Monday, November 13, 2006

Frank Rich: You-Tube replaces whore media and DC sycophants as defining element of political campaigns 2006....

Ironic, isn't it, that the New York Times, self-proclaimed queen of the media WHORES, CENSORS (behind their pay-for-acess firewall) the commentary of one the Times' two honest editorial writers (the other being Paul Krugman), and in this particular commetary Frank Rich discloses that youth-oriented does a BETTER JOB of presenting vital information to American citizens and voters than the Whore media and DC sycophants, COMBINED!

2006, the Year of Macaca
by Frank Rich
NYT 11 Nov. 2006
no url, nyt firewall

<< That all ended famously on Aug. 11, when Mr. Allen, appearing before a crowd of white supporters in rural Virginia, insulted a 20-year-old Webb campaign worker of Indian descent who was tracking him with a video camera. After belittling the dark-skinned man as “macaca, or whatever his name is,” Mr. Allen added, “Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia.”

The moment became a signature cultural event of the political year because the Webb campaign posted the video clip on, the wildly popular site that most politicians, to their peril, had not yet heard about from their children. Unlike unedited bloggorhea, which can take longer to slog through than Old Media print, YouTube is all video snippets all the time; the one-minute macaca clip spread through the national body politic like a rabid virus. Nonetheless it took more than a week for Mr. Allen to recognize the magnitude of the problem and apologize to the object of his ridicule. Then he compounded the damage by making a fool of himself on camera once more, this time angrily denying what proved to be accurate speculation that his mother was a closeted Jew. It was a Mel Gibson meltdown that couldn’t be blamed on the bottle. >>

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