATENED to DERAIL the PNAC/Neo-Con/Bush-Cheney WAR LUST to INVADE IRAQ by Shinseki "going off the reservation" and explaining directly to the US Senate that Rumsfeld & Wolfowitz's projections of a small US occupation force FACING NO REAL OPPOSITION from 'insurgent' Iraqis in a post-invasion US occupation of that country were SHEER FANTASY. (General Shenseki, in fact, was taking a cold, hard look and Rumsfeld, Wolfowitiz's, and the PNAC Isarel-Likudnik war-lobby's Iraq occupation fantasies BEFORE the "Al Qaida" question HAD EVEN BEEN RESOLVED in Afghanistan and along the Afghan border! - as CLEAR an indication of RUMSFELD/WOLFOWITZ/PNAC fantasy & incompetence and DELUSIONS of GRANDEUR as one could EVER hope to see in world politics; president Bush, the nominal head of the Cheney-Bush-Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz-PNAC warmongers' administration, infamously declared "YOU KNOW, I'M REALL NOT THAT CONCERNED ABOUT HIM [Al Qaida terrorist and 9-11 mastermind OSAMA bin LADEN] ANYMORE" MONTHS before the US invasion of Iraq - at the very time that Bush, Cheney, and their DOD stooges Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, and others were ILLEGALLY shifting US troops approved by Congress for the Afghanistan war, TO THEIR PENDING Iraq invasion buildup in Kuwait.. which DIVERSION of a a large proportion of an already small number of US troops in Afghanistan, ALLOWED AL QAIDA & the Taliban to METASTASIZE, GROW, and INCREASE IN FEROCITY there, just as NIXON's BOMBING OF CAMBODIA led DIRECTLY the the battle-hardened KHMER ROUGE taking over Cambodia in 1974, in prelude to their massive 3 million victims killed genocide there.)

The neo-con Washignton Post is a DISGRACEFUL institution that is fully dedicated to the Neo-Con agenda: EXPANDING WARS, SOCIALIZED CORPORATE WELFARE, and ever-expanding MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL-CONGRESSIONAL complex that is entirely dependent on that SOCIALIZED government welfare, and a POLICE STATE to ENFORCE the TRANSFER of BILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of TAXPAYER DOLLARS to the corporate welfare/military state - a state that CARES NOT ONE WHIT for the lives of taxpayers & citizens, while relentlessly banging the drums of "SECURITY!" for citizens as that military welfare state continually engages in expanding wars and foreign quagmires that SUBORDINATES individuals citizens to the Greater Reich - THE EXAT ideals espoused in Hitler's pre-WWII "moral values" and "State Security uber alles" Germany.
(note: there are dozens of good articles now on the web about the Washington Post's horrible Neo-Con, Nazi-lite agenda, and their firing of their sole, token, "liberal" columnist. Neither Richard Cohen nor E.J. Dionne, the Post's two other ostensibly "liberal" columnists, are genuinely "liberal"; like everyone else at the Lying, Cowardly Washington Whore Post, they are both APOLOGISTS for the POLICE STATE and war-time-Reich military/corporate-socilized empire described above.)

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