Good Odds that Rupert Murdoch Will be Responsible for the Next Timothy McVeigh or Assassination Attempt editor Mark Karlin
Fri, 02/27/2009
Yes, with the civil war talk on the program of the recently acquired FOX News demagogue, Glenn Beck, inflammatory talk by Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh's nativist rants that equate Obama to something akin to an amalgamation of Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler, the right-wing media is stirring up the dangerous angry white male resentment to a dangerous frenzied pitch.
And we all know where that ended up with Timothy McVeigh and the militia movement of the '90s, which was enabled by the right-wing media barons -- such as Rupert Murdoch -- to create a literal armed militia movement against the government of the United States.
Call it treasonous, call it demagoguery, call it treachery: it is what comes down the pike when the wealthy Democratic elites are more content to fund organizations that criticize the apocalyptic, brown-shirted Murdoch media barons rather than buying up media and delivering an alternative message that emphasizes loyalty to the truth, Constitution and democracy.
Sure, we love Media Matters, but they are just a fly on a donkey's butt as far as Rupert Murdoch and the gang are concerned. Media Matters will get an occasional correction of factual errors -- if they pull out all their guns for one, but it's too little a compensation for the energy put into the effort. And the people who take in the corporate media remember the misleading assertion, not the rare convoluted retraction.
The reality is that the only thing that matters in media is owning it. Murdoch knows that and couldn't give a horse's fart for what Media Matters has to say, nor does CBS which just hired a Democratic-hating Republican stalwart as their senior communications executive.
Nor do any of the mainstream corporate media: including radio, television and print. They will just keep on doing what they are doing because they own it and they know what they want: an oligarchy.
The troops for this formidable army of images, mistruths, and emotional manipulation are the angry white males, the guys who have felt displaced by minorities and women and immigrants ever since the Civil Rights and Feminist upheaval began in the '60s.
And these displaced white guys are armed to the teeth, courtesy of the NRA and the senators and representatives who lie down like doormats for the gun lobby in Congress.
And bristling with guns -- including the .50 caliber sniper rifle that is legal in all but California -- they feel enabled and patriotic in rising up against the legitimate Constitutional government of the United States.
As rabid as Hannity and Beck and Limbaugh may seem, their ratings have actually gone up since Obama's election. The white male who has been shafted by the wealthy elite, pickpocketed and left in humiliation, falls prey yet again to the siren song of the Murdoch/Ailes stable of Goebbels disciples and their cohorts such as Limbaugh and Savage.
This is no exaggeration. Glenn Greenwald discusses it as do the superlative FOX trackers at FOX Newshounds.
And its impact is seen drilling down to discussions on Sean Hannity's website of armed rebellion, military coup, and secession.
Those Obama supporters who think I am being hyperbolic have a short sense of history. This is what we saw in the Clinton administration that led to the domestic terrorist Oklahoma bombing and trumped up impeachment.
And before the right-wing media was as consolidated as it is today, we saw our liberal leaders gunned down one by one in the '60s, resutling in the election of Richard Nixon -- and the beginning of the well-funded corporate mainstream media consolidation owned by people beholden only to the oligarchy, not the American public.
Yes, there are exceptions, but they are few in number, far too few.
And Murdoch may do his own non-apology about his New York Post's thinly veiled racist incitement cartoon of two white police officers shooting a chimp representing -- in full bigoted Murdoch fashion -- Obama.
But when the armed angry white males decide to act because of the Murdoch/Limbaugh et al. incitement to rise up ringing in their ears, the blood will be on the hands of Rupert and his fellow right-wing corporate media barons -- and he won't be sorry for it.
He'll only feel one thing: Mission accomplished.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Washington Cowardly Post CONTINUES to WHORE George Will's "Global Warming is a Myth" TRIPE !! Liars....
The WASHINGTON POST is NOTHING but a PAID MEDIA PROPAGANDA organization - a private institution or business of PAID PROFESSIONAL LIARS.
We applaud Chris Mooney of for calling Will out - and thereby calling out the ENTIRE COWARDLY, LYING POST - for YET ANOTHER episode of George Will's LYING, devoid of truth-or-substance "Global Warming is a Myth" tripe:
Unlike Mr. Mooney, we here at MediaWhoresSUSA do not hold a SHRED of respect for the Washington Post (or their partners in journalistic atrocities and national misinformation crimes, the New York Slimes).
They have been AT THE CENTER of EVERY right-wing ATROCITY of the past two decades, from
#1. BETRAYING America's promise to Eastern Europe to "DEFEND FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY" after the collapse of the Cold War (America's "conservative" foreign policy establishment sat on their hands as Yugoslavia devolved into a grisly ethnic cleansing bloodbath. By contrast, Germany helped Slovenia secede bloodlessly in 3 weeks flat); to -
#2. Helping Neo-Cons GUT International Law and especially NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION TREATIES; to -
#3. helping Republicans MAKE LIES UP to hound the Clinton administration, including turning the Clinton's overnight guest list into the so-called "LINCOLN BEDROOM 'SCANDAL'"
(fast foward half-a-decade, the TREACHEROUS right-wing WaPost could NOT even BOTHER to find out HOW MANY TIMES CONVICTED BRIBER-of-CONGRESS JACK ABRAMOFF.. VISITED THE BUSH-CHENEY White House!!
...much less what the HELL they talked about;
much less what male gay prostitute JEFF GANON was doing in the White House those late nights after the "regular" DC press corps whores had departed);
#4. The Washington Post HELPED REPUBLICANS make "the WHITEWATER SCANDAL" look like the BIGGEST PART of the SAVINGS & LOAN HUNDREDS-of-BILLIONS of scandals (halpess Jim McDougal's Madison Guarantee S&L lost $22 million, and he died in prison for it) - thereby, by PUSHING A REAL ACCOUNTING of the S&L crisis OUT of the news, the WASHINGTON POST _ENABLED_ the NEXT ROUND of PHIL GRAMM DEREGULATION - which, sure enough, the Washington ESTABLISHMENT supported GRAMM-LEACH-BLILEY bill has led DIRECTLY to THIS, Bush-TWO RECESSION!!
#6. ENABLING the Karl Rove/Ari Fleischer/Bush-Cheney public LYNCHING of Clinton-Gore White House Staffers ACCUSED of "TRASHING" (VANDALIZING) White House Property - for WEEKS ON END, WITHOUT ONE PHOTOGRAPH of Evidence!!!
#7. We haven't even gotten to 9-11 and the COVER-UP of DERELICTION OF DUTY, or
#9. or LIES-to-WAR, or
#10. the treasonous OUTING of an ENTIRE CIA Undercover operation as means of RETRIBUTION against an outspoken war-critic whistleblower;
#11. the MISSING BILLIONS from Iraq war occupation,
#12. the LOOTED Al Qaaqa massive munitions dump - AS IAEA inspectors, in BOTH Iraq AND Washington, WERE BEGGING the US DoD to CONTROL the KNOWN ammunition complex; which explosives went STRAIGHT TO American-GI killing insurgents;
#15. Nazi/Soviet style KANGAROO COURTS for FEMALE volunteer PRIVATES - accused ONLY of "Abuse" - WHILE the Post & Times SUPPORTED & APPROVED the Cheney-Bush administration's assertions of UNLIMITED, OPEN-ENDED "right" to TORTURE PRISONERS TO DEATH, at their sole discretion, and with NO OVERSIGHT FROM ANYONE
(except for the public spectacle of FEMALE PRIVATES Convicted in a PUBLIC kangaroo-court LYNCHING, AS IF those women would have had a PRAYER had they REFUSED ORDERS);
#16. the LOOTING of the US TREASURY and the FRAUDULENT "PUMP and DUMP", using Fed Reserve "liquidity injections" to ARTIFICIALLY BOOST STOCK PRICES, SUCKING UNWARY victims, investors, and pensioners into the VASTLY OVER-INFLATED MARKETS;
#18. the FAILURE to do ANYTHING to bolster America's drowning mortgage holders;
#20. the FAILURE to INVESTIGATE Bush Treasury Secretary HANK PAULSON's CONFLICTS OF INTEREST BAILING OUT his "FORMER" company, GOLDMAN-SACHS, with BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars;
#21. the FAILURE to INVESTIGATE Dick Cheney's PURCHASE of ANOTHER WAR in GEORGIA (with BILLIONS of US taxpayer dollars given to democracy-protest-crushing dictator Saakashvili, no strings or oversight allowed) -
Clearly, at EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, the ATROCIOUS EDITORS, writers, & Publisher of the Washington Post have been at GROUND ZERO of EVERY RIGHT-WING ATROCITY of the past two decades... and under the Post & Times MALIGNANT "oversight" - AMERICA CAN'T EVEN RUN A SENATE ELECTION in Minnesota, TENS of MILLIONS of dollars of Republican "HEVA" "help America Vote" BIG GOVERNMENT SPENDING not-with-standing!
GOT THAT?! Under the HORRIFIC Washington Post's RIGHT-WING AGENDA, not only can their LYING EDITOR not even find a picture of a MELTING GLACIER, but America CAN'T EVEN RUN COMPETENT ELECTIONS anymore!
The Washington Post is a JOURNALISTIC DISGRACE, and a clear and present THREAT to world peace, freedom, and economic vitality.
(note: JUST KEEPING UP with the Post's COWARLDY TRIPE and SERIAL LIES, is like being assigned a job to SCRUB A CESSPIT, while it is STILL FULL OF s***!)
We applaud Chris Mooney of for calling Will out - and thereby calling out the ENTIRE COWARDLY, LYING POST - for YET ANOTHER episode of George Will's LYING, devoid of truth-or-substance "Global Warming is a Myth" tripe:
<< On February 15, as he has done many times in the past, George Will of The Washington Post wrote a HOWLER-FILLED COLUMN about global warming. The gist echoed a point Will has often made: Environmentalist doomsayers like to scare us, but they’re often flat wrong. To this end, the article contained a head-scratchingly long and pseudo-referenced paragraph, making the-oft refuted claim that during the 1970s, the scientific community was convinced that “global cooling” had arrived. In reality, while a few scientists were indeed worried about cooling at the time, and some journalists wrote alarmist stories about the subject, there was no consensus like there is today about human caused global warming.
...In essence, then, a number of Will’s claims—about “global cooling,” sea ice, and the WMO—were EITHER FLATLY FALSE, or extraordinarily MISLEADING, whether due to DISHONESTY, IGNORANCE, or some combination of both. This wasn’t necessarily new for Will, any more than it is new for a number of other conservative columnists or pundits who write about global warming.
...IF the Post editorial page CAN'T even print CORRECT facts about global warming (or correct already printed errors), then how to make the case that we still need these hallowed gray newspapers to police our society and discourse? >>
Unlike Mr. Mooney, we here at MediaWhoresSUSA do not hold a SHRED of respect for the Washington Post (or their partners in journalistic atrocities and national misinformation crimes, the New York Slimes).
They have been AT THE CENTER of EVERY right-wing ATROCITY of the past two decades, from
#1. BETRAYING America's promise to Eastern Europe to "DEFEND FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY" after the collapse of the Cold War (America's "conservative" foreign policy establishment sat on their hands as Yugoslavia devolved into a grisly ethnic cleansing bloodbath. By contrast, Germany helped Slovenia secede bloodlessly in 3 weeks flat); to -
#2. Helping Neo-Cons GUT International Law and especially NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION TREATIES; to -
#3. helping Republicans MAKE LIES UP to hound the Clinton administration, including turning the Clinton's overnight guest list into the so-called "LINCOLN BEDROOM 'SCANDAL'"
(fast foward half-a-decade, the TREACHEROUS right-wing WaPost could NOT even BOTHER to find out HOW MANY TIMES CONVICTED BRIBER-of-CONGRESS JACK ABRAMOFF.. VISITED THE BUSH-CHENEY White House!!
...much less what the HELL they talked about;
much less what male gay prostitute JEFF GANON was doing in the White House those late nights after the "regular" DC press corps whores had departed);
#4. The Washington Post HELPED REPUBLICANS make "the WHITEWATER SCANDAL" look like the BIGGEST PART of the SAVINGS & LOAN HUNDREDS-of-BILLIONS of scandals (halpess Jim McDougal's Madison Guarantee S&L lost $22 million, and he died in prison for it) - thereby, by PUSHING A REAL ACCOUNTING of the S&L crisis OUT of the news, the WASHINGTON POST _ENABLED_ the NEXT ROUND of PHIL GRAMM DEREGULATION - which, sure enough, the Washington ESTABLISHMENT supported GRAMM-LEACH-BLILEY bill has led DIRECTLY to THIS, Bush-TWO RECESSION!!
#6. ENABLING the Karl Rove/Ari Fleischer/Bush-Cheney public LYNCHING of Clinton-Gore White House Staffers ACCUSED of "TRASHING" (VANDALIZING) White House Property - for WEEKS ON END, WITHOUT ONE PHOTOGRAPH of Evidence!!!
#7. We haven't even gotten to 9-11 and the COVER-UP of DERELICTION OF DUTY, or
#9. or LIES-to-WAR, or
#10. the treasonous OUTING of an ENTIRE CIA Undercover operation as means of RETRIBUTION against an outspoken war-critic whistleblower;
#11. the MISSING BILLIONS from Iraq war occupation,
#12. the LOOTED Al Qaaqa massive munitions dump - AS IAEA inspectors, in BOTH Iraq AND Washington, WERE BEGGING the US DoD to CONTROL the KNOWN ammunition complex; which explosives went STRAIGHT TO American-GI killing insurgents;
#15. Nazi/Soviet style KANGAROO COURTS for FEMALE volunteer PRIVATES - accused ONLY of "Abuse" - WHILE the Post & Times SUPPORTED & APPROVED the Cheney-Bush administration's assertions of UNLIMITED, OPEN-ENDED "right" to TORTURE PRISONERS TO DEATH, at their sole discretion, and with NO OVERSIGHT FROM ANYONE
(except for the public spectacle of FEMALE PRIVATES Convicted in a PUBLIC kangaroo-court LYNCHING, AS IF those women would have had a PRAYER had they REFUSED ORDERS);
#16. the LOOTING of the US TREASURY and the FRAUDULENT "PUMP and DUMP", using Fed Reserve "liquidity injections" to ARTIFICIALLY BOOST STOCK PRICES, SUCKING UNWARY victims, investors, and pensioners into the VASTLY OVER-INFLATED MARKETS;
#18. the FAILURE to do ANYTHING to bolster America's drowning mortgage holders;
#20. the FAILURE to INVESTIGATE Bush Treasury Secretary HANK PAULSON's CONFLICTS OF INTEREST BAILING OUT his "FORMER" company, GOLDMAN-SACHS, with BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars;
#21. the FAILURE to INVESTIGATE Dick Cheney's PURCHASE of ANOTHER WAR in GEORGIA (with BILLIONS of US taxpayer dollars given to democracy-protest-crushing dictator Saakashvili, no strings or oversight allowed) -
Clearly, at EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, the ATROCIOUS EDITORS, writers, & Publisher of the Washington Post have been at GROUND ZERO of EVERY RIGHT-WING ATROCITY of the past two decades... and under the Post & Times MALIGNANT "oversight" - AMERICA CAN'T EVEN RUN A SENATE ELECTION in Minnesota, TENS of MILLIONS of dollars of Republican "HEVA" "help America Vote" BIG GOVERNMENT SPENDING not-with-standing!
GOT THAT?! Under the HORRIFIC Washington Post's RIGHT-WING AGENDA, not only can their LYING EDITOR not even find a picture of a MELTING GLACIER, but America CAN'T EVEN RUN COMPETENT ELECTIONS anymore!
The Washington Post is a JOURNALISTIC DISGRACE, and a clear and present THREAT to world peace, freedom, and economic vitality.
(note: JUST KEEPING UP with the Post's COWARLDY TRIPE and SERIAL LIES, is like being assigned a job to SCRUB A CESSPIT, while it is STILL FULL OF s***!)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
YouTube version:
COUNTDOWN's Keith Olbermann goes where "major media" idiots fear to tread:
in last night's show, Mr. Olbermann documents & details how the Tennessee gunman who shot-up a Knoxville church - DURING A CHILD'S PLAY - in July of 2008 WAS MOTIVATED by RIGHT-WING JEWISH author & media HATE-BAITING DEMAGOGUE BERNARD GOLDBERG.
As Mr. Olbermann detailed:
Below, two linked stories of the shooting, just one of TWO, RIGHT-WING politically motivated MURDERS, DERANGED SHOOTINGS in 2008, the other of the Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney, shot and killed at his office in Little Rock, August 13, 2008:
Just this week, the letter left by murderer Jim David Adkisson, intended as a suicide note, was released by the authorities.
Adkisson is the man who burst into a Tennessee CHURCH last year during a CHILDREN's musical, and STARTED SHOOTING. He killed a 60 year old man, and a 61 year old woman [and critically wounded others].
He explained that he was there to KILL LIBERALS.
In a previously unrevealed note, Adkisson had written, in part,"THIS was A SYMBOLIC KILLING. Who I WANTED TO KILL was every Democrat in the Senate and House, the ONE HUNDRED PEOPLE in BERNARD GOLDBERG's BOOK."[Olbermann continues:]
The book came out four years ago, and was called "The 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America." Goldberg included Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Anna Nicole Smith and Ken Lay, Michael Savage and Phil Donahue. And this hateful man READ WHAT GOLDBERG WROTE, and decided to KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE AS PROXIES, because HE COULDN'T KILL, quote, "The 100 people in BERNARD GOLBERG's BOOK."
....THIS SAME WEEK it is revealed that THIS TERRORIST was [at least] partially inspired by BERNARD GOLDBERG, maybe Mr. Goldberg could SKIP the lines about "SCREW THEM" or the references to DEAD ROSES, or the one last week where he said, "I would probably have gotten a baseball bat, and gone down to the New York Times with it and found the person who had written the editorial, but that's just me."
YouTube's capture of the COUNDOWN "Worst Persons in the World - RIGHT-WING murderous DEMAGOGUE Bernard GOLDBERG, INCITES MURDER" -
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
New York Times displays its RACIST, Jewish SUPREMACIST, murderously kleptocratic arrogance re Bolivia Lithium....
NOTE the SNEERING TONE of the NEW YORK TIMES article on BOLIVIA citizens TRYING TO MAXIMIZE the PROFIT..... _and_ the NATIONAL BENEFIT, of their LITHIUM deposits.
Lithium is a vital mineral & element necessary for the new generation of modern, high-tech, high energy batteries that power everything from i-Pods to computers to remote sensors to energy-gluttonous RC flying aircraft... and to, most importantly, the newest generation of all-electric and electric-hybrid cars. The world wide demand for lithium batteries in the coming years will be tremendous, making Bolivian Lithium the new 'Forty-Niners' boom town for the world's energy pirates, claim-jumpers, and "Economic Hit Men" international finance credit extortionists. (Who, as we speak, have funded kleptocrat attempted coups in Bolivia and Venezuela, the Bolivia SECESSIONIST movement almost entirely funded by Washington... which is to say, the Likudnik war-mongers and financiers in Tel Aviv via their Neo-Con minions in DC.)
According to the hypocrite editors and publisher of the NY Times, it is quite OK for ISRAEL to be FIERCELY NATIONALISTIC in any and every way possible: about its technology, about its 'cultural superiority' over its Arab neighbors, about its ECONOMIC and POLITICAL DOMINANCE over the United States, and most certainly about its MILITARY DOMINANCE over any and all countries in the region, from Gaza to Lebanon to Iraq to Iran, all the way clear to Georgia and the far reaches of Russia.
Jewish-state BRIBERY of GEORGIA DICTATOR Saakashvili: "buy $300-million of our weapons, and use them in your little invasion of South Ossetia, we'll make Sure that US (defacto) President Dick Cheney GIVES YOU ONE-BILLION US Taxpayer dollars.",8599,1834785,00.html

Cheney proceeds to make good on exactly that Jewish-state Neo-Con promise:
ONE BILLION US taxpayers dollars delivered to prop-up the Georgia's US puppet dictator, soothing the wounds of his DISASTROUS, murderous attack on South Ossetia.
- Money that the ghoulish US Vice President and his neo-con meida whores NEVER saw get to NEW ORLEANS Hurricane Katrina disaster/flooding vicitms, much less HEALTH CARE CRISIS victims, much less JOB-OUTSOURCED, MORTGAGE-FORECLOSED, and other economic-crisis unemployment victims (etc.) here in America -

US VP Dick Cheney, on behalf of the Jewish-State neo-cons who helped him steal the White House in 2000, arrives in Azerbaijan, during his victory-lap after instigating the Saakashvili-Georgia INVASION of South Ossetia, just shortly before he arrives in Georgia to personally deliver his puppet war-mongering dictator there (Saakashvili) $1 BILLION in US taxpayer dollars - PLENTY of money to turn Saakashvili's humiliating failure into a police-state triumph.

(The rabid right-wing leaders of the Jewish state would love nothing better than to see Russia's neighbors - Czech Republic, Poland, Georgia, the Baltic states - bleed Russia dry in a hot- or cold- arms race, just as the Afghan Mujaheddin bled the Soviet Red Army dry leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union and end of "the Cold War", only to be replaced of course, first by the US-Israel-NATO "war on terra," and now, using the "war on terra" (and Iran) as an excuse, ringing Russia with hair-trigger ABM "anti-ballistic-missile" sites in Poland, Czech Republic, and elsewhere. Hair-trigger missile systems which any competent rocket team could modify for ballistic, ground targets with at most a year or two's worth of tweaking, a missile system which CERTAINLY VIOLATES the TERMS and SPIRIT of the REAGAN-GORBACHEV NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT TREATIES that led to the end of the Cold War.)
And of course the New York Slimes thinks it is quite OK for the Jewish Army to POUR FIRE FROM THE SKY: PHOSPHOROUS rounds,

flechettes, 2,000 pound bombs, and god-only-knows what other diabolical munitions the war-engineers in Israel (and US) weapons industry dream up, for use against combatants and civilians alike in Gaza and Lebanon, as the Jewish state furiously looks for an excuse to wipe Palestinian enclaves and Arab citizens off the map and entirely out of Israel's borders. (While, mind you, the Jewish state claims Iran's use of similar rhetoric about the Jewish state is a defacto, manifest war crime - you know, the whole Bush/cheney/AIPAC/PNAC/neo-con"PREEMPTIVE WAR!" thing, of which the Cheney/Likud "RENT A DICTATOR, BRIBE the police & army, and START A WAR!" in Georgia vs South Ossetia is a textbook example.)
Well, anyways, here is one of the ghoulish writers for the NEW YORK SLIMES unloading all that Racist, Jewish supremacist, NYT kleptocratic BILE on the people of BOLIVIA, for DARING to try to get top-dollar, much less NATIONAL benefits, from Bolivia's new mineral treasure -
Needless to say, AIPAC FRAUDSTERS BERNIE MADOFF, JACK ABRAMOFF, and GOLDMAN-SACHS have cost the American public and taxpayers TENS of BILLIONS of dollars over the past 8 years (here's the New York Times and Goldman-Sachs practically GLOATING about their BILLION DOLLAR BONUSES the Christmas of 2006 - AS the FORECLOSURE crisis was starting to EVICT tens of thousands of American families from their homes, G-S and NYT employees were GLOATING about all the things a big bonus could buy in New York... while doing NOTHING to AMELIORATE that foreclosure/eviction crisis!)
(And as if THAT wasn't bad enough... although it is well known that America's Wall Street banks and Fannie Mae had to seek MASSIVE, BILLION-DOLLAR TAXPAYER BAILOUTS in August and September 2008, what is much less well known is that the Wall Street banking fraudsters had been DIPPING INTO the TAXPAYER TILL... for BILLIONS upon ONE TRILLION dollars of "liquidity INJECTIONS", LONG before the summer of 2008!)
That is, Goldman-Sachs and other NY banks were DEPENDENT on TAXPAYER TRILLIONS of "socialized bailout" dollars - EVEN as they were GLOATING about their BONUS BILLIONS, and doing NOTHING to slow down the EVICTION of American families from FORECLOSURE crisis homes!
While as Bernie Madoff STILL ROAMS FREE in his palatial 5th Avenue condo - despite DEFRAUDING American investors of FIFTY BILLION DOLLARS - the NY Times SNEERS that Bolivians are ALL BUT CRIMINAL SCUM for DARING to try to exert some control, and national ___democratic___ benefit, over their mineral riches!
WHY THE HELL should Bolivia "SURRENDER" its mineral treasure??!! SO BERNIE MADDOFF, JACK ABRAMOFF, GOLDMAN-SACHS, JPMorgan-Chase, Citi, BoA, other fraud-larded New York banks, the Bank of England, and the "investor class" owners of the NEW YORK SLIMES, can EXTORT THE PROFITS _OUT_ of Bolivia, and insert them into those fraud-larded New York Banks, and tax-thieving OFF SHORE ACCOUNTS, as they bleed the American economy dry with BAILOUTS for FRAUDULENT, ruthless, EVICTION-HAPPY BANKERS, too?
The engineers, financiers, military, and politicians of the Jewish state lust after another light metal as well: PHOSPHOROUS rounds, manufactured in America and fired from Jewish canons, impact IN GAZA, indiscriminately killing anyone they touch, and incinerating entire city blocks.
A Jewish soldier lovingly prepares American manufactured PHOSPHORUS incendiary rounds for firing on Gaza civilians...

The "other end" of the afore-mentioned US manufactured PHOSPHORUS shells fired from Jewish canons - impacting in the ghetto the Jewish state has made of Gaza:
Lithium is a vital mineral & element necessary for the new generation of modern, high-tech, high energy batteries that power everything from i-Pods to computers to remote sensors to energy-gluttonous RC flying aircraft... and to, most importantly, the newest generation of all-electric and electric-hybrid cars. The world wide demand for lithium batteries in the coming years will be tremendous, making Bolivian Lithium the new 'Forty-Niners' boom town for the world's energy pirates, claim-jumpers, and "Economic Hit Men" international finance credit extortionists. (Who, as we speak, have funded kleptocrat attempted coups in Bolivia and Venezuela, the Bolivia SECESSIONIST movement almost entirely funded by Washington... which is to say, the Likudnik war-mongers and financiers in Tel Aviv via their Neo-Con minions in DC.)
According to the hypocrite editors and publisher of the NY Times, it is quite OK for ISRAEL to be FIERCELY NATIONALISTIC in any and every way possible: about its technology, about its 'cultural superiority' over its Arab neighbors, about its ECONOMIC and POLITICAL DOMINANCE over the United States, and most certainly about its MILITARY DOMINANCE over any and all countries in the region, from Gaza to Lebanon to Iraq to Iran, all the way clear to Georgia and the far reaches of Russia.
Jewish-state BRIBERY of GEORGIA DICTATOR Saakashvili: "buy $300-million of our weapons, and use them in your little invasion of South Ossetia, we'll make Sure that US (defacto) President Dick Cheney GIVES YOU ONE-BILLION US Taxpayer dollars.",8599,1834785,00.html

Cheney proceeds to make good on exactly that Jewish-state Neo-Con promise:
ONE BILLION US taxpayers dollars delivered to prop-up the Georgia's US puppet dictator, soothing the wounds of his DISASTROUS, murderous attack on South Ossetia.
- Money that the ghoulish US Vice President and his neo-con meida whores NEVER saw get to NEW ORLEANS Hurricane Katrina disaster/flooding vicitms, much less HEALTH CARE CRISIS victims, much less JOB-OUTSOURCED, MORTGAGE-FORECLOSED, and other economic-crisis unemployment victims (etc.) here in America -

US VP Dick Cheney, on behalf of the Jewish-State neo-cons who helped him steal the White House in 2000, arrives in Azerbaijan, during his victory-lap after instigating the Saakashvili-Georgia INVASION of South Ossetia, just shortly before he arrives in Georgia to personally deliver his puppet war-mongering dictator there (Saakashvili) $1 BILLION in US taxpayer dollars - PLENTY of money to turn Saakashvili's humiliating failure into a police-state triumph.

(The rabid right-wing leaders of the Jewish state would love nothing better than to see Russia's neighbors - Czech Republic, Poland, Georgia, the Baltic states - bleed Russia dry in a hot- or cold- arms race, just as the Afghan Mujaheddin bled the Soviet Red Army dry leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union and end of "the Cold War", only to be replaced of course, first by the US-Israel-NATO "war on terra," and now, using the "war on terra" (and Iran) as an excuse, ringing Russia with hair-trigger ABM "anti-ballistic-missile" sites in Poland, Czech Republic, and elsewhere. Hair-trigger missile systems which any competent rocket team could modify for ballistic, ground targets with at most a year or two's worth of tweaking, a missile system which CERTAINLY VIOLATES the TERMS and SPIRIT of the REAGAN-GORBACHEV NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT TREATIES that led to the end of the Cold War.)
And of course the New York Slimes thinks it is quite OK for the Jewish Army to POUR FIRE FROM THE SKY: PHOSPHOROUS rounds,

flechettes, 2,000 pound bombs, and god-only-knows what other diabolical munitions the war-engineers in Israel (and US) weapons industry dream up, for use against combatants and civilians alike in Gaza and Lebanon, as the Jewish state furiously looks for an excuse to wipe Palestinian enclaves and Arab citizens off the map and entirely out of Israel's borders. (While, mind you, the Jewish state claims Iran's use of similar rhetoric about the Jewish state is a defacto, manifest war crime - you know, the whole Bush/cheney/AIPAC/PNAC/neo-con"PREEMPTIVE WAR!" thing, of which the Cheney/Likud "RENT A DICTATOR, BRIBE the police & army, and START A WAR!" in Georgia vs South Ossetia is a textbook example.)
Well, anyways, here is one of the ghoulish writers for the NEW YORK SLIMES unloading all that Racist, Jewish supremacist, NYT kleptocratic BILE on the people of BOLIVIA, for DARING to try to get top-dollar, much less NATIONAL benefits, from Bolivia's new mineral treasure -
Needless to say, AIPAC FRAUDSTERS BERNIE MADOFF, JACK ABRAMOFF, and GOLDMAN-SACHS have cost the American public and taxpayers TENS of BILLIONS of dollars over the past 8 years (here's the New York Times and Goldman-Sachs practically GLOATING about their BILLION DOLLAR BONUSES the Christmas of 2006 - AS the FORECLOSURE crisis was starting to EVICT tens of thousands of American families from their homes, G-S and NYT employees were GLOATING about all the things a big bonus could buy in New York... while doing NOTHING to AMELIORATE that foreclosure/eviction crisis!)
(And as if THAT wasn't bad enough... although it is well known that America's Wall Street banks and Fannie Mae had to seek MASSIVE, BILLION-DOLLAR TAXPAYER BAILOUTS in August and September 2008, what is much less well known is that the Wall Street banking fraudsters had been DIPPING INTO the TAXPAYER TILL... for BILLIONS upon ONE TRILLION dollars of "liquidity INJECTIONS", LONG before the summer of 2008!)
That is, Goldman-Sachs and other NY banks were DEPENDENT on TAXPAYER TRILLIONS of "socialized bailout" dollars - EVEN as they were GLOATING about their BONUS BILLIONS, and doing NOTHING to slow down the EVICTION of American families from FORECLOSURE crisis homes!
While as Bernie Madoff STILL ROAMS FREE in his palatial 5th Avenue condo - despite DEFRAUDING American investors of FIFTY BILLION DOLLARS - the NY Times SNEERS that Bolivians are ALL BUT CRIMINAL SCUM for DARING to try to exert some control, and national ___democratic___ benefit, over their mineral riches!
In Bolivia, Untapped Bounty Meets Nationalism
In the rush to build the next generation of hybrid or electric cars, a sobering fact confronts both automakers and governments seeking to lower their reliance on foreign oil: almost half of the world’s lithium, the mineral needed to power the vehicles, is found here in Bolivia — a country that may not be willing to surrender it so easily.
WHY THE HELL should Bolivia "SURRENDER" its mineral treasure??!! SO BERNIE MADDOFF, JACK ABRAMOFF, GOLDMAN-SACHS, JPMorgan-Chase, Citi, BoA, other fraud-larded New York banks, the Bank of England, and the "investor class" owners of the NEW YORK SLIMES, can EXTORT THE PROFITS _OUT_ of Bolivia, and insert them into those fraud-larded New York Banks, and tax-thieving OFF SHORE ACCOUNTS, as they bleed the American economy dry with BAILOUTS for FRAUDULENT, ruthless, EVICTION-HAPPY BANKERS, too?
The engineers, financiers, military, and politicians of the Jewish state lust after another light metal as well: PHOSPHOROUS rounds, manufactured in America and fired from Jewish canons, impact IN GAZA, indiscriminately killing anyone they touch, and incinerating entire city blocks.
A Jewish soldier lovingly prepares American manufactured PHOSPHORUS incendiary rounds for firing on Gaza civilians...

The "other end" of the afore-mentioned US manufactured PHOSPHORUS shells fired from Jewish canons - impacting in the ghetto the Jewish state has made of Gaza:

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