Lithium is a vital mineral & element necessary for the new generation of modern, high-tech, high energy batteries that power everything from i-Pods to computers to remote sensors to energy-gluttonous RC flying aircraft... and to, most importantly, the newest generation of all-electric and electric-hybrid cars. The world wide demand for lithium batteries in the coming years will be tremendous, making Bolivian Lithium the new 'Forty-Niners' boom town for the world's energy pirates, claim-jumpers, and "Economic Hit Men" international finance credit extortionists. (Who, as we speak, have funded kleptocrat attempted coups in Bolivia and Venezuela, the Bolivia SECESSIONIST movement almost entirely funded by Washington... which is to say, the Likudnik war-mongers and financiers in Tel Aviv via their Neo-Con minions in DC.)
According to the hypocrite editors and publisher of the NY Times, it is quite OK for ISRAEL to be FIERCELY NATIONALISTIC in any and every way possible: about its technology, about its 'cultural superiority' over its Arab neighbors, about its ECONOMIC and POLITICAL DOMINANCE over the United States, and most certainly about its MILITARY DOMINANCE over any and all countries in the region, from Gaza to Lebanon to Iraq to Iran, all the way clear to Georgia and the far reaches of Russia.
Jewish-state BRIBERY of GEORGIA DICTATOR Saakashvili: "buy $300-million of our weapons, and use them in your little invasion of South Ossetia, we'll make Sure that US (defacto) President Dick Cheney GIVES YOU ONE-BILLION US Taxpayer dollars.",8599,1834785,00.html

Cheney proceeds to make good on exactly that Jewish-state Neo-Con promise:
ONE BILLION US taxpayers dollars delivered to prop-up the Georgia's US puppet dictator, soothing the wounds of his DISASTROUS, murderous attack on South Ossetia.
- Money that the ghoulish US Vice President and his neo-con meida whores NEVER saw get to NEW ORLEANS Hurricane Katrina disaster/flooding vicitms, much less HEALTH CARE CRISIS victims, much less JOB-OUTSOURCED, MORTGAGE-FORECLOSED, and other economic-crisis unemployment victims (etc.) here in America -

US VP Dick Cheney, on behalf of the Jewish-State neo-cons who helped him steal the White House in 2000, arrives in Azerbaijan, during his victory-lap after instigating the Saakashvili-Georgia INVASION of South Ossetia, just shortly before he arrives in Georgia to personally deliver his puppet war-mongering dictator there (Saakashvili) $1 BILLION in US taxpayer dollars - PLENTY of money to turn Saakashvili's humiliating failure into a police-state triumph.

(The rabid right-wing leaders of the Jewish state would love nothing better than to see Russia's neighbors - Czech Republic, Poland, Georgia, the Baltic states - bleed Russia dry in a hot- or cold- arms race, just as the Afghan Mujaheddin bled the Soviet Red Army dry leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union and end of "the Cold War", only to be replaced of course, first by the US-Israel-NATO "war on terra," and now, using the "war on terra" (and Iran) as an excuse, ringing Russia with hair-trigger ABM "anti-ballistic-missile" sites in Poland, Czech Republic, and elsewhere. Hair-trigger missile systems which any competent rocket team could modify for ballistic, ground targets with at most a year or two's worth of tweaking, a missile system which CERTAINLY VIOLATES the TERMS and SPIRIT of the REAGAN-GORBACHEV NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT TREATIES that led to the end of the Cold War.)
And of course the New York Slimes thinks it is quite OK for the Jewish Army to POUR FIRE FROM THE SKY: PHOSPHOROUS rounds,

flechettes, 2,000 pound bombs, and god-only-knows what other diabolical munitions the war-engineers in Israel (and US) weapons industry dream up, for use against combatants and civilians alike in Gaza and Lebanon, as the Jewish state furiously looks for an excuse to wipe Palestinian enclaves and Arab citizens off the map and entirely out of Israel's borders. (While, mind you, the Jewish state claims Iran's use of similar rhetoric about the Jewish state is a defacto, manifest war crime - you know, the whole Bush/cheney/AIPAC/PNAC/neo-con"PREEMPTIVE WAR!" thing, of which the Cheney/Likud "RENT A DICTATOR, BRIBE the police & army, and START A WAR!" in Georgia vs South Ossetia is a textbook example.)
Well, anyways, here is one of the ghoulish writers for the NEW YORK SLIMES unloading all that Racist, Jewish supremacist, NYT kleptocratic BILE on the people of BOLIVIA, for DARING to try to get top-dollar, much less NATIONAL benefits, from Bolivia's new mineral treasure -
Needless to say, AIPAC FRAUDSTERS BERNIE MADOFF, JACK ABRAMOFF, and GOLDMAN-SACHS have cost the American public and taxpayers TENS of BILLIONS of dollars over the past 8 years (here's the New York Times and Goldman-Sachs practically GLOATING about their BILLION DOLLAR BONUSES the Christmas of 2006 - AS the FORECLOSURE crisis was starting to EVICT tens of thousands of American families from their homes, G-S and NYT employees were GLOATING about all the things a big bonus could buy in New York... while doing NOTHING to AMELIORATE that foreclosure/eviction crisis!)
(And as if THAT wasn't bad enough... although it is well known that America's Wall Street banks and Fannie Mae had to seek MASSIVE, BILLION-DOLLAR TAXPAYER BAILOUTS in August and September 2008, what is much less well known is that the Wall Street banking fraudsters had been DIPPING INTO the TAXPAYER TILL... for BILLIONS upon ONE TRILLION dollars of "liquidity INJECTIONS", LONG before the summer of 2008!)
That is, Goldman-Sachs and other NY banks were DEPENDENT on TAXPAYER TRILLIONS of "socialized bailout" dollars - EVEN as they were GLOATING about their BONUS BILLIONS, and doing NOTHING to slow down the EVICTION of American families from FORECLOSURE crisis homes!
While as Bernie Madoff STILL ROAMS FREE in his palatial 5th Avenue condo - despite DEFRAUDING American investors of FIFTY BILLION DOLLARS - the NY Times SNEERS that Bolivians are ALL BUT CRIMINAL SCUM for DARING to try to exert some control, and national ___democratic___ benefit, over their mineral riches!
In Bolivia, Untapped Bounty Meets Nationalism
In the rush to build the next generation of hybrid or electric cars, a sobering fact confronts both automakers and governments seeking to lower their reliance on foreign oil: almost half of the world’s lithium, the mineral needed to power the vehicles, is found here in Bolivia — a country that may not be willing to surrender it so easily.
WHY THE HELL should Bolivia "SURRENDER" its mineral treasure??!! SO BERNIE MADDOFF, JACK ABRAMOFF, GOLDMAN-SACHS, JPMorgan-Chase, Citi, BoA, other fraud-larded New York banks, the Bank of England, and the "investor class" owners of the NEW YORK SLIMES, can EXTORT THE PROFITS _OUT_ of Bolivia, and insert them into those fraud-larded New York Banks, and tax-thieving OFF SHORE ACCOUNTS, as they bleed the American economy dry with BAILOUTS for FRAUDULENT, ruthless, EVICTION-HAPPY BANKERS, too?
The engineers, financiers, military, and politicians of the Jewish state lust after another light metal as well: PHOSPHOROUS rounds, manufactured in America and fired from Jewish canons, impact IN GAZA, indiscriminately killing anyone they touch, and incinerating entire city blocks.
A Jewish soldier lovingly prepares American manufactured PHOSPHORUS incendiary rounds for firing on Gaza civilians...

The "other end" of the afore-mentioned US manufactured PHOSPHORUS shells fired from Jewish canons - impacting in the ghetto the Jewish state has made of Gaza:

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