Saturday, April 25, 2009

RUSH LIMBAUGH Exposed as a LYING, BLOVIATING, UN-AMERICA hate-monger! PIRACY survivor lashes the would-be demagogue....

"UN-AMERICAN" Limbaugh -
Freed American Pirate Hostage Shane Murphy Slams "Disgusting" Rush Limbaugh...

Shane Murphy, one of the American Hostages kidnapped by Somali pirates boarding a US merchant ship off the Somalia coast, who was FREED from the Somali pirates' captivity by US Navy operations, slams Right-Wing HATE RADIO DEMAGOGUE _Rush Limbaugh_ for Limbaugh's "Disgusting" use of the SOMALIA PIRACY HIJACKINGS of US MERCHANT sailors story, as a RACE ISSUE to blast the Obama White House....

We here at MediaWhoresUSA could spend EVERY day that RUSH LIMBAUGH is on air, DISSECTING and TAKING APART his SERIAL LIES, and COWARDLY sense of ENTITLEMENT...
the ENTITLEMENT of a man who makes HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars per year feasting on the corpse of America's Constitutional rights & freedoms, WHINING and CRYING about PAYING TAXES, even as he IGNORES the plight of US Iraq & Afghan war PTSD Veterans DENIED full & extensive health-care and psychological rehabilitation during the Bush-Cheney years, as Limbaugh harangues his modern version of "SLAVE PLANTATION OWNERS OWN THE United States, the US government, and the WORLD" entitlement.

Shane Murphy, Freed Pirate Hostage, Slams "Disgusting" Rush Limbaugh
by Arthur DeLaney,

April 24, 2009

Shane Murphy, second-in-command aboard the ship seized by Somali pirates this month, is happy to be home. But he's not happy to be sharing turf with land-lubber Rush Limbaugh, who politicized the pirate affair by referring to the pirates as "black teenagers."

"It feels great to be home," said Murphy in an interview with WCBV in Boston. "It feels like everyone around here has my back, with the exception of Rush Limbaugh, who is trying to make this into a race issue...that's disgusting."

Limbaugh made the remark to suggest why President obama might have appeared preoccupied at church on the day of the operation to rescue the ship's captain, who was taken hostage by the pirates until Navy SEAL snipers shot them in a daring rescue effort.

"He was worried about the order he had given to wipe out three teenagers on the high seas," Limbaugh said. "Black Muslim teenagers."

"You gotta get with us or against us here, Rush," Murphy said. "The president did the right thing...It's a war.... It's about good versus evil. And what you said is evil. It's hate speech. I won't tolerate it."

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