Here's Dan Froomkin's last column from the Washington Post - the very NEO-CON Washington WHORE Post, that joined Vietnam War CHICKENHAWKS Don Rumsfeld and PAUL WOLFOWITZ, in casting aspersions on, and trying to mock and scorn then US Army Chief of Staff General Eric Shinseki, when Shenseki THREATENED to DERAIL the PNAC/Neo-Con/Bush-Cheney WAR LUST to INVADE IRAQ by Shinseki "going off the reservation" and explaining directly to the US Senate that Rumsfeld & Wolfowitz's projections of a small US occupation force FACING NO REAL OPPOSITION from 'insurgent' Iraqis in a post-invasion US occupation of that country were SHEER FANTASY. (General Shenseki, in fact, was taking a cold, hard look and Rumsfeld, Wolfowitiz's, and the PNAC Isarel-Likudnik war-lobby's Iraq occupation fantasies BEFORE the "Al Qaida" question HAD EVEN BEEN RESOLVED in Afghanistan and along the Afghan border! - as CLEAR an indication of RUMSFELD/WOLFOWITZ/PNAC fantasy & incompetence and DELUSIONS of GRANDEUR as one could EVER hope to see in world politics; president Bush, the nominal head of the Cheney-Bush-Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz-PNAC warmongers' administration, infamously declared "YOU KNOW, I'M REALL NOT THAT CONCERNED ABOUT HIM [Al Qaida terrorist and 9-11 mastermind OSAMA bin LADEN] ANYMORE" MONTHS before the US invasion of Iraq - at the very time that Bush, Cheney, and their DOD stooges Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, and others were ILLEGALLY shifting US troops approved by Congress for the Afghanistan war, TO THEIR PENDING Iraq invasion buildup in Kuwait.. which DIVERSION of a a large proportion of an already small number of US troops in Afghanistan, ALLOWED AL QAIDA & the Taliban to METASTASIZE, GROW, and INCREASE IN FEROCITY there, just as NIXON's BOMBING OF CAMBODIA led DIRECTLY the the battle-hardened KHMER ROUGE taking over Cambodia in 1974, in prelude to their massive 3 million victims killed genocide there.)
The neo-con Washignton Post is a DISGRACEFUL institution that is fully dedicated to the Neo-Con agenda: EXPANDING WARS, SOCIALIZED CORPORATE WELFARE, and ever-expanding MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL-CONGRESSIONAL complex that is entirely dependent on that SOCIALIZED government welfare, and a POLICE STATE to ENFORCE the TRANSFER of BILLIONS upon TRILLIONS of TAXPAYER DOLLARS to the corporate welfare/military state - a state that CARES NOT ONE WHIT for the lives of taxpayers & citizens, while relentlessly banging the drums of "SECURITY!" for citizens as that military welfare state continually engages in expanding wars and foreign quagmires that SUBORDINATES individuals citizens to the Greater Reich - THE EXAT ideals espoused in Hitler's pre-WWII "moral values" and "State Security uber alles" Germany.
(note: there are dozens of good articles now on the web about the Washington Post's horrible Neo-Con, Nazi-lite agenda, and their firing of their sole, token, "liberal" columnist. Neither Richard Cohen nor E.J. Dionne, the Post's two other ostensibly "liberal" columnists, are genuinely "liberal"; like everyone else at the Lying, Cowardly Washington Whore Post, they are both APOLOGISTS for the POLICE STATE and war-time-Reich military/corporate-socilized empire described above.)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Catholic, White HATE-MONGER Demagogue Bill O'Reilly REDUCED TO SHOUTING at his guest to Bolster his "ABORTION IS MURDER" credentials...
And not just a random "handing beers to a drunk as he prepares to drive home" accomplice to murder: As women's health-care advocate and editor Joan Walsh points out, O'Reilly's ranting books were previously found in the posesssion of the murderous Tennessee gunman who SHOT UP A Knoxville, Tenn. Church on a Sunday - during a childrens' play! - intending to SHOOT and KILL _EVERY_ person in that church, for the sin of being "liberal" (tolerant of race, sexuality non-conformity, and to other non-conformist issues)!!
BILL O'REILLY makes it HIS BUSINESS to INSTIGATE MURDEROUS EMOTIONS against ENTIRE CLASSES OF AMERICANS: those O'Reilly derides as "LIBERAL" and what he scornfully shouts out as "SOCIALIST" Americans ("ON THE LEFT!" as O'Reilly thunders) - even though, of course, like Rush Limbaugh's elderly listeners, ALMOST ALL of O'Reilly's OLDER viewers are DEPENDENT on their VERY 'LIBERAL,' VERY "SOCIALIZED," very "big government" SOCIAL SECURITY retirement checks!!
Limbaugh & O'Reilly listeners think of Rush & Bill as "their friends" - even though, if O'Reily & Limbaugh had their way, MILLIONS of Senior Americans would be facing IMMEDIATE STARVATION and fatal illnesses, were it not for their GOVERNMENT SPONSORED retirement income, disability insurance and health care coverage!!
Limbaugh and O'Reilly share one simple characteristic... they have deep, projective voices that, with a lifetime of experience honed behind the microphone, convey or project an assertive, calming tone. Except, that is, when the two radio demagogues reel off into a MURDEROUS, HATE-INCITING RANT, where they sound anything but "soothing and sonorous."
BUT Limbaugh & O'Reilly have MASTERED THE ART of REELING their listeners back in: after delivering that HATE-INCITING, blood-curdling, blood-pressure pumping CALL TO HATE & JIHAD diatribe; O'Reilly & Limbaugh know how to REEL THEIR LISTENERS BACK IN, saying things like "I'm on YOUR side" and "it is us against the powers-that-be" and "we are defending the unborn babies" etc.
Again, MILLIONS of Americans think of O'Reilly & Limbaugh as THEIR FRIENDS, even though millions of those SAME Americans, would be DENIED their DISABLITY, SOCIAL SECURITY, and GOVERNMENT SPONSORED HEALTH CARE, if the SERIALLY TERROR-INCITING masters of modern hate had their way.
for Huffington Post's Jason Linkin's coverage of Bill O'Reilly's incitation to his listeners to MURDER "abortion mill" doctors - click here -
Monday, June 08, 2009
New York Times WHORES "Summers is BRILLIANT" theme... because the WHORE Times is IN ON THE LOOTING of America...
Just how "BRILLIANT" do you have to be, to GIVE AWAY TRILLIONS of TAXPAYER dollars?
THAT is PRECISELY the notion the NEW YORK TIMES is selling - that Lawrence Summers is a "BRILLIANT" former Treasury Secretary, Harvard University President, and current Obama admin. chief economics advisor - because the NY Times is in CAHOOTS with Mr. Summers and his Wall Street/Goldman-Sachs friends to DEFRAUD AMERICANS of TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars.
Just how "BRILLIANT" do you have to be, to be FIRED from being president of one of America's most prestigious universities, and, shortly after you were run off, have it discovered that your 'leadership' of that University's endowment had PLUNGED THAT ENDOWMENT into THE CESSPIT of "investment" folly, "investments" in FRAUDULENT DERIVATIVES and highly over-valued assets - the same TOILET of financial garbage that has RUINED the American economy?
Needless to say, THAT notion - that Lawrence Summers, the former Clinton Treasury Secretary (1998-2000) who went on to be the President of Harvard University, where he actively pushed the Harvard endowment to purchase the very "DEREGULATION" type of "DERIVATIVE" 'securities' that were often actually EXTREMELY TOXIC INSURANCE CONTRACTS - with POTENTIALLY MILLIONS of dollars of __LIABILITIES__ posing as "safe" Mutual Funds! - that would have been ILLEGAL... but for the DEREGULATION laws that Summers, his predecessor at Treasury and fellow Obama advisor Robert Rubin, and uber-Right-Wing Republican PHIL GRAMM had all pushed all through the 1990s.
("Deregulation" Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act; Commodity Futures 'Modernization' Act of 2000, "Enron Loophole" Phil Gramm, Ken Lay, Lawrence Summers Robert Rubin, Goldman Sachs,
(for the textbook explanation of how Wall Street FRAUDSTERS sold HIGHLY RISKY "derivative contracts" as "GRADE-A SECURITIES to unsuspecting county school board retirement funds, see Les Leopold's "THE LOOTING OF AMERICA")
Note the New York Times' folksy, conversational writing of this VITAL story, "THE WHEELS are COMING OFF of ANOTHER Lawrence Summers FINANCIAL ATROCITY... AGAIN!" story:
If there were justice in this world, Lawrence Summers would be facing trial for SECURITIES FRAUD, and the New York Times writers, editors, and publishers would be experiencing BANKRUPTCY, FORECLOSURE, and DENIAL of Health-care coverage for LIFE-THREATENING illnesses... but as we know, SLAVERY and economic enslavement have been part of the human condition for the vast majority of human history (indeed, due to our swelling world population, there are actually MORE PEOPLE in BONDAGE TODAY, than at any time in world history!) - and as so often in history, apex predators and con-men, such as the NEW YORK TIMES and their WALL STREET FLIM-FLAM ALLIES today - INCLUDING LAWRENCE SUMMERS - often live large on the sweat and production of others, if only because they were born into privilege and access.
(Also compare Lawrence Summers' role at the CENTER of MASSIVE, national economy KILLING economic FRAUD, with the INDICTMENT, PROSECUTION, and CONVICTION of MARTHA STEWART... for allegedly "dumping" a LOUSY $55,000 worth of ImClone stock that Ms. Stewart had EVERY RIGHT TO SELL, at ANY TIME, on ANY 'tip', FROM ANYONE, because she had NO, NADA, ZERO FIDUCIARY CONNECTION TO ImClone at the time she sold here $55,000 of shares.)
THE NEW YORK TIMES, as Neo-Con ENABLERS of the Bush-Cheney administration, CHEERED the POLITICAL LYNCHING of MARTHA STEWART... and now try to portray the DROSS, FRAUD, and abject CORRUPTION of LAWRENCE SUMMERS as "brilliant" !!
NY Times TRIES to WHORE "Lawrence Summers IS BRILLIANT!" meme - in an article that actually points out that the WHEELS ARE FALLING OFF of President obama's LAWRENCE SUMMERS designed ECONOMIC "Bailout the banksters WITH NOT ONE SINGLE AUDIT" FOLLY!! -
THAT is PRECISELY the notion the NEW YORK TIMES is selling - that Lawrence Summers is a "BRILLIANT" former Treasury Secretary, Harvard University President, and current Obama admin. chief economics advisor - because the NY Times is in CAHOOTS with Mr. Summers and his Wall Street/Goldman-Sachs friends to DEFRAUD AMERICANS of TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars.
Just how "BRILLIANT" do you have to be, to be FIRED from being president of one of America's most prestigious universities, and, shortly after you were run off, have it discovered that your 'leadership' of that University's endowment had PLUNGED THAT ENDOWMENT into THE CESSPIT of "investment" folly, "investments" in FRAUDULENT DERIVATIVES and highly over-valued assets - the same TOILET of financial garbage that has RUINED the American economy?
Needless to say, THAT notion - that Lawrence Summers, the former Clinton Treasury Secretary (1998-2000) who went on to be the President of Harvard University, where he actively pushed the Harvard endowment to purchase the very "DEREGULATION" type of "DERIVATIVE" 'securities' that were often actually EXTREMELY TOXIC INSURANCE CONTRACTS - with POTENTIALLY MILLIONS of dollars of __LIABILITIES__ posing as "safe" Mutual Funds! - that would have been ILLEGAL... but for the DEREGULATION laws that Summers, his predecessor at Treasury and fellow Obama advisor Robert Rubin, and uber-Right-Wing Republican PHIL GRAMM had all pushed all through the 1990s.
("Deregulation" Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act; Commodity Futures 'Modernization' Act of 2000, "Enron Loophole" Phil Gramm, Ken Lay, Lawrence Summers Robert Rubin, Goldman Sachs,
(for the textbook explanation of how Wall Street FRAUDSTERS sold HIGHLY RISKY "derivative contracts" as "GRADE-A SECURITIES to unsuspecting county school board retirement funds, see Les Leopold's "THE LOOTING OF AMERICA")
Note the New York Times' folksy, conversational writing of this VITAL story, "THE WHEELS are COMING OFF of ANOTHER Lawrence Summers FINANCIAL ATROCITY... AGAIN!" story:
"By all accounts, much of the tension derives from the president’s choice of the brilliant but sometimes supercilious Mr. Summers to be the director of the National Economic Council, making him the policy impresario of the team.""BY ALL ACCOUNTS, Lawrence Summers is a CAD who SHOULD BE FACING TRIAL or at least censure for ENABLING MASSIVE SECURITIES FRAUD, but the NY Times AT EVERY STEP OF THE WAY has been "IN" on THE finanical LOOTING of America - as a (formerly) billion-dollar NY headquartered corporation they are FINANCIAL ALLIES of GOLDMAN SACHS and the "lesser" Wall Street financial institutions.
If there were justice in this world, Lawrence Summers would be facing trial for SECURITIES FRAUD, and the New York Times writers, editors, and publishers would be experiencing BANKRUPTCY, FORECLOSURE, and DENIAL of Health-care coverage for LIFE-THREATENING illnesses... but as we know, SLAVERY and economic enslavement have been part of the human condition for the vast majority of human history (indeed, due to our swelling world population, there are actually MORE PEOPLE in BONDAGE TODAY, than at any time in world history!) - and as so often in history, apex predators and con-men, such as the NEW YORK TIMES and their WALL STREET FLIM-FLAM ALLIES today - INCLUDING LAWRENCE SUMMERS - often live large on the sweat and production of others, if only because they were born into privilege and access.
(Also compare Lawrence Summers' role at the CENTER of MASSIVE, national economy KILLING economic FRAUD, with the INDICTMENT, PROSECUTION, and CONVICTION of MARTHA STEWART... for allegedly "dumping" a LOUSY $55,000 worth of ImClone stock that Ms. Stewart had EVERY RIGHT TO SELL, at ANY TIME, on ANY 'tip', FROM ANYONE, because she had NO, NADA, ZERO FIDUCIARY CONNECTION TO ImClone at the time she sold here $55,000 of shares.)
THE NEW YORK TIMES, as Neo-Con ENABLERS of the Bush-Cheney administration, CHEERED the POLITICAL LYNCHING of MARTHA STEWART... and now try to portray the DROSS, FRAUD, and abject CORRUPTION of LAWRENCE SUMMERS as "brilliant" !!
NY Times TRIES to WHORE "Lawrence Summers IS BRILLIANT!" meme - in an article that actually points out that the WHEELS ARE FALLING OFF of President obama's LAWRENCE SUMMERS designed ECONOMIC "Bailout the banksters WITH NOT ONE SINGLE AUDIT" FOLLY!! -
Obama’s Economic Circle Keeps Tensions Simmering
by Jackie Calmes
Published: June 7, 2009
Monday, June 01, 2009
"Abortion" Doctor KILLED in CHURCH... was TARGETED by Fox "news" demagogue BILL O'REILLY's _HATE_ show....

DOCTOR KILLED IN CHURCH was often portrayed by Fox 'news' DEMAGOGUE HATE-MONGER BILL O'REILLY as a "murderer" of unborn Children -
America's AUTHORITARIAN RIGHT-WING, losing ground in their "Moral Values" cultural wars (what with the nominally "liberal" Democrats win the House and Senate in 2006, followed by the election of half-African/American Barack Obama to the presidency in 2008) - have been RETURNING TO THEIR TOUCH-STONE of MORAL VALUES CONDEMNATION, HATE, SCORN, RESENTMENT, and SELF-RIGHTEOUS SUPERIORITY with a vengeance: the "ABORTION" issue, trying to portray abortion as a CRIME, the "MURDER of 'unborn children'."
This LATEST ASSASSINATION of a women's Reproductive Health Doctor follows by 15 years the brutal BUSH-WHACKING ASSASSINATION 1994 murder of Dr John Bayard Britton and his 75-year-old driver, James Barrett, outside the Pensacola Ladies' Centre, and follows by just 13 years the MURDEROUS BOMBING CAMPAIGN of OLYMPIC PARK BOMBING maniac ERIC RUDOLPH, like Timmy McVeigh a FORMER ARMY WEAPONS EXPERT who turned his attention to KILLING AMERICANS, in Rudolph's case, over the so-called "abortion issue."
The problem with all these "MORAL VALUES" arguments, is that IF you BELIEVE the BIBLE LITERALLY, then GOD HIMSELF is a MURDERER of VAST NUMBERS of "unborn babies," of mothers in the process of giving birth, and of babies in the birth process and shortly thereafter, for according to the bible story of Adam and Eve, god has DAMNED ALL WOMEN unto ETERNITY with "THE PAINS OF CHILDBIRTH" (and therefore presumably THE COMPLICATIONS and FATALITIES of childbirth), for Eve having the temerity to eat the DAMNED fruit of Eden.
If, by theocratic definition, the death of a human by god's hand is not "MURDER," then god is still most certainly a HOMICIDAL MANIAC, who, like a hanging judge or a death-penalty-happy state governor (George W. Bush had the most trigger-happy prisoners executed tally of ANY governor in US history), DELIGHTS IN HIS ON-GOING POWER to SLAY infants, babies, mothers in pregnancy, and "unborn babies," for of course an __"ALMIGHTY"__ god COULD REVERSE HIS DAMNATION on Eve (and all women) AT ANY TIME he so choose, the mere fact that 'god' has NOT reversed the DAMNATION of the FATAL COMPLICATIONS SO OFTEN ASSOCIATED WITH CHILDBIRTH, is prima facia evidence that, were the bible true, then 'god' is SATISFIED with KILLING UNBORN BABIES as PUNISHMENT for a woman (Eve) who lived THOUSANDS of years ago!
The above SIMPLE chain of logic: "The bible asserts that god condemned ALL human women to the PAINS of childbirth (for Eve eating the forbidden fruit of Eden); which pains are often associated with INFANT and MATERNAL MORTALITY - the DEATHS of both mothers and babies - in addition to the SPONTANEOUS ("natural") abortions that the mother survives - means that those who pray to the god of the bible, PRAY TO A BEING who 'KILLS' BABIES and 'UNBORN babies" by the thousands, on a regular and DAILY BASIS!!
FOX 'news' is NOT about a RATIONAL discourse of the pains, trauma, and FATALITIES of the human sexual and reproductive process....
they, Fox 'news' and their BULLY BOY VIETNAM DRAFT-DODGING but otherwise WAR-MONGERING, AUTHORITARIAN COWARD, BILL O'REILLY, are all about EXPLOITING Americans' social and economic INSECURITY, to DEMONIZE women's reproductive rights.
IF their IS a "HELL" of eternal damnation, BILL O'REILLY - RELENTLESS INCITER OF ASSASSINS as we have posted before - would certainly DESERVE TO BURN there, for at least a few thousand years!
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