wiki PROPAGANDA BIAS: Depicts controversial research into the development of Christan & JUDEO religions as having "received NEGATIVE COMMENTARIES from ACADEMIC SCHOLARS"
.... where in far to many cases "academic scholars" = ACADEMIC WHORES !!
D. M. Murdock,[1][2] also known by her pen name Acharya S,[3][4] is an American author and proponent of the Christ myth theory.[5] She writes books, and operates a website named Truth be Known. She argues that Christianity is founded on earlier myths and the characters depicted in Christianity are based upon Roman, Greek, Egyptian, and other myths.[6] Her theories have received negative commentaries from academic scholars.[7][8][9]
More EVIDENCE of wikipedia's awful, horrendous, genocidal,
JUDEO FUNDAMENTALIST (and related 'Christ-ian' fundamentalist) PROPAGANDA BIAS: despite including the below illustration of a JEWISH SLAVE TRADER presenting SLAVES to King Boleslas of Bohemia in a wiki article on one of the kings of Bohemia:
the wiki entry for JUDAISM & SLAVERY
attempts to convey the impression that JEWS HAVE NEVER HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH 10,000 years of the global trade in human, chattel slaves!
DESPITE the jewish Bible specifically COMMANDING the Jews, in Leviticus 25:44, to "take" (capture, seize, KIDNAP!) their SLAVES "FROM THE NATIONS AROUND YOU" and from the peoples of those nations who visit or dwell among the Jews in the blood-drenched "promised land"!
In fact, the JUDEO SUPREMACIST STRANGLEHOLD on AMERICAN culture and "cultural leadership"
IS SO STRONG and pervasive,
that Judeophilic authors and writers can attempt to WHITEWASH
the one fundamental CONSTANT in Judeo history:
that Judeo elites have ALWAYS PARTICIPATED in the gross, brutal, horrific, and anti-humanity SLAVE TRADE -
and in all the mass-murder GENOCIDES, constant TORTURE & MURDER,
and SYSTEMATIC elites/state/corporate TERRORISM
that must always accompany the effort to KEEP SLAVES in their place - as terrorized, brutalized, DISPOSABLE, chattel...
as a commodity no better than beasts of burden, which are SLAUGHTERED and butchered when they have outlived their strength and are no longer useful to their owners....
just as worn out and no longer useful slaves were worked, starved, or tortured to death at the whim of their masters...
see the brutal "100% 'turnover' of slaves every 3 years" in the brutal sugar plantations of the Caribbean during the 17th through 19th centuries...
Just about every single assertion in this below Judeophilic wiki paragraph discussing Jewish participation in the global SLAVE TRADE is patently and provably false...
and, indeed, directly contradicted later in the same wiki article!
Historically some Jewish people owned and traded slaves.[3] Several scholarly works [??!!] have been published[4] to REBUT the antisemitic canard of Jewish DOMINATION of the slave trade in Medieval Europe, Africa, and/or the Americas,[5][6][7][8] and that Jews had no major or continuing impact on the history of New World slavery.[7][8][9][10] They possessed far fewer slaves than non-Jews in every Spanish territory in North America and the Caribbean [well... Spain never tolerated many non-Spaniards in their New World colonies in the first place... this is a "fact" that proves nothing!], and in no period did they play a leading role as financiers, shipowners, or factors in the transatlantic or Caribbean slave trades.[11]
[and this factoid is pure wishful thinking & speculation, too!]CONTRAST the above sentences... with the below paragraphs from the same wiki article,
including ROYAL GRANTS that in some cases probably amounted to LEGAL MONOPOLIES on the trade in slaves controlled by the Jews !!
Post-Talmud to 1800s
Jewish slaves and masters
In the middle ages Jews were minimally involved [A CLEARLY MISLEADING WORD inserted here - see below!] in slave trade.[3] Christian leaders, including Pope Gregory the Great (served 590-604), objected to Jewish ownership of Christian slaves, due to concerns about conversion to Judaism and the Talmudic mandate to circumcise slaves.[72] The first prohibition of Jews owning Christian slaves was made by Constantine I in the 4th century. The prohibition was repeated by subsequent councils - Fourth Council of Orléans (541), Paris (633), Fourth Council of Toledo (633), the Synod of Szabolcs (1092) extended the prohibition to Hungary, Ghent (1112), Narbonne (1227), Béziers (1246). It was part of Saint Benedict's rule that Christian slaves were not to serve Jews.[73]A Jewish slave trader being presented to Boleslas of Bohemia
Despite the prohibition Jewish participation in slave trading during the Middle Ages existedto some extent. Jews were the chief traders in the segment of Christian slaves at some epochs[34] and played a significant role in the slave trade in some regions.[74]According to other sources, Medieval Christians greatly exaggerated the supposed Jewish control over trade and finance, and became obsessed with alleged Jewish plots to enslave, convert, or sell non-Jews. Most European Jews lived in poor communities on the margins of Christian society; they continued to suffer most of the legal disabilities associated with slavery.[75] Jews participated in routes that had been created by Christians or Muslimsbut rarely created new trading routes.[74] [Jews will be the first to tell you that they existed long before Christians or Moslems... and so did those slave routes!]
During the Middle Ages, Jews acted as slave-traders in Slavonia[76] North Africa,[34] Baltic States,[77] Central and Eastern Europe,[74] Spain and Portugal,[34][74] and Mallorca[78]
The most significant Jewish involvement in the slave-trade was in Spain and Portugal during the 10th to 15th centuries.[34][74]
Jewish participation in the slave trade was recorded as beginning in the 5th century, when Pope Gelasius permitted Jews to introduce slaves from Gaul into Italy, on the condition that they were non-Christian.[79]
In the 8th century, Charlemagne (ƒ 768-814) explicitly allowed Jews to act as intermediaries in the slave trade.[80]
In the 10th century, Spanish Jews traded in Slavonian slaves, whom the Caliphs of Andalusia purchased to form their bodyguards.[80]
In Bohemia, Jews purchased these Slavonian slaves for exportation to Spain and the west of Europe.[80]
William the Conqueror brought Jewish slave-traders with him from Rouen to England in 1066.[70]
At Marseilles in the 13th century, there were two Jewish slave-traders, as opposed to seven
Christians.[81] [almost 25% of SLAVE TRADERS were JEWS... and, with their Hebrew language and Judeo faith, the Jewish slave traders clearly had TIES to OTHER JEWISH SLAVE TRADERS ALL OVER the medieval world, from west Africa to the Mideast to the Black Sea to England!]
Middle Ages historical records from the 9th century describe two routes by which Jewish slave-dealers carried slaves from west to east and from east to west.[79] According to Abraham ibn Yakub, Byzantine Jewish merchants bought Slavs from Prague to be sold as slaves. Similarly, the Jews of Verdun, around the year 949, purchased slaves in their neighborhood and sold them in Spain.[82]
Jews continued to own slaves during the 16th through 18th centuries, and ownership practices were still governed by Biblical and Talmudic laws.[22] Myriad Hebrew and other sources indicate that owning slaves—particularly women of Slavic origin—was uniquely prevalent during this period among the Jewish households of the urban centres of the Ottoman Empire.[83]
this last sentence is the most revealing - and damning - of the whole lot! And indicates that JEWS in cosmopolitan, urban, and trade-savvy Constantinople OWNED WHITE SLAVES for CENTURIES....
and indeed Jewish households considered that they were ENTITLED to OWN SLAVES for all centuries with the exception of the 150 years since Lincoln and the Union Army outlawed slavery in the United States (and similar statutes outlawing slavery were enacted in most of Europe)
THOSE WHO PROFIT from the BRUTALITY, MASS-MURDER, and TERRORISM inherent in slavery and the SLAVE TRADE... have NO cause to whine & wail when they get a taste of their own cruel medicine!