Thursday, June 28, 2007

Chris Mathews the feeble, overpaid, sputtering whore, gives hate-monger Ann Coulter prime-time platform to lie and spew....

In a desperate and feverish attempt to boost his ratings, Penultimate MEDIA WHORE Christ Mathews had the ghoulish Ann Coulter on for a prime-time live interview, and sure enough, Coulter tried to make a 'fashionably provocative" statement by - attacking John and Elizabeth Edwards on the death of their teenage son.

Mathews is the penultimate inside-the-beltway media whore... in the 1980s he had been a top advisor to DEMOCRATIC Speaker of the House 'Tip' O'Neill, but in the 6 or 7 years since Mathews started his "spit-ball slime-ball" MSNBC news-talk show, he must not have noticed the constant string of Republican anti-democratic abuses including criminal convictions (massive Republican vote fraud in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004 to begin with) that must have Mr. O'Neill spinning in his grave. Mathews, like so many media whores, took the public's endless fascination for media scandal-mongering infotainment (the cable 'news' channels' coverage of the Monica affair/Clinton impeachment 24/7/365) as proof of their own journalistic expertise.

Well, as the Bush administration gives America and the world endless scandal fatigue (Crony contracts to Halliburton, anyone? Selling US ports to Dubai, anyone? Spying on American citizens without warrants, lying America into war, torturing anyone the vice president determines is an "enemy of the reich," and declaring "BRING IT ON!" & "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" anyone?) CHRIS MATHEWS and his fellow inside-the-beltway media whores WANT TO TALK ABOUT WHATEVER the ghoulish Ann Coulter wants to talk about!

HEY MATHEWS, you cheap, overpaid, lying, pathetic, slobbering weasel little whore - why don't we just BRING BACK SLAVERY, and then you can have Ann Coulter on twice a week, commenting on the need to capture those evil escaped slaves, and the need to whip a few to death (to serve as an example to others, of course) every so often - JUST TO KEEP HER (and her couch-potato potato-chip chomping viewers) entertained.

There was BIG MONEY made in SLAVERY in the Americas for four centuries, so we know that in the name of PROFIT, ENTERTAINMENT, and VIEWER RATINGS, you will be more than rewarded by giving Ann Coulter live commentary time on your show for the latest live slave torture/murder/execution coverage, and then you and your network bosses will be all satisified and happy with having some meaningful stories to present to American viewers again.


Reading The Pictures: [the] LEECHING Chris Matthews
by Michael Shaw
Posted June 27, 2007

This post is not about Ann Coulter.

I try very hard not to feed the vampire, except for the occasional psychological profile. In this case, however, I have to make an exception -- in order to highlight a classic image of media intimidation.

Leaving aside the argument why hyper-Chris would stoop to give troubled Ann a platform in the first place, I was interested in what happened in yesterday's so-called interview immediately after Elizabeth Edwards called in to confront AC.

Matthews must have been terrified after Edwards challenged Coulter for making hay off the death of her child. After Edwards hung up, a journalist with any real substance would have immediately taken on his dissembling invitee for using Edwards as a pin cushion. So, where did the Hardball king go instead?

Well why, Chris suddenly wanted to know, did mean ole Ann attack Hillary for having "chubby legs?"

It got even more pathetic than that, though. Not only did Chris drop the subject of Edwards, asking a 2008% weaker question than Edwards asked, he lost his nerve completely when Coulter played dumb and demanded he quote her the exact sentence he was referring to. (You can see in the screen shot how she got off on it.)

The image that will stick with me is that scene on the left half of the screen. There's the flustered, angry and intimidated Matthews (his head comically juxtaposed with the Hardball tag line "First Read") submissively thumbing through Coulter's latest hate manifesto to actually find the quote!

See video at thinkprogress.

For more of the visual, visit

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